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[1.12.x] Editor Extensions Redux released (with SelectRoot merge. StripSymmetry & NoOffsetLimits)


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6 hours ago, DrPastah said:

How do I make symmetry reset itself after each part automatically? It's annoying when I accidentally add 8 or 20 of a part because I didn't pay attention to symmetry.

AFAIK there's no option for that. Do you know about the Alt+X shortcut? It will reset part symmetry. So when you add a new part and see a couple pop up when you go to place them just strike that real quick and you're back to one

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20 hours ago, Drew Kerman said:

AFAIK there's no option for that. Do you know about the Alt+X shortcut? It will reset part symmetry. So when you add a new part and see a couple pop up when you go to place them just strike that real quick and you're back to one

I notice that it doesn't immediately go back to 1, it goes to some number like 4 and when hitting it again, it goes to 1.

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2 hours ago, DrPastah said:

I notice that it doesn't immediately go back to 1, it goes to some number like 4 and when hitting it again, it goes to 1.

:huh: hrm, don't recall ever seeing that behavior myself, tho I'm resetting snap (Ctrl+C) more than symmetry lately

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  • 3 weeks later...

Does this mod have a keybind to allow for "switching" between the VAB and SPH?  I'm not talking about switching between the symmetry modes, I'm talking about switching as between where constructed craft are sent (Runway / Launchpad).  Something to prevent the need to exit VAB, enter KSC-scene, and then from there enter SPH-scene?

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52 minutes ago, MisterFister said:

Does this mod have a keybind to allow for "switching" between the VAB and SPH?  I'm not talking about switching between the symmetry modes, I'm talking about switching as between where constructed craft are sent (Runway / Launchpad).  Something to prevent the need to exit VAB, enter KSC-scene, and then from there enter SPH-scene?


It's in there. You have to copy only the folder that reads QuickGoTo. Others are small mods made by Malah, and recompiled by linuxgurugamer for 1.3.1 (the link above)
Here is the thread so you can know what other mini mods do and if you want to remove anything that isn't QuickGoTo (which lets you go anywhere from any scene...)

Edited by Agustin
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1 hour ago, Agustin said:


It's in there. You have to copy only the folder that reads QuickGoTo. Others are small mods made by Malah, and recompiled by linuxgurugamer for 1.3.1 (the link above)
Here is the thread so you can know what other mini mods do and if you want to remove anything that isn't QuickGoTo (which lets you go anywhere from any scene...)

Sorry, no.  While I should've been clearer that I was responding with questions specifically relating to the Editor Extensions mod, I think that you might be unaware that your described "quick go to" is absolutely not what I was trying to ask.  The old Editor Extensions mod had a keybind (I want to say it was the Tab key) that switched the logical-flow of the VAB-editor to the SPH-editor (including Launchpad / Runway function for the stock "launch" control in the upper right) with absolutely no scene-switching of any kind.

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2 hours ago, MisterFister said:

Sorry, no.  While I should've been clearer that I was responding with questions specifically relating to the Editor Extensions mod, I think that you might be unaware that your described "quick go to" is absolutely not what I was trying to ask.  The old Editor Extensions mod had a keybind (I want to say it was the Tab key) that switched the logical-flow of the VAB-editor to the SPH-editor (including Launchpad / Runway function for the stock "launch" control in the upper right) with absolutely no scene-switching of any kind.

Ummm, I am not aware of that.  Please find a reference showing that ability, or documentation.

When I adopted it, I didn't delete any functionality.  

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14 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Ummm, I am not aware of that.  Please find a reference showing that ability, or documentation.

When I adopted it, I didn't delete any functionality.  

I'm digging furiously, I think TheWhiteOwl might've exposed me to the original mod back in the day with mention of this, because he was major into spaceplanes when he was active.

This link, however, is at least tantalizing support for the suggestion that I'm not entirely imagining things... but I doesn't answer your entirely legit question.  :'(


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Yeah... there've been not one, but two Nuclear Forum Holocausts, and there've been at least two or three links I've encountered that yield 404's because they lead to pre-nuke forum posts.



@linuxgurugamer I 've revisited this thread's OP, so I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but... do you have any info lying around somewhere regarding this mod's pre-you history?  Even the forum username so I can snoop around inside their public profile's activity history might theoretically help.

I will admit that much of the data I'm running across now suggests that the toggle was as between symmetry MODES (radial vs mirrored.)  I am absolutely certain that I have run a mod before that allowed me to launch a craft to both the Runway and the Launchpad (separate launch-button strikes, with a keybind toggle in between) with no scene-changes of any kind.  In fact, I'm now recalling that this functionality also allowed for the SPH and VAB to cross-access each other's .craft files, all of this back when stock still had redundant internal code for both the SPH and the VAB before it was stripped and rebuilt as a unified coding structure that we know and use today.  Frankly, I'm mystified as to why the stock game allows a person to literally use the VAB / SPH as a dual-mode editor space, but you still have to perform time consumptive scene changes (two of them in fact) to simply duplicate-launch craft to both flight-scene spawnpads.

Possible lead: One of the Forum Crashes did, coincidentally, inspire me to begin very-aggressively archiving my past KSP installs.  Now, the way I categorize and organize is by using the Steam client to purge-and-re-install the base game, which I then mirror outside of my steamapps folder structure, named according to full build-number versioning info.  Then, I archive the .ckan savefiles, career saves, .craft saves, and my minor offside manual-mod curation folders with archived zipfiles.  However, earlier on in my practice, I simply saved the working footprint of the functional install, bloated GameData and all (I've always been a mod-addict.)  Some of my ancillary notekeeping (.txt's and spreadsheets) noted that I've always had EditorExtensions going back at least as far as my recordkeeping began, which was approx. v0.22 or so (including some offshoot archived Linux-specific versions back before Win64 was viable.)  I therefore have multiple potential copies of the .dll itself, including numerous version-mute copies of the License.txt indicating authorship ....

STOP THE PRESSES, I think I found it!!!


This is an archived copy of an installed version from a GameData-only backup, KSP version-mute but hard-dated within my archive structure as being from December 2014 (MM v2.5.1 was active at the time.)  Note within my provided Dropbox link that the mod carried a Readme.html that the mod was v1.4 recompiled October 7, 2014 for KSP v0.25.  VERY clearly in not one but two extremely explicit locations it quite specifically speaks not of toggling between symmetry modes but makes specific reference to "SPH/Runway and VAB/Launchpad editor modes," and "Tab [...] toggles launching to runway or launchpad. [sic]"

This archaeological find on my part carries the added benefit of exhuming for your inspection the actual period-appropriate .dll, and the readme.html hosts a still-functioning link to the original mod-author's GH page.

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5 hours ago, MisterFister said:


Yeah... there've been not one, but two Nuclear Forum Holocausts, and there've been at least two or three links I've encountered that yield 404's because they lead to pre-nuke forum posts.


  Reveal hidden contents

@linuxgurugamer I 've revisited this thread's OP, so I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but... do you have any info lying around somewhere regarding this mod's pre-you history?  Even the forum username so I can snoop around inside their public profile's activity history might theoretically help.

I will admit that much of the data I'm running across now suggests that the toggle was as between symmetry MODES (radial vs mirrored.)  I am absolutely certain that I have run a mod before that allowed me to launch a craft to both the Runway and the Launchpad (separate launch-button strikes, with a keybind toggle in between) with no scene-changes of any kind.  In fact, I'm now recalling that this functionality also allowed for the SPH and VAB to cross-access each other's .craft files, all of this back when stock still had redundant internal code for both the SPH and the VAB before it was stripped and rebuilt as a unified coding structure that we know and use today.  Frankly, I'm mystified as to why the stock game allows a person to literally use the VAB / SPH as a dual-mode editor space, but you still have to perform time consumptive scene changes (two of them in fact) to simply duplicate-launch craft to both flight-scene spawnpads.

Possible lead: One of the Forum Crashes did, coincidentally, inspire me to begin very-aggressively archiving my past KSP installs.  Now, the way I categorize and organize is by using the Steam client to purge-and-re-install the base game, which I then mirror outside of my steamapps folder structure, named according to full build-number versioning info.  Then, I archive the .ckan savefiles, career saves, .craft saves, and my minor offside manual-mod curation folders with archived zipfiles.  However, earlier on in my practice, I simply saved the working footprint of the functional install, bloated GameData and all (I've always been a mod-addict.)  Some of my ancillary notekeeping (.txt's and spreadsheets) noted that I've always had EditorExtensions going back at least as far as my recordkeeping began, which was approx. v0.22 or so (including some offshoot archived Linux-specific versions back before Win64 was viable.)  I therefore have multiple potential copies of the .dll itself, including numerous version-mute copies of the License.txt indicating authorship ....

STOP THE PRESSES, I think I found it!!!


This is an archived copy of an installed version from a GameData-only backup, KSP version-mute but hard-dated within my archive structure as being from December 2014 (MM v2.5.1 was active at the time.)  Note within my provided Dropbox link that the mod carried a Readme.html that the mod was v1.4 recompiled October 7, 2014 for KSP v0.25.  VERY clearly in not one but two extremely explicit locations it quite specifically speaks not of toggling between symmetry modes but makes specific reference to "SPH/Runway and VAB/Launchpad editor modes," and "Tab [...] toggles launching to runway or launchpad. [sic]"

This archaeological find on my part carries the added benefit of exhuming for your inspection the actual period-appropriate .dll, and the readme.html hosts a still-functioning link to the original mod-author's GH page.

Well, the author must have removed it, because when I look at the last code on Github, that option isn't listed in the features, which means it pre-dates my work.

I'll have to go delving into the git history to see if I can find the code, and then, if it still works.

Edit:  I suspect it was removed when Squad added the "R" key which toggle the symmetry mode from SPH to VAB

I'll do a test and see if it still works.

Edit2:  Looks like it was removed when Squad removed the code it was using.  Won't compile

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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38 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Well, the author must have removed it, because when I look at the last code on Github, that option isn't listed in the features, which means it pre-dates my work.

I'll have to go delving into the git history to see if I can find the code, and then, if it still works.

Edit:  I suspect it was removed when Squad added the "R" key which toggle the symmetry mode from SPH to VAB

I'll do a test and see if it still works.

Edit2:  Looks like it was removed when Squad removed the code it was using.  Won't compile

Well, the problem is not launching, but reverts.

I have it working, it's fairly easy to do.  The issue is that if you are in the VAB and you launch from the runway, it will revert to the SPH, and if you are in the SPH and launch to the launchpad, it will revert to the VAB.

From what I can tell, this can't be prevented, it's built into the game itself


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52 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Edit:  I suspect it was removed when Squad added the "R" key which toggle the symmetry mode from SPH to VAB


Edit2:  Looks like it was removed when Squad removed the code it was using.  Won't compile

Well phooey.  Thanks for taking a swipe at it though.

Full disclosure, you've already commented on my modgasmic installs: better parts of a minute for basic scene changes, and this is early career with relatively barren savefiles.  Initial load KSC-scene RAM footprint just north of 10GB, the largest RAM spike sustained enough that I've managed to catch with my own naked eye was tapping the underside of 30GB footprint (64GB system, KSP operates from a specifically-KSP dedicated SSD.)

So, I speak past you to your predecessor to say, I mean, yeah, symmetry swaps are great and all, and I'm not being sarcastic when I say that they ARE (or will be, later-career) useful.  But I run with (among other mods) KCT, which means it behooves me to have parallel craft constructions in progress in a multiple-unlock VAB and a low-tier single-unlock SPH -- to say nothing of access to the Runway-biome with a plopper-probecore science platter for early career boffin-spam with the meg-booms and pressmats and 2hots and the goo cans.  It's ... *sigh* something I'll have to get used to contending with, three or four minutes of playtime interfacing, just to squirt out two or three craft-build orders for the Runway.

*chin scratcher moment*


This dropbox link was prepared with another forum thread in mind, so some of the details will be less relevant here.  BUT, I have a rather holistic view for you to consider my total modlist.  Pertinently, I run K.R.A.S.H., NIMBY, KCT, Hanger Extender, and prolly at least one or two other mods that affect or entirely suppress the "build" button in the editor-scenes anyway, and I think any number of memory-culling plugins such as Janitor's Closet and I think I peripheral-vision saw a few popups at scene-changes to indicate that there's some mod that whitelists or blacklists or greylists certain parts or textures in order to maintain a tidier leash on RAM distribution -- the chief mod at issue here I think is KCT, where the button is devolved to be just a queuing toggle for the production garage and little else.

I know nothing of moddery, so forgive my rather likely impertinence, but how complex would it be to reintroduce my described legacy-behavior for the mod?  From a single editor-scene, symmetry-mode be damned, a keybind that could divert build orders at a whim (preferably with a toggle-popup alert in the screen upon keybind activation) as between a Runway or a Launchpad vessel order?

Even in a lower-intensity modded install, even stock-game issues like memory leaks can be reduced in impact severity by consistently eliminating the overall need to drop-purge-load to switch scene-instances.  So I imagine there's some actual programming-stability benefit to at least having such an option from within the mod, no?


12 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Well, the problem is not launching, but reverts.

I have it working, it's fairly easy to do.  The issue is that if you are in the VAB and you launch from the runway, it will revert to the SPH, and if you are in the SPH and launch to the launchpad, it will revert to the VAB.

From what I can tell, this can't be prevented, it's built into the game itself



Fair enough.  Though, I run K.R.A.S.H., with launch-reverts disallowed in superhardmode difficulty sliders at the front end.  I admit that mine is a rather niche scenario, but... I dunno.  The articulation is escaping me.  I recognize intuitively that it's silly to suggest a cross dependency to K.R.A.S.H. or anything similar for THIS obscure of a modlet feature that until I'd asked about it here you'd literally never heard about, and according to your sleuthing that it was made extinct well prior to my archaeo-version find.

I'm confident that if you need any other ideas for me, you'll tap me for them, so I'll be quiet and back off.  Thank you so very much for entertaining this rather cul-de-sac of a train of thought.

Edited by MisterFister
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/7/2018 at 9:08 PM, Ruedii said:

Could we get vertical symmetry and horizontal+vertical symmetry as well as the horizontal symmetry?

try setting the part movement to 90° and then make any small adjustment with the translate tool. I haven't specifically done this to center a part but I think I've done it accidentally in the past

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On 1/9/2018 at 9:03 PM, Drew Kerman said:

try setting the part movement to 90° and then make any small adjustment with the translate tool. I haven't specifically done this to center a part but I think I've done it accidentally in the past

No, I mean I want objects to be able to be mirrored BOTH on the vertical axis (ventral to dorsal) AND the horizontal axis (starboard to port), in a vertical, horizontal or BOTH.

Edited by Ruedii
moar detail.
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/31/2018 at 9:36 PM, mebiustos said:
There are 4 parts of "MM".
"AS Grandparent" execute.
2 parts is Heaviest, 2 parts is Grandparent.
This problem always occurs.

Do you mean there are 4 types of autostrut, that's what heaviest, root, grandparent relate too? Are there duplicates when you add the mod, I have not noticed this behavior myself, I would check your other mods

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On 2/11/2018 at 10:26 PM, mebiustos said:

With what you are showing, there is no grandparent part.  The autostrutting is KSP, not EEX.

I still don't understand what the bug is.

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Documentation Suggestion: Add the "Camera Focus" to the list of features and to the list of Default Keybinds in this thread. The feature exists but is not mentioned.

Feature Suggestion: I know SHIFT lowers the snap distance and MOD+C / MOD+X can swap between free and snap, but could it be possible to make a temporary swap using MOD+Left Click for offset and rotate. This is easier to use and similar to how it works on 3D softwares.

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