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Forum Migration Nov 27th!


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[quote name='Gaiiden']
The one thing I look forward to most is not having the entire forum marked read every time I visit. That was a pain. Tracking things will be much easier.

This is the thing I came to ask about.
Did not see any other posts as of yet relating to this, but will the new forums track read/unread threads/posts as opposed to just keeping a 'last visited' date and assuming you read everything every time you visit?

That will make is so much easier to check things on the forums(like checking the status of a mod or checking for responses to a posting), without needing to read every message on every thread I have an interest in lest I miss one.

Aside form that, my only concern is regarding external links still being able to find something useful when they are followed.
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[quote name='*Aqua*']almost all maximize the foreground window.


Not utilizing all of the width is a common thing[/QUOTE]

I'll be the first admit that it's late at night and I may be slightly slow on the uptake but I cannot see how the first equals the second.

If "almost [everyone] maximizes the foreground window" then surely "utilizing all of the width" is common i.e almost everyone does it. If I maximise the window, then I am utilising all of the width. With my 1080p 27" moniter, 99% of web pages are maximised and thus utilise all the width..

Even ignoring the KSP forums, I always have my web browser maximised which leaves no gaps anywhere .i.e. utilises all my screen width..
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Aqua is saying that it's common for [i]sites[/i] to not utilize the full width of the screen/browser window.
(Which, if most desktop users do maximize it - as you and I do - is a problem and/or a waste... but I suspect that the site creators are thinking in terms of mobile viewers, not desktop.)
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For archival and reminiscence, here is a full image of the forums at full swing:
[spoiler=Large image]
Compare that to the new forums.
We'll never forget you, good ol' vBulletin ;.;
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[quote name='ObsessedWithKSP']I'll be the first admit that it's late at night and I may be slightly slow on the uptake but I cannot see how the first equals the second.

If "almost [everyone] maximizes the foreground window" then surely "utilizing all of the width" is common i.e almost everyone does it. If I maximise the window, then I am utilising all of the width. With my 1080p 27" moniter, 99% of web pages are maximised and thus utilise all the width..[/QUOTE]

I think the idea is that actually using all of the width can make it difficult to read. If you have a widescreen monitor, then having text run all of the way across the screen will require more head/eye shifting.

I'm not really sure that I buy that, it seems like something that would only be an issue with larger monitors, 27" or above, and most people seem to be on smaller monitors or using laptops, where screens are never really that wide. And even if it does reduce head and eye movement it increases hand movement by making you scroll more.

Regardless of the reason, not using the entire width seems to be the standard for websites designed for reading (as opposed to shopping, streaming sites, or um... forums).

And have there been any images of actual forum posts using the new site, not just the forum listing? The current site doesn't exactly make much use of horizontal space outside of actual posts, the edges expand, but there is pretty much always a huge gap running right down the middle if the window is maximized. So really it just shifts the wasted space to the middle.

Actual forum posts are another story though, so it would be nice to know how they are handled. Edited by DMagic
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[quote name='zekes']Hello all.

Given the fact that the RB thread is being killed off, a large part of my KSP career is being outright deleted in the form of the hundreds of pages of communications and friendships that I will not be able to save. I can restart Zokesia but it won't be the same because I won't have the history behind me, and I honestly take the deletion of the forum as a personal attack, and therefore I will no longer be active on the KSP forums at all. I Will still build craft and share them on the KSP reddit, KSP facebook thread, my new Kerbal Roleplay ([URL="http://kerbalworld.lefora.com/"]http://kerbalworld.lefora.com[/URL]), and anywhere else people want to see my craft. But the forums are dead to me, the moderators have given me no reason for me to stay here because my home has been ripped up and thrown out as worthless trash.

If the moderators delete this, I allready understand that I don't matter to you.

Signing off for the last time,

[B][SIZE=7][FONT=courier new]Zekes[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][SIZE=1]
CEO and founder of Zokesia Skunkworks.[/SIZE][/QUOTE]

[B]You see this, mods?[/B] zekes, a longtime member of the KSP community, has left, all because you think the easiest way to make the KSP forums slightly more compact is to nuke all of RB. SQUAD and the forum overseers will never understand that some people have a real emotional connection to the RB. Edited by Sanic
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[quote name='Sanic'][B]You see this, mods?[/B] zekes, a longtime member of the KSP community, has left, all because you think the easiest way to make the KSP forums slightly more compact is to nuke all of RB. SQUAD and the forum overseers will never understand that some people have a real emotional connection to the RB.[/QUOTE]

I think that this is exactly the sort of thing they're trying to [i]prevent[/i] - people getting way too emotionally invested about [i]a forum[/i] (that they have to moderate) about [i]a game[/i], and acting out in ways that affect lots of other players.
It's not so much about making things compact as in getting rid of stuff that, as we've seen time and again and are seeing [i]right now[/i], people flip the **** out about.
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[quote name='Archgeek']I see BB code won't be supported in new posts...will there be some analogue in functionality to spoiler tags? Lacking an imgur account I've found them very useful when posting images.[/QUOTE]

All we have right now (Unless I missed something) is what [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/140126-Forum-Migration-Nov-27th!?p=2307467&viewfull=1#post2307467"]KasperVld said here[/URL] (at the bottom).

[quote name='KasperVld']The markup support in the editor I'm not sure of, I'll have to dig deeper for information on that.[/QUOTE]
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[quote name='TMS']Could somebody comment on why Blogs will be removed, given that IPB has that functionality?

Ideally, can the explanation be added to the OP?


And why the blog content is not at least preserved in a read-only area. As a blog consumer I'm worried that useful information is lost, because the author is no longer interested or has no time to carry it over. It may still be of interest to hundreds of readers.
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I've roleplayed i KSP from my first launch.

Which is a bit odd since it's a single player game.

I do understand how my RP could have created all kind of mayhem and annoyance for our heroic mods.

But I'm Swedish and we already know how fantastic we are so I've never had any reason to write about it.
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I'm just glad that you're holding roleplaying away from we plebeians. We are all too foolish to handle the responsibility that comes with it, so it's fortunate that you're able to step in and intervene before any of us idiots get hurt.

After all, it would be awful if people were to play games on a game forum. We might start mistaking fiction from reality if we were to indulge in even the slightest interaction with it. It's why I also prefer not to play Kerbal Space Program - I simply can't trust myself to avoid believing that I am a green man living on Kerbin, and I believe many others like me feel the same way. Edited by Holo
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Still will be a problem for me... I don't have any subscriptions .... all I have done Is bookmarked all interesting threads ... one for the OP and one for where I am currently at reading them. (using tab outliner to keep them up to date)

I have about 200 +- a few threads bookmarked. Will be a pain to find them in the new forum.
Hope that at least some redirect methods will be applied that brings you from old to new URL. (CKAN also will be totally broken if not ... at least for quite some time)
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I am glad of the change.
I understand those ones that fells that SQUAD is taking something away from them. But it's not OUR forum, we are just part of it.

I am a sysadmin and I support the idea of migrating. I understand the difficulties of having old software and keep it running smoothly. The security issues are really a concern. Sometimes it's a headache just keep things working in a world where the only constant is change. Everything needs to change and everything will change eventually. So embrace it. Fight it just make the thing worse.

Go ahead squad. In a matter of months nobody will miss the old forum, we just will be remembering it in a nostalgic way.



PS: Maybe keep all the desingns and ideas of Rocketbuilder in a separate read-only thread is not a bad idea. I just don't know if it can be done without a large amount of effort.
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[quote name='ezequielandrush']I am glad of the change.
I understand those ones that fells that SQUAD is taking something away from them. But it's not OUR forum, we are just part of it.

I am a sysadmin and I support the idea of migrating. I understand the difficulties of having old software and keep it running smoothly. The security issues are really a concern. Sometimes it's a headache just keep things working in a world where the only constant is change. Everything needs to change and everything will change eventually. So embrace it. Fight it just make the thing worse.

Go ahead squad. In a matter of months nobody will miss the old forum, we just will be remembering it in a nostalgic way.



PS: Maybe keep all the desingns and ideas of Rocketbuilder in a separate read-only thread is not a bad idea. I just don't know if it can be done without a large amount of effort.[/QUOTE]

I understand what you're saying about the technical issues but I must disagree with your second sentence. We are not simply part of the forum - without us there wouldn't [I]be[/I] a forum, merely a collection of placeholder entries on Squad's website.
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