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VTOL-Dropship Buster


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Sector 7 Space Laboratories VTOL Division - Buster




Craft Assembly
12 Whiplash Engines, Intakes 4 Circular 6 Radial, 7 Inline Sablizers, 8 I-Beams, 8 Structual Pylons

This is an Experimental Craft, very slugish, it's a weight thing. Due to Squads Budget Cuts for a new facility Buster and other Craft facilities have had many layoffs and had to move. The project was canned for new builds, it's been a bitter sweet for us but Sector 7 Space Laboratories will continue with new crafts and designs to regain it's lost employees bringing the family back together once again.
(No Warranties, Fly at Your Own Risk)

Flight Operations:
Engage RCS and SAS, throttle up to full then press spacebar for the Lift Engines to engage and a second time for the Port, Starboard and Rear Engines. When Landing use the downward thrusters to help control your descent.
Note: Use at least one pilot to control the craft the remote control will not give correct control, most all of our Dropships and VTOL crafts are designed this way.

Flight Controls
1-Lift Engines
2-Rear Engines
3-Vertical Landing Lights
4-Runway Lights

Craft File

Edited by castille7
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OOH! That looks great, and I love the custom landing legs. GJ man!

There are a fair few antenna parts there, no lag issues with them? They are a massive resource hog.

Man I love a good dropship. Such a cool concept. The more I look at this the more detail I see. Edited by Majorjim
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[quote name='selfish_meme']Does it work in 1.05?[/QUOTE]

Not sure, I am finishing up on some 1.0.4 crafts that I left lingering in the SPH and was also working on the Elcano Challenge which I just completed. I picked the worst time to do that Challenge because everyone is having fun in 1.0.5 and I hadn't updated yet! ;.;

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[quote name='Majorjim']OOH! That looks great, and I love the custom landing legs. GJ man!

There are a fair few antenna parts there, no lag issues with them? They are a massive resource hog.

Man I love a good dropship. Such a cool concept. The more I look at this the more detail I see.[/QUOTE]

The antenna parts might be what is causing the lag problems. I guess it's either style or Lag for some builds? Edited by castille7
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