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Has anyone been to the international forums?


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I can read and write French pretty well, enough to look through any french part of the international forums with relative ease, and if I want to I could participate there, but I\'m not that good when actually speaking it. I need to work on that part.

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And besides, it\'s still language-related.

you could even go play the game off topic the off topic ^_^

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I seriously think we need to invent Kerbalian or something. I\'ve piratically given up on the international forums. Well, it seems like Nova\'s invention Tonokonian or something thats supposed to be the Latin of Kerbals... lets hope its easy.

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  • 3 months later...

I speak English, enough German, and enough French. :D

It is cool to see how far the game has gone. Credit to the world wide web I suppose... Imagine what life would be like without it, KSP probably wouldn't exist and I'd be outside playing (well, I wouldn't, the garden isn't safe and neither is the road, but you get the idea).

And on the subject of a Kerbal language; It would be cool if it could be added to the game. :D

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  • 1 year later...

English is my native tongue, I speak OK Spanish, some German and French and a small amount of Valenciano. I did know a lot of Latin but have forgotten most of it.

My big problem with Spanish ( I live in Spain ) is that I find the pronunciation very difficult and have problems making the correct sounds. Reading and writing I'm a lot better.

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People, please stop digging up those old, long dead topics. There is absolutely NO reason to reply. This thing has been dead for over a year!

But the recent explosion in necro-posting did get me thinking: What on earth are you guys searching for when you find these threads?

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Closing this thread, since it's old enough that anything you reply to is probably out-of-date.

Also, a gentle reminder from the moderation staff: If you see an older thread that's been bumped with a post that doesn't make a useful contribution to the discussion, don't respond, as that only keeps the topic at the top of the list. Instead, please use the "Report Post" option to discreetly notify us so that we can address the issue quickly and efficiently.

Have a nice day, everyone :)

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