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Mission Proposals (to be proven in RSS and then brought to NASA)

KAL 9000

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We can theoretically get VIDESLP to Venus in a bit less than seven weeks. There are two 48-day trajectories, one in 2021 and one in '37. http://trajbrowser.arc.nasa.gov/traj_browser.php?NEAs=on&NECs=on&chk_maxMag=on&maxMag=25&chk_maxOCC=on&maxOCC=4&chk_target_list=on&target_list=Venus&mission_class=oneway&mission_type=rendezvous&LD1=2015&LD2=2040&maxDT=60&DTunit=days&maxDV=20&min=DV&wdw_width=-1&submit=Search#a_load_results and click on either circle on the graph. We're definitely not going to use those two trajectories because they require like 10km/s of delta-v and we can do it in 4 if we wait another year and launch in ‘22. See http://trajbrowser.arc.nasa.gov/traj_browser.php?NEAs=on&NECs=on&chk_maxMag=on&maxMag=25&chk_maxOCC=on&maxOCC=4&chk_target_list=on&target_list=Venus&mission_class=oneway&mission_type=rendezvous&LD1=2015&LD2=2040&maxDT=21&DTunit=yrs&maxDV=3.96&min=DV&wdw_width=-1&submit=Search#a_load_results. Although if we wait ‘til ‘32 and give VIDESLP 4km/s, it’s 160 days to Venus.

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