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[SPOILERS] MUN's north pole, glitch or intentional?


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As I\'m very intimate with the KGSS maps, the existance of pyramids seemed bizarre, yet the screenshot is real. It does look like a graphics glitch but who\'s to know if that was intended or not? The OP doesn\'t say what version they\'re using so it\'s not clear if it\'s in v15.2. I guess the only realy way to find out is to send out a KGSS expedition. :)

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Darn, spoke too soon. Sorry, Stevenator. Not one page over from this topic is an entire thread devoted to the measurements and rationale behind these arches. The general current idea is that they are a collision mesh testbed, though there are more than one, leading me to believe thay are an easter egg. According to the rather vague info on one post, it has come to my understanding that there are at least two; one on either side of the nearside portion of the moon. So this may information may help you find them. Godspeed, Stevenator.


/ \

----> I I <------


Fail Mun FTW!!!!

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The Muninator IV is back, with definitive evidence of this pyramid.

It is only on a 21 degree slope though. So I\'m probably going to go with graphics glitch.

Sorry about the bad lighting, I never installed headlights on the Mininator IV.


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Well, it looks like they\'ve changed the terrain, and it now looks even more interesting. I must return.

I have three spam in a can orbiting right now (saved game, been busy with work & house repairs this week) looking for artifacts. I guess I need to get back to them and do some landing, and looking at, stuff. Got a rover on the flight, so I will be able to explore more than one area.

This game just never ever gets old. Always something new to look at or figure out. Fraking LOVE it!

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I actually landed on the Munar north pole to get ready for my Minmus landing using mechjeb, and when I got to this area my mechjeb froze and tried landing anyway... the slide didn\'t end well with the entire thing falling into pieces at the bottom of it.

This might be due to the rapid changing in the heading. All the navigation swaps the directions when you start getting really close to the pole. You can easily see this if you make an orbit passing from the north or south poles of the mun. You will see that even the camera is changing directions.

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This might be due to the rapid changing in the heading. All the navigation swaps the directions when you start getting really close to the pole. You can easily see this if you make an orbit passing from the north or south poles of the mun. You will see that even the camera is changing directions.

Then no wonder my screen gets all jerky and I end up with MML (Manual Munar Landing). That is pretty weird though, and I never thought of it that way, the Mun being so small and still having a magnetic field to affect the navball in a mind-confusing way.

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Said I was going to take the Vulcan to the Mun. I did it.

Just landed on the North Pole at the Mun. Holy crap... Look at this terrain!!




Vincent, are you sure that is the exact north pole? I remember that rough rocky terrain NEAR the north pole, but I remember exactly at the north pole there was a perfectly rectangular pyramid, standing at about 21 degrees on each face.

In other news - I re-outfitted the Muninator IV with headlamps. I\'m doing another launch to put some light on the situation.

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I saw the pyramid many times as I mapped it with my orbital surveyor last night. The pyramid does exist. It is at the exact North Pole and it looks like a graphics glitch. I say this because there are similar pyramids near both poles where the \'skin\' has been stitched together causing these mismatched joins. The pyramid at the NP is exactly the same as those other pyramids. Whether SQUAD is aware of this and if they left it intentionally is another question. :)

I suspect the Munar techtonic plates were pushed together with such force that these odd geographic formations were created. That would suggest a liquid core - or a liquid crust - at some time in Mun\'s history. Perhaps still so ...

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It\'s caused by distortions on the heightmap. The Mun uses a combination of procedural terrain and a heightmap to control it, but since you\'re wrapping a rectangular texture onto a sphere, there\'s distortion at the poles. Minmus is fully procedural, and has no such distortion.

Rectangular texture can fit perfectly fine on a sphere with no distortion. It just needs to be counter-distorted within the map... which isn\'t really all that hard.

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I suspect the Munar techtonic plates were pushed together with such force that these odd geographic formations were created. That would suggest a liquid core - or a liquid crust - at some time in Mun\'s history. Perhaps still so ...


I\'m sorry for the capslock swearing rant, but there is a reference there.

And yeah.. That reference, for those of you (all of you) that don\'t get it:

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That didn\'t exactly help me... Changed how?

Vincent\'s pic of the terrain looks totally different than mine. The pyramids you see in my pics are from 0.14 (I think) and extend quite a ways off from the central point. When I was last there, it looked as if someone had intentionally placed like a series of 'spokes' radiating out from the pole.

I just have to go back to see what is really up. The Mun looks like it was re-done between 0.14 and 0.15 and I have not fully re-explored it.

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I lost 2 ships trying to land on the north pole, so I decided to go for the south pole. Took some pictures of my journey. Had a soft landing, but my landing gear caused the lander to bounce over on its side and disintegrate. Luckily the rover survived the impact. After taking off back to Kerbin I noticed some weirdly deep craters. Heres the photo album: http://imgur.com/a/VynTC#0

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I lost 2 ships trying to land on the north pole, so I decided to go for the south pole. Took some pictures of my journey. Had a soft landing, but my landing gear caused the lander to bounce over on its side and disintegrate. Luckily the rover survived the impact. After taking off back to Kerbin I noticed some weirdly deep craters. Heres the photo album: http://imgur.com/a/VynTC#0


New mission for me: land in one of the really deep craters.

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