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Decals; What will be in this category?


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That\'s genius.

Maybe even \'X days without deaths\'? That could measure days using the inbuilt computer clock, or could use Kerbin-days.

I think 'Seconds' is probably a better unit of measurement, going by my record....

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When I created my (sadly, seemingly now lost to the aether, unless someone out there still has a copy) VK Mass Simulator pack of big ol\' metal slugs that were there to test the payload capacity of a rocket, I included 'WARNING: REALLY FREAKIN\' HEAVY!' lettering around the top, since these parts were all at least as heavy as a stock boomcan.

Maybe some other jokey warning/instruction label decals would be appropriate, too?

Another fine example would be this *real* label on the aft mounting points on NASA\'s Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (the modified 747s used to ferry the Orbiters around):


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