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2015 in Space!

Frida Space

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Like last year, I wanted to create a list of the most important events in space that happened this year, 2015. There are two main categories: spaceflight and astronomy. The first one relates to the operational side of space missions, whilst the second relates to scientific discoveries. There are some events which fall in between (for example, the Pluto flyby was both an operational and a scientific success), so I think it's better not to create two separate lists.

This is what comes to my mind, but obviously I'm forgetting a lot, so you're welcomed to suggest events and discoveries that you think should be added. Also, there is no specific order.

  • New Horizons flies by the Pluto system
  • Dawn begins exploring Ceres
  • Philae wakes up; Rosetta follows its comet through perihelion
  • Akatsuki settles into orbit around Venus
  • SpaceX's Falcon 9 fails during a Dragon launch to the ISS
  • Orbital ATK's Cygnus performs return to flight mission
  • Venus Express burns in Venus' atmosphere
  • Cassini discovers Enceladus' subsurface ocean is global
  • LISA Pathfinder is launched to test gravitational wave detection
  • MAVEN observes solar wind stripping Mars' atmosphere
  • MRO finds evidence of current liquid water flows on Mars (RSL)
  • Russia loses a Progress capsule
  • Kepler finds Earth's older cousin (Kepler-452b)
  • Rings 200 times bigger than Saturn's are found around exoplanet (J1407b)
  • KIC 8462852's mysterious light curve, maybe a family of comets?
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-The CRS-5 and CRS-6 attempted barge landings

-The Blue Origin New Shepard suborbital flight

-SpaceX crew dragon pad abort

-IXV's test flight

-Messenger crashes into Mercury

-Scott Kelly's #yearinspace begins

-Hubble's 25th anniversary

-LISA Pathfinder

-The first launches of China's Long March 6 and Long March 11

-DSCOVR begins operations

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Earth moved 939 474 628 km during the year. Earth also collided with an empty fuel tank from space. The resulting explosion destroyed both objects and created a new ring of asteroids between Mars and Venus got a probe called Akatsuki after it tried unsuccessfully to get into orbit in 2010: Odyssey Two. Iran launched a satellite named Fajr. It reentered the atmosphere in less than a month.

Edited by Findthepin1
land? XD jk
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- Iran announced the goal of achieving manned spaceflight by 2018, and revealed the mockup of a capsule to do this with.

- The United States signed into law a bill that would allow US citizens to exploit resources in space, prompting international discussion on the topic to finally wake the hell up again after sleeping for 35 years.

- Two Google Lunar X-Prize teams have acquired a verified launch contract, keeping the competition alive.

- NASA confirms liquid water flows on Mars to this day.

- Beagle 2 has been found after 12 years.

- Opportunity racked up the full marathon distance of 42.195 kilometers on its odometer - and continues to rove onwards, albeit while struggling with flash memory issues.

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Russia's Space Budget was cut to the point where things like partly-complete new ISS modules are at risk. ;.;

On December 9, 2015 at 4:42:55 PM, HoloYolo said:

Wasn't Greater Korea supposed to launch their 5th satellite in October? 

North Korea is Best Korea.

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You forgot long march 11. Falcon v1.2 (or whatever they're calling it now) should also debut before end of year.

Long March 11 already debuted a week after CZ-6. Falcon 9 v1.2 should be launching this weekend (assuming they don't run into any technical glitches and have to delay the launch)

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The list was not updated for some time, whereas the Falcon 9 landing happened recently. But it should go on the list, as it might turn out to be the most important space related event of this year (or not, if the plans of reuse fail, but I do not think so, there are not so much problems left open).

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