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Zeke's Personal Craft Repository - Zokesia Skunkworks


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chill guys. just because people make mistakes doesnt mean you have to hate them.

He has good crafts (amazing crafts) that i can't even compare to.
Chill out.

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:l I think we can all do without the hostility.

Also, TBH, I've never actually downloaded one of your tanks. :P I think it's time I take a real look. :)

If I find that they're good (I most likely will) I'll report back with some positive comments.
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[quote name='Kozak']chill guys. just because people make mistakes doesnt mean you have to hate them.

He has good crafts (amazing crafts) that i can't even compare to.
Chill out.


Who hates them? I see he his popular and decided to test some of his "amazing craft". I just tested some of them, they don't work.

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[quote name='zekes']I literally just built the BT-7, it works fine along with the other two for me.[/QUOTE]

Sorry man, it does not work, I will post a video so you can see.

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[quote name='selfish_meme']Truth is he tells everyone how to build ;) it's just his way, he isn't being patronising. He has your best interest at heart. I know I reviewed one of your tanks for a Spacecraft Friday a while ago and it was impeccable.[/QUOTE]

I don't 'tell' anyone how to build.. I know the game, I know building in it, I just give advice. Please don't use inflammatory words Selfish.

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[quote name='Majorjim']
I don't 'tell' anyone how to build.. I know the game, I know building in it, I just give advice. Please don't use inflammatory words Selfish.

That was pretty much what I said, you were just giving advice. Sorry, wasn't trying to be inflammatory, I was trying to defuse some of the angst with a bit of humor.
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[quote name='Majorjim']It doesn't. Neither does the [B]M26-Pershing[/B] or the [B]BT-7 [/B]or the [B]IS-4D[/B].. Zekes, seriously I tried them, they broke themselves. They should be fixed and if you use the no offset mod you can massively reduce the part counts. You wont need all those cubic struts and other 'connect to' parts.[/QUOTE]

Was just messing around with these very craft doing some Blender importing testing. Normally I take craft for long test drives to have some fun with the various craft I'm rendering. These are not breaking for me. I'm even trying to do some wonky ramps off the various obstacles around the pad. I get some wobble in the turret after it has been released and occasionally what looks like an elevon gets stuck in the craft during the detachment process of the turret (on the M26) but so far nothing has gone boom. Even after a big ramp the whole craft kind of squishes but it keeps on trucking. Am I not doing something key to push the craft over the edge? I ask only to broaden my testing processes on some of my own craft I'd like to release someday. Edited by esinohio
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[quote name='Majorjim']Who hates them? I see he his popular and decided to test some of his "amazing craft". I just tested some of them, they don't work. [/QUOTE]

I tried the M-26 Pershing, other than having a part count and accidentally switching to a Bf 109 by the side of the runway while trying to operate the turret, it didn't break apart. It drove..

Has [I]a lot [/I]of parts for its size though.


[QUOTE][COLOR=#333333]I don't 'tell' anyone how to build.. I know the game, I know building in it, I just give advice. Please don't use inflammatory words Selfish.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

Selfish_meme was pretty clearly jesting.

How is that inflammatory?

Also, Zekes, have you ever considered making WWII aircraft?
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[quote name='Columbia']I tried the M-26 Pershing, other than having a part count and accidentally switching to a Bf 109 by the side of the runway while trying to operate the turret, it didn't break apart. It drove..

Has [I]a lot [/I]of parts for its size though.


Selfish_meme was pretty clearly jesting.

How is that inflammatory?

Also, Zekes, have you ever considered making WWII aircraft?[/QUOTE]

The [B][I][SIZE=4]turrets[/SIZE][/I][/B] are broken man, the only one that worked had a turret made by someone else, Jon144.
like I said I will make a video to show you, and seeing as the mechanisms for these broken turrets use a lot of parts, removing the turrets would make then actually enjoyable to drive around in. or just replace Zeke's non working turrets with Jon144's working one.

It's a sensible solution. I will test his other craft too. Edited by Majorjim
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[quote name='Majorjim']The [B][I][SIZE=4]turrets[/SIZE][/I][/B] are broken man, the only one that worked had a turret made by someone else, Jon144.
like I said I will make a video to show you, and seeing as the mechanisms for these broken turrets use a lot of parts, removing the turrets would make then actually enjoyable to drive around in. or just replace Zeke's non working turrets with Jon144's working one.

It's a sensible solution. I will test his other craft too.[/QUOTE]

The turrets on my tanks don't destroy their functionality. :l

If it's a simple clipping issue, it should be a quick fix.
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[quote name='andrew123']The turrets on my tanks don't destroy their functionality. :l

If it's a simple clipping issue, it should be a quick fix.[/QUOTE]

That is all I want to do. Is show how to improve them massively. I have a video here showing the issue with the turrets. The last tank, the Panther has a turret bearing made by Jon144 and is clearly shown working.


I will say, they all drive fine with care and with the turrets attached but all of them except Jon144s wobble around and can pop out when driving around detached.
Zekes, by removing the broken turret mechanism you can massively reduce the part counts, along with the no offset limit mod. That or just replace all the broken turrets with Jon144s working turret bearing.

I love the look of these tanks Zekes.
Oh I tested the two launchers you have and they both worked as advertised. The 1000t launcher has 5 center engines that cut out after a few seconds. Given the sheer size and power of the launcher it probably makes little to no difference.

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[quote name='Majorjim']That is all I want to do. Is show how to improve them massively. I have a video here showing the issue with the turrets. The last tank, the Panther has a turret bearing made by Jon144 and is clearly shown working.


I will say, they all drive fine with care and with the turrets attached but all of them except Jon144s wobble around and can pop out when driving around detached.
Zekes, by removing the broken turret mechanism you can massively reduce the part counts, along with the no offset limit mod. That or just replace all the broken turrets with Jon144s working turret bearing.

I love the look of these tanks Zekes.
Oh I tested the two launchers you have and they both worked as advertised. The 1000t launcher has 5 center engines that cut out after a few seconds. Given the sheer size and power of the launcher it probably makes little to no difference.


That's partly due to the extremely small profile and weight of the Panther turret compared to those on other tanks.

You can't just rip off a bearing designed for a light turret and attach a heavy turret on it. :l Unless you want to completely redesign elements of the bearing and the whole turret, it's not as effective as a new bearing.

I'm speaking from experience.

The larger the turret's contact area with the tank's deck becomes (and as it becomes heavier), there is no way to prevent occasional "cook offs" (turrets popping of the tank), or even the occasional pause. I can mitigate it using more SAS and smoothing out the contacts, but not much else. Also, we all have space restrictions and dimensional requirements for quasi replicas.

I'm still experimenting with other turret bearings to mitigate these issues. It's not easy to design them in KSP, as I'm sure you're well aware. Edited by andrew123
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[quote name='andrew123']That's partly due to the extremely small profile and weight of the Panther turret compared to those on other tanks.

You can't just rip off a bearing designed for a light turret and attach a heavy turret on it. :l Unless you want to completely redesign elements of the bearing and the whole turret, it's not as effective as a new bearing.

I'm speaking from experience.

The larger the turret's contact area with the tank's deck becomes (and as it becomes heavier), there is no way to prevent occasional "cook offs" (turrets popping of the tank), or even the occasional pause. I can mitigate it using more SAS and smoothing out the contacts, but not much else. Also, we all have space restrictions and dimensional requirements for quasi replicas.

I'm still experimenting with other turret bearings to mitigate these issues. It's not easy to design them in KSP, as I'm sure you're well aware.[/QUOTE]

I don't see how this is relevant. If you advertise a craft with a turret then it should work. Working bearings have been open knowledge on this forum for years. the design has been the same since the first.

Zekes has made a bearing that is not sufficient for the tanks he made, it takes lots of parts for something that does not work. They should be removed to save parts, or, put in Jon144s turret.

I bet I could put Jon144s working bearing into the Tiger with no issues at all. In fact I will do exactly that tomorrow. The aircraft wheel bearing is super strong dude, people use them in helicopters!

The weight of the turret is no issue at all. It is the bearing. Edited by Majorjim
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[quote name='Bubbadevlin']oh yea, stock bearings would make EVERYTHING easier, although I bet it will be hinges way before bearings, because hinges are actually used in satellites and stuff.[/QUOTE]

I too hope they do. We have done amazingly well with just stock parts but sometimes they don't work or are not at all practical.
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[quote name='Majorjim']That is all I want to do. Is show how to improve them massively. I have a video here showing the issue with the turrets. The last tank, the Panther has a turret bearing made by Jon144 and is clearly shown working.


I will say, they all drive fine with care and with the turrets attached but all of them except Jon144s wobble around and can pop out when driving around detached.
Zekes, by removing the broken turret mechanism you can massively reduce the part counts, along with the no offset limit mod. That or just replace all the broken turrets with Jon144s working turret bearing.

I love the look of these tanks Zekes.
Oh I tested the two launchers you have and they both worked as advertised. The 1000t launcher has 5 center engines that cut out after a few seconds. Given the sheer size and power of the launcher it probably makes little to no difference.


Oh i know the problem, The turrets are getting stuck on the body so you have to wobble the turrets to rotate them. I should go back and change the bearing, Jon144 is way better with it. I might hit him up about that.

Sorry about yesterday I'm very flustered and rather confused in life, that shouldn't carry over here.

It'll be a massive project but I'll work on updating most of the craft, I've updated the Panther (check it out now, DL should be new)
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[quote name='Majorjim']That is all I want to do. Is show how to improve them massively. I have a video here showing the issue with the turrets. The last tank, the Panther has a turret bearing made by Jon144 and is clearly shown working.


I will say, they all drive fine with care and with the turrets attached but all of them except Jon144s wobble around and can pop out when driving around detached.
Zekes, by removing the broken turret mechanism you can massively reduce the part counts, along with the no offset limit mod. That or just replace all the broken turrets with Jon144s working turret bearing.

I love the look of these tanks Zekes.
Oh I tested the two launchers you have and they both worked as advertised. The 1000t launcher has 5 center engines that cut out after a few seconds. Given the sheer size and power of the launcher it probably makes little to no difference.

Hey, do you have takecommand (puts kerbals in command chairs automatically) installed? I've heard that it makes hinges and bearings more wobbly.
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[quote name='Mad Rocket Scientist']Hey, do you have takecommand (puts kerbals in command chairs automatically) installed? I've heard that it makes hinges and bearings more wobbly.[/QUOTE]

I don't, all I have is Hyperedit, camera and heat overlay.

Here's the Panther:
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