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Silent Update or how I lost my best Kerbal because of Microsoft...


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[quote name='CliftonM']They destroyed debug.exe. I cannot write boot loaders to floppy disks anymore. :mad::confused::mad::confused::mad::confused::(:(:(:(:(;.;[/QUOTE]

Dude, don't get me started... remember when they took away our beloved edlin?
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[quote name='MGCJerry']..."Sit down, shut up and do as I say not what you think I should do." I'm a tweaker and power user too, and people like us seem to have been forgotten. I still run a ton of commands and can still navigate a computer faster with a keyboard than a mouse (touchscreens are a bane to me, and feel incredibly slow)...[/QUOTE]

I am forwarding your post to my landlord (77) and the kids around here (late-teens/early 20s) who laugh every time I say almost exactly the same thing. My particular line is, "stop trying to be helpful and do what you're told". All consumer OS developers do the same thing though; keep hiding or disabling all the features that experts really need so the twitface people can't screw anything up too badly. That they still screw things up pretty badly, and it's now much harder for us to fix again, is not a problem for the developers. It would be nice if the 'professional' versions of any of these OSs actually had professional functionality, instead of just a bigger pricetag and more sharing options. Linux doesn't have the same problem generally because it's aimed at and used by people who know what they're doing (or heavily rely on someone who does).

For me, XP was the last Microsoft OS that had the professional/ease of use right but, yeah, 7 is not at all bad. New computer next year and I'll probably live with 10 on it and finally get around to changing this machine to Linux.

As for debug.exe ...
[Running a business-training course on spreadsheets (Supercalc IIRC), get to graphs, hoorah pretty pictures on final afternoon, instruct group to press <whatever>, blank looks. Call it coffee time and spend mine on the phone to support, being talked through patching with debug.exe on 14 machines]
TL;DR been there.
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[quote name='ExaltedDuck']I didn't like windows 8. So I installed Mint. I like Mint.[/QUOTE]

the biggest problem with linux is that you end up spending all your time operating the system, and no time at all using that system to run the software you actually want to run.

i put 100 man hours into my raspberry pi tablet just trying to install a wifi adapter (which seems to have no pre-compiled arm compatible driver anywhere) to work. the problem remains unsolved and the device is unpowered on a shelf somewhere. though i did come to the conclusion that my power supply is lacking (needs more cells, also i need to re-print some parts of the case to make room for a 3rd cell, also speaker holes). running out of power in the middle of a long series of commands sucks. Edited by Nuke
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