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Blender texturing: making a UV that forgot what a straght line is

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I made a lovely little jet engine model, but now Im trying to texture it. When I unwrap my UV, instead of getting a nice orderly set up to color with my crayons, I get this astranged spiralling shape (in my picture) and I cant get it to straghten out.

Note that I do have seams marked, and the top\'n bottm are just not showen. they did unwrap...

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  Kerbalnaut said:

Err, im a newb, but i think you need to align the uv to the parts axis. Theres a button somewhere. I dont know, ask Tiberion.

Hmm.... not quite sure what you mean.... and I dont think that would work.... But thanks for trying :)

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  kockaspiton said:

Try Cylinder projection -> Align to object.

Still not perfect, but it mostly worked. thanks :D

EDIT: well now I exported it, and the the whole texture is invisible, minus a little ornge nose cone thats half transparent..... help me....?

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Unwrap it one section at a time. Even expensive fancy tools have a problem guessing what your part should look like when properly unwrapped.

For a quick example if I were to unwrap a cylinder I would first grab all of the faces that make up the vertical walls and unwrap them. Then I would grab the top face and bottom face and unwrap them second. The logic applies to even the most complicated geometries.

It appears you have marked your seams reasonably well so you\'re on the right track.

To get your unwrapped faces back go into edit mode and select all (press A). The faces that you do not have selected are hidden.

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Thank you for your help. I did do single sections, but what I ment by it mostly working is that some of the parts (the top cones iner section) just didnt like unwraping. They came out wonky but good enough for a single color texture. Now to make better textures.....

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  AdmiralStewart said:

Another thing that can have a significant impact on unwraps is the view you\'re in. Press 1, 3, or 7 to gave the other views a try.

Well, I did my final out put and put it in KSP. Looks great, for a solid colored part. Now to figure out cgf files, and to make it a better texture.

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