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Forum Migration Nov 27th!


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[quote name='kmMango'] [COLOR=#333333]I might get banned for this, but since SQUAD is intent on destroying so many people's work, IDGAF.

[/COLOR][COLOR=#333333]I know the Rocket Builders section has had problems. I won't point fingers, because at some point, everyone in that section, including myself, has done some sort of roleplaying. However, we haven't had any incidents in nearly a year. Most of us just want to build things, and enjoy the collaboration of working in a group. Like any group, there were a few bad eggs. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=#333333]I know that my voice has no meaning to them. Heck, after the past few days, I don't think any of the Rocket Builders have a voice anymore. The writing is on the wall, and I doubt anything can change it. So, to any mods or staff members who see this, I have one thing to say: I hope you're happy. You have alienated several upstanding community members, people who have been kind and helpful on this forum for years, people who loved KSP and this forum with a passion I have never seen; your actions have driven them away for good, and angered many more by showing them that their voices are meaningless. I know it's your forum at the end of the day, and I understand that you can manage it as you wish; but please, don't push so many away for the actions of a few.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#333333]I have loved this forum from the day I logged in. The community here is the kindest, most brilliant group I have ever been part of. I love it here, but I cannot abide what is being done. I will not beg or plead for the Rocket Builders to be saved, but if this plan is implemented, know that it will tarnish the image of SQUAD permanently, both in my eyes and the eyes of many others.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

It's literally just the discontinuation of a low-activity subforum. You can make another thread in the Spacecraft Exchange and continue life normally, so long as you stay away from role-play drama. That's it. It's less work for Kasper/Badie/the mods, and it'll liven up the Spacecraft Exchange. Edited by sumghai
Fixed quote
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I just now have a rather good question to ask: Can you allow people to send you craft files to put up on your thread?
in other words, allow for one to post a craft made by someone else with the designer's permission.
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I'm not worried. I just empathize with a few friends whose companies are being wiped out. I have already preserved my work, but there are many who can't.

Zucal, do you have any threads you are fond of? A craft, a story or video, or even just a really funny discussion that you like to look at from time to time? Now imagine that being lost, times a hundred.

Craft files can be reposted, that isn't the issue. It's the months of laughter, comraderie, and frustration being lost that concern them.
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[QUOTE][COLOR=#333333]Zucal, do you have any threads you are fond of? A craft, a story or video, or even just a really funny discussion that you like to look at from time to time? Now imagine that being lost, times a hundred.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

Screenshot the discussions. Download the crafts. Bookmark the videos. Copy your threads. Ta-da.
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[quote name='Zucal']Screenshot the discussions. Download the crafts. Bookmark the videos. Copy your threads. Ta-da.[/QUOTE]

That's what many are trying to do. They just don't have time. Archiving 200 pages takes a lot of time.
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[QUOTE][COLOR=#333333]That's what many are trying to do. They just don't have time. Archiving 200 pages takes a lot of time.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

Then it's a good thing there'll be an archive of the subforum for a while following the switchover, isn't it? :)
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Your voice does have meaning... but perhaps not the one you intend.
You and everyone else who is speaking out against this change because you are emotionally invested in your sub-community are demonstrating its necessity. They don't [i]want[/i] you to be this invested - because it ends up causing problems, for them, for you, for other forum users.

I'm proud of some of my accomplishments in this game. I've documented them, been complimented for some of them, and taken what I consider to be prudent steps to preserve and back them up. But if despite all that, I were to lose everything but the memories... it would hurt, but I would go on with my life. Because I have to, and have before, in the face of similar losses (HD crashes, games and forums closing up forever, etc).

Nothing lasts forever. In ten years, you may not even be playing anymore, or remember the people who you counted as your best forum buds. In a hundred, you and everyone you know will likely be dead.
Understand and accept the ephemerality of experience, and treasure what you have, while you have it. Because it [i]will[/i] go away, or be taken from you. To be human, to be mortal, is to experience loss.
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[quote name='Commander Zoom']Your voice does have meaning... but perhaps not the one you intend.
You and everyone else who is speaking out against this change because you are emotionally invested in your sub-community are demonstrating its necessity. They don't [I]want[/I] you to be this invested - because it ends up causing problems, for them, for you, for other forum users.

I'm proud of some of my accomplishments in this game. I've documented them, been complimented for some of them, and taken what I consider to be prudent steps to preserve and back them up. But if despite all that, I were to lose everything but the memories... it would hurt, but I would go on with my life. Because I have to, and have before, in the face of similar losses (HD crashes, games and forums closing up forever, etc).

Nothing lasts forever. In ten years, you may not even be playing anymore, or remember the people who you counted as your best forum buds. In a hundred, you and everyone you know will likely be dead.
Understand and accept the ephemerality of experience, and treasure what you have, while you have it. Because it [I]will[/I] go away, or be taken from you. To be human, to be mortal, is to experience loss.[/QUOTE]
Finally someone who can think :D
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True, and yet I still breath despite knowing that entropy is inevitable and all I am doing is juggling it around. Wanting to avoid loss is human. I accept I will eventually die, but I continue to live, at least for now. The past is known to us, our future always ends in the same spot; the only thing we control is what's in between. Edited by kmMango
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[QUOTE][COLOR=#333333]*facepalm* just saw the OP. I apologize for being so incredibly stupid. I know a few people who would be happy to hear that.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#333333]Thanks, Zucal. Pardon my idiocy. I was debating on a nonexistent issue.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

No problem!
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[quote name='BlueCanary']Also while we have such useless imgur embeds putting in big pictures seems like the only option for me, the albums are tiny on PC and don't even load half the time on my phone, so I find even massive pictures are a better option.[/QUOTE]

Light the fire under kasper then these new embeds are inadequate we shouldn't have changed 6 months ago especially without warning or feed back. The logic is that the old ones were going away but 6 months later they still work on different sites like kerbal stuff, and I can't find anything where imgur said they would actually turn the old ones off.

It's growing clearer that some one screwed up, misinterpreted imgurs changes, and jumped the gun, and we should change back to the old embeds [B]immediately[/B] not after some one "talks to imgur" about it. If they break then so be it these new ones are so useless we might as well be using hyper links any way. Old embeds or nothing I say.
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I saw [URL="https://www.invisionpower.com/ips4assets//images/features/apps/forums@2x.jpg"]a screenshot[/URL] of IP4 and it looks like one of those really obscure, ugly forums.

I hope it's good.
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[quote name='Lego8_bit']If we are doing a migration to a new forum im also expecting some lost accounts during the migrations how would we recover from that issue?[/QUOTE]
There's no reason to think any accounts will be lost. A test migration has already been completed, accounts transferred over successfully.

I see your join date and understand why you would be concerned, though. :)
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[quote name='Columbia']Is that bad? Does the number of responses affect you?[/QUOTE]Not bad. Just rather surprising. Doesn't affect me at all.

I suppose it is good in a way. Shows just how important the forum is to the players and how active it is.
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[quote name='spink00']I saw [URL="https://www.invisionpower.com/ips4assets//images/features/apps/forums@2x.jpg"]a screenshot[/URL] of IP4 and it looks like one of those really obscure, ugly forums.

I hope it's good.[/QUOTE]

You're being sarcastic right?
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Don't worry guys, it'll be all over soon.
Maybe it will be better, just maybe. Sure we won't have companies, but we can still post crafts together on the same thread (as noted in the update of this thread).

I just hope that the new forum will be better, not worse. Also, success in the transfer of accounts and info (including documentation).
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I see that too, RB should die, it's been dying anyway. But to have it just deleted isn't right. Archived for progeny is really all I want.

But I realize i sound selfish and emotional over what some people don't even consider to be relevant. I'm sorry. I forget that when I release craft they see me more than my company. I guess I am delusional.
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[quote name='zekes']I guess I am delusional.[/QUOTE]

In a sense all roleplaying is a denial of reality, and when taken to extremes can [i]become[/i] delusional - but you've taken this very well, in the end, so you can rest assured you aren't delusional. Doesn't mean you aren't disappointed, of course, and that hurts!
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I don't think you're delusional. I think you're very invested. You've put a [i]lot[/i] of time and thought into this project, and that deserves to be both acknowledged and preserved. I'm glad that it's going to be archived.

However, I fully understand and support the mods' desire to not have to deal with that level of emotional intensity and investment, or the [i]potential[/i] fallout (which has, in the past, caused [i]actual[/i] problems). It's not what they signed up for - just like I never signed up to be a counselor, father confessor, etc etc when I became the head of another fan community, but found myself in that position anyway, on more than one occasion. It wasn't comfortable for me, I didn't feel qualified, and I was relieved when I stepped down and it wasn't my responsibility anymore.
I would not want to be personally responsible for the happiness and self-esteem of the "CEO" and "employees" of a fictional aerospace company, and neither do they, IMO. That's not their job. Edited by Commander Zoom
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