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When will new content for KSP be released?


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My expectation is that new "content" (not to be confused with any revised [U]mechanics[/U] currently planned) will not be announced as part of any delivery cycle until 2nd Qtr 2016 or beyond - just a prediction based only on tarot cards...

EDIT: And for my record "New parts" do not count as "new content", sorry. Edited by Wallygator
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HarvesteR wrote in detail about [B][I]perceptions [/I][/B]of development progress, [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/303-A-rant-about-development-asymptotes"]in this blog entry[/URL]... which, sadly, may not be migrated to the new forums. [quote name='HarvesteR 6th May 2013']This last update, while still important, adds a lot less content than the first one. If adding parts was a 100% increase, making parts attachable was maybe a 50% move forward, and making them detachable was something like 25%.

This is the development asymptote. The further you push a feature, the more effort it takes to advance it the next step. This, over a long series of updates, brings you to a state where you're spending immense amounts of effort to make tiny advances in development.[/QUOTE]And thus... consider v1.1: a massive effort to update the game, so that it looks and works like it did before ;)
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Quality is more important than quantity. I think that the amount of planets we have is satisfactory but there is nothing to do there and the only difference after you land is gravity and color of environment (I'd add atmosphere but it doesn't matter as we don't even have any weather or atmospheric scattering, at least there are mods for that). That shloud be the next goal for Squad, just imagine wind, snow, sandstorms that would leave decals on your craft/kerbal. :confused:
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However, at the end of the day if there is nothing to be done in space or on a surface other than the dismal activities currently allowed, then KSP will gently die a slow death - unless the devs decide to release it as total open source for open ended community based support and expansion. I don't think that will happen.

So if not, then they MUST (at some point) advance (and communicate to the market) plans to improve content, development capability, and release reliability.

This may already be part of their strategy - or maybe not. Let the market decide Squads' fate (and KSP's) in the absence of an understandable plan and adjunct communications.
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Make Less content, make more framework for the community to develop and share content! :)

I.E. Stock planet loader, stock static object loader, etc...

It's a money pocket too, I think a lot of people would pay ~ €10 for a fully fledged planet creation suite (Nice GUI, heightmap builder), I would.

This is a lot about what I have loved about recent updates, they have not had a lot of new parts, but lots of behind-the-scenes things (resources system and other things).
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