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The Outer Planets Traveling Circus Episode 28: Superheroes (The End)


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  On 4/3/2016 at 11:02 PM, Kuzzter said:

Awww, I was so looking forward to a dissection. I know you could do some great images of it, after seeing the shamanistic disassembly/reassembly scene. Oh well--fantastic mission and great report anyway, I really enjoyed both the gameplay and storytelling aspects of it. 


Thank you, sir.  I'll try to do better next time.  I had plans for the rockets but not the crew.  That just kinda happened.

As to dissecting Kerbals, that originally was standard procedure for the 1st astronauts to visit any new planet.  After all, keeping an astronaut in quarantine for a week risked having him die of some space plague, plus required keeping additional astronauts on the books to fly missions in the meantime.  The Circus therefore thought it more efficient to disassemble the astronaut immediately for a thorough inspection and repair so he could get back to work that same afternoon.  As medical science improved over time, the dissection came to include downloading memories directly from the exposed brain, thus saving even more time by eliminating the interrogation debriefing.  This then led to misguided attempts to erase traumatic memories while they were at it, although the memory of the dissection itself could not be erased because it was being written as fast as it was removed.

It was this, more than the fact that the dissections had never found any evidence of space plague, that ultimately doomed the procedure.  Left in its context with the whole of the astronaut's misspent youth, being captured by the pressgang, undergoing the grueling aptitude tests, then being shot into space, the dissection was really just more of the same, to which the Kerbal was largely inured.  But if that was suddenly the only thing the Kerbal remembered, it caused psychological issues :)

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Very nicely done. After my flights this past Thursday I'm starting to wish commercial aircraft had cryofreeze, even if it means the occasional shaman appears to guide the unpopped to AncestorLand.


So instead of dissections I suppose they now get vivisections? :D

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  On 4/5/2016 at 10:06 PM, Cydonian Monk said:

Very nicely done. After my flights this past Thursday I'm starting to wish commercial aircraft had cryofreeze, even if it means the occasional shaman appears to guide the unpopped to AncestorLand.



Having worked for years in the aircraft industry and thus seen more airplanes naked than is healthy, I rather dread flying even though I know the pilot is more likely to kill me than the plane.  So what I do is get hammered.  Next best thing to cryosleep :)

  1 hour ago, Cydonian Monk said:

So instead of dissections I suppose they now get vivisections? :D


Well, perhaps I should have used that word all along, but no, nowadays they merely get asked why they chose to do something.  I mean, everything they did was recorded and got home years before the ship, so what else is there to say?

So, now the Circus has to invest more in training astronauts before missions, and is likely to be sending an officer or 2 on any significant mission to try to keep better discipline.  And astronauts just home from long trips have more protection from the crimps and shanghaiers now, so are less likely to be grabbed and sent right back out again.  While an astronauts life is still pretty harsh, the long and traumatic days of the true Hellships is drawing to a close.

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  On 4/15/2016 at 10:12 AM, Kiwa said:

Thanks for the story :)

I was just wondering, what part is that between the S3-3600 and S3-7200 tanks, the one that looks like a little bulge?


Glad you liked it!

Ah,  you ask about FLAKEE, my favorite ship of SE-2.  Because it had to work or nobody was going home, and because it was very massive yet had to be able to dock in a variety fuel loading conditions, it was both the most important ship and the hardest thing to design in the whole fleet, and required the biggest lifter to get off the ground.  Yet it was just a big lander doing the humdrum job of humping fuel, which hides its criticality and the effort that went making it.  A real unsung hero.  This is my leading candidate out of SE-2 for making a Eucl3D model.

Anyway, the bulge is a 3.75m SAS/reaction wheel unit from @NecroBones' Space-Y mod.  This ins't a stack part, however, but is instead a pair of semicircular arcs that radially attach and fit around the circumference of 3.75m tanks (the mod also has a 5m version for its 5m tanks).  Thus, the stock 3.75m tanks are actually attached directly to each other stack-wise with the Space-Y reaction wheel thingy radially attached to the lower tank with their upper edges even with the stack joint.  I also rotated them 45^ to get their stripe pattern opposite of that on the upper tank.

So you get a 100% perique cigar and a shot of rum (both locally manufactured) for forcing me to reveal that I now and again attach the odd part for purely aesthetic, versus strictly functional, reasons.  I occasionally do that, I have to admit, but it's quite rare.  Good eye :)


Edited by Geschosskopf
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  On 4/19/2016 at 10:14 PM, Choctofliatrio2.0 said:

This was seriously awesome! A bit confusing, but that's mostly due to my poor attention span. I hope to see more :D 


Thanks.  It confused me a bit, too :)

"More" will be quite different.  56,000 extra Science! points wrought major changes in all levels of Kerbal society, mostly due to the Singularity having happened.  I'm still running through all the permutations of that.  But that's OK because IMHO, having been doing the 1.1 pre-release, I'm totally surprised that 1.1 has gone public already (I was expecting another month).  Which means we're in for a good month of hotfixes which I expect to be akin to the 1.0 to 1.0.5 trauma with game-breaking changes happening every couple of weeks, modders going on strike, etc..  That means I've got quite a bit of time to decide what's going to happen next.

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