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Sorry if this has been mentioned.  I didn't read the whole thread.  

Seems like when I like someones post now, in lieu of repping, I only give one point instead of the usual five.

I miss seeing how many views a thread has.  

I miss knowing if the person is currently online.

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I think I like the new "modern" appearance and features, it reminds me of the stuff that my workplace's email and incident management systems just migrated to.

I'll get used to the new layout and stuff in time but whoops, looks like my huge thread subscription list is forever gone :)

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Everyone having what they think is a major problem with the site...

Take a step back (no, the site isn't going to blow up....)

Take another step back....

Inhale a long slow breath of fresh air..... in fact, go outside and smell the flowers...

come back in... sit down...

Is the problem still there? No? Good....

If you're now asking "what problem?" then it never was a problem, was it?

If the answer is yes... then relax... its not the end of the world. be patient... all will be well soon.

have a nice day. :):):)


Edited by kiwi1960
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  On 12/5/2015 at 4:25 AM, kiwi1960 said:

Everyone having what they think is a major problem with the site...

Take a step back (no, the site isn't going to blow up....)

Take another step back....

Inhale a long slow breath of fresh air..... in fact, go outside and smell the flowers...

come back in... sit down...

Is the problem still there? No? Good....

If you're now asking "what problem?" then it never was a problem, was it?

If the answer is yes... then relax... its not the end of the world. be patient... all will be well soon.

have a nice day. :):):)



While a nice and cool attitude to forum problems, I would like to point out that not voicing the concern over the major problem with the site, whether perceived or not, before you take those steps back, significantly reduces the chances of someone actually looking at the problem, and it being gone by the time you "come back and sit down". ;)

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Any stats available on useage of the site now compared to before?

Seems to be a lot less new posts and such. There are some of the old "regulars" missing too. I certainly don't visit as much as I used to either. 

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I agree that it would be nice to have themes so that I might have an opportunity to find a look and feel that is more pleasing to my tastes.  However, I will never miss vBulletin.  I have run multiple vBulletin sites and it truly was a PITA to maintain.  vBulletin's editor, while possibly allowing some features that people miss in the new editor, kept getting really slow and dropping characters while I typed, making entering more than a sentence or two extremely frustrating (I tried IE, Chrome, and Firefox with same results).  I will not miss that junky editor.


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  On 12/5/2015 at 2:19 PM, CrashTestDanny said:

I agree that it would be nice to have themes so that I might have an opportunity to find a look and feel that is more pleasing to my tastes.  However, I will never miss vBulletin.  I have run multiple vBulletin sites and it truly was a PITA to maintain.  vBulletin's editor, while possibly allowing some features that people miss in the new editor, kept getting really slow and dropping characters while I typed, making entering more than a sentence or two extremely frustrating (I tried IE, Chrome, and Firefox with same results).  I will not miss that junky editor.



Funny enough, i've never had this problem with vBulletin and now i'm constantly having letters self-duplicating, auto-moving cursor and words disappearing...

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  On 12/5/2015 at 4:16 PM, Hcube said:

Funny enough, i've never had this problem with vBulletin and now i'm constantly having letters self-duplicating, auto-moving cursor and words disappearing...


Yep, same ( happens at other Invision sites too ).

I did step back, took some days, came back, attempted to make the place usable, got burned out doing that, stepped back again, found I get no pleasure from the place anymore. Thanks for the 3 years.

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I keep trying to let people know we are reading this stuff, and things are being worked on. It's only been a week, and running a live forum with thousands of users is different than running a testbed. There are certainly things I personally miss about the previous forum layout, but when I move to a new house I try to make the new house my new home. Rather than lament about how much better the old neighborhood was.

We are looking at problems, but the focus is still heavily on making sure the backend stuff is working properly (and better). It would actually be more handy to have a single compiled list of things that need looking into (as found in another thread elsewhere) rather than constant reminders that things aren't moving as fast as everyone likes.


  On 12/5/2015 at 4:54 PM, Van Disaster said:

Thanks for the 3 years.


I'm sorry changing forum software is enough to make you quit. I've only been here two years myself, and I think KSP is probably the best $25 I've ever spent. I hope you had a good time at least. :D

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Just reminding you guys that every table sticks out of the frame on the mobile version... I originally thought it was because of the "enable desktop mode on mobile" but the tables are messed up on the mobile version too, both on Firefox and chrome (Android) 

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  On 12/1/2015 at 12:46 PM, WuphonsReach said:

Using shift-enter to force line breaks at the end of every
line looks really
poor when you change the browser width
and your lines
now line break in odd places.
So don't do that.

The proper fix for the line spacing issue is for Squad to fix the formatting issues in the default CSS file to tighten up inter-line whitespace (as well as eliminating a lot of the wasted whitespace to the left/right of the post area).


I wasn't suggesting people use shift-enter all over the place.  Just mentioning it's a fairly common way of getting a line break instead of a paragraph break.

I think the person I replied to thought it might work though, and you're right.  Line breaks ain't paragraph breaks.

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The new forums are having problems because they are new. However, Squad has been rolling out fixes at an extraordinary rate. A week ago, you could barely post because of the onslaught of 502 errors. 3 days ago, old links didn't work. I assure you, if you place a man in a red room, he will complain that he wants it blue. But when you repaint it, he will claim he liked it red. People, in general, do not like change unless it directly benefits them. Even harmless change is hated.

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Getting an EX2 error upon trying to use the advanced search function. Chrome 46.0.2490.86 m, Windows 7. Also occurs in Internet Explorer 9.0. 
Error also thrown when I click on certain suggestions after simple search, but this one's 1C205/3. Same browsers are susceptible.

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  On 12/5/2015 at 4:16 PM, Hcube said:

Funny enough, i've never had this problem with vBulletin and now i'm constantly having letters self-duplicating, auto-moving cursor and words disappearing...


This usually happens to me when using my laptop. From time to time when I type I accidentally come near the touchpad which then moves the cursor, marks text (which get then get overwritten), etc.

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  On 12/6/2015 at 9:42 AM, *Aqua* said:

This usually happens to me when using my laptop. From time to time when I type I accidentally come near the touchpad which then moves the cursor, marks text (which get then get overwritten), etc.


But that's not random, you actually moved the cursor. When it happens to me i don't touch anything and its self moving. It's a completely different problem !

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  On 12/5/2015 at 6:43 PM, Claw said:

I'm sorry changing forum software is enough to make you quit. I've only been here two years myself, and I think KSP is probably the best $25 I've ever spent. I hope you had a good time at least. :D


I gave it a go and found using the new forums a ( physically painful at times ) chore instead of a fulfilling experience; nothing irreversable of course. Has put me off KSP a little - all I've been doing recently is challenges - but "waiting for 1.1" is a bigger than that anyway. And yes this is probably almost the best value for money game I own. I'll check PMs still which will let me keep an eye on the state of the UI, but other than that I've no motivation to get involved in anything else, sadly.

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  On 12/6/2015 at 1:20 PM, Van Disaster said:

I gave it a go and found using the new forums a ( physically painful at times ) chore instead of a fulfilling experience


You mod KSP, I see. Have you tried modding the forum? There's a whole thread on this cool Firefox/Chrome plugin called Stylish. My forum experience is fantastic, now. At least from a visual standpoint.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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  On 12/6/2015 at 12:31 PM, Hcube said:

But that's not random, you actually moved the cursor. When it happens to me i don't touch anything and its self moving. It's a completely different problem !


This happens to me on every laptop I use. This is because vibrations in the case (e.g. from typing) affect the trackpad, which registers them as cursor movement.

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How we remove the extra space between each paragraph each time we press enter?

Like this..




It takes a lot of space. Is like we press 2 times enter. I cant find any setup to change that.  Also utf8?  where I can set that?

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