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Forum Migration Nov 27th!


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Just finished an hour reading this thread...I'd seen the notice at the top for some time but never clicked until today when for whatever reason I decided to. I'd never been to the RB thread before...visited the spacecraft exchange, but now that I've discovered the RB thread, I'm sad to hear it's going and even more discouraged at the reason for it going.
I'm an outsider looking in on all this at the 11th hour but from my armchair general position it seems silly for squad to kill RB just because they have a silly rule about no role playing. If roleplaying members get mean or rude or out of hand, chop down the tree, NOT the forest.
It's a shame to exclude and alienate members who contribute their time and energy to make the game better, if they want to pretend their the CEO of a fictional company that makes kickass parts for a great game...what's the harm?? seriously. But it's your game and your company to do with as you will....I now understand why members have been "Banned" and have resigned from the forums. Edited by Lazy8
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Kasper, all the reasons you mention for migrating are possible in vBulletin as well. What I see is that you are dumping more useful content than we are getting in return. Seems like a lot of work for just a different software package that does the same thing. Moving to other software means all the attachments will be broken, old smileys will revert to bbcode etc. Been there, done that, got the migrane.
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I remember this happening (unintentionally) about a year or so ago, I think they called it the "great coffee spill of 2013" during the last upgrade transition. Good luck with this update, hopefully you won't have the same headaches as the last one.
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[quote name='Robotengineer']Are articles going to be transferred?[/QUOTE]

No, unfortunately not, but it is encouraged to repost any articles you might have written in an appropriate subforum :) We will also be able to provide the content of blogs to the writers for a period after the transfer.

[quote name='322997am']Wait so no kerbal emojis?????????!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Kerbal emojis remain.
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[quote name='DuoDex']No, unfortunately not, but it is encouraged to repost any articles you might have written in an appropriate subforum :) We will also be able to provide the content of blogs to the writers for a period after the transfer.

So we're losing every article on the development of KSP....Seriously?? That's tons of information from the developers just getting deleted?
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[quote name='RocketPilot573']Welp. It looks the end is nigh for this version of the forums. I sincerely hope all goes well... No crashes or derps this time, ok?

See you all on the other side! :D[/QUOTE]

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

My profile goes black in honor of vBulletin
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[quote name='Endersmens']So we're losing every article on the development of KSP....Seriously?? That's tons of information from the developers just getting deleted?[/QUOTE]
Quick, someone more dedicated than me, document it on something that won't be changed!
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[quote name='Robotengineer']To the Wayback Machine! ASAP![/QUOTE]
Already done:
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If I understand correctly... I don't understand why Squad won't preserve / transfer its own historical articles and blogs to IPS. Can't these existing forums be preserved under a different URL, in read-only mode for our search-and-linking posterity? Apparently only mods will have access for some indeterminate period, but much gnashing of teeth over lost history would be spared, if Squad's server could afford the storage.
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[quote name='basic.syntax']If I understand correctly... I don't understand why Squad won't preserve / transfer its own historical articles and blogs to IPS. Can't these existing forums be preserved under a different URL, in read-only mode for our search-and-linking posterity? Apparently only mods will have access for some indeterminate period, but much gnashing of teeth over lost history would be spared, if Squad's server could afford the storage.[/QUOTE]

They're already erasing one part of the history, why would they care about another?
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