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The Saga of Emiko Station - Complete

Just Jim

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I have to admit you made me to freak out. I was at at the... other  launch site and my eye caught a glimpse of the tracking station dish behind a hill... And for a second I thought a red boulder has come for me.:0.0:

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I don't belong here, we gotta move on dear, escape from this afterlife.
'Cause this time I'm right to move on and on, far away from here.
                                                                                                     Avenged Sevenfold, "Afterlife"


Chapter 59


It was actually three days before the KASA staff had recovered enough for Gene to hold his meeting. Walt was by far the sickest the morning after the homecoming party, having tried to match shots with Emiko, who seemed to have a constitution made of platinum, and not only outdrank everyone, but was also wide awake and helping those most hungover the next morning. 

But after a couple days of rest, Gene surprised everyone by ordering the senior staff into an old transport plane and flown over to the nearby island airfield for their conference.




As the transport came in for a landing, everyone in the back was silent, knowing the importance of what was to come. So many strange things had been occurring, and it was time to find some answers.





Once the old but reliable plane came to a stop, Gene ushered everyone into one of the abandoned hangers, then climbed to the top of a rusted capsule and waited for everyone to settle down.




"I know you're all wondering why I called you here today, to this place. I'm holding this meeting here because, frankly, I didn't feel comfortable back home.... so close to that monolith. I can't explain it... but... well, there it is."

Gene paused for a moment to collect his thoughts, then continued. "OK, I believe our first order of business should be to officially welcome Captain's Kuzzter and Geschosskopf to our staff. And while I know their past is, shall we say, colorful, in light of recent events, the Grand Kerbal herself has granted you not only full pardons, she also wishes to send a personal note of gratitude for rescuing what she feels are national treasures."


The two just stood dumbfounded as everyone else clapped, until Geo broke the silence with his customary grumble. "Well, I suppose no good deed goes unpunished..."

Laughter erupted all around them while Gene turned his attention to the twins, Gem and Theo. "As for our national treasures. Gem, Theo, please step forward."


Knowing this moment would eventually come, the twins walked forward and stood at rigid attention. 

"Gem, Theo, it is time to account for your actions... do you understand?"

"Yes, sir," both twins answered in unison.

"Good.... good," Gene paused a moment. "What you two did was not only reckless, it could have cost you both your lives. Do you understand that as well?"

"Yes, sir," the twins again replied, trying their hardest to maintain their composure.

"Good. Now I have reviewed the facts, and have taken depositions from everyone involved.... everyone. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes, sir," the twins again replied, but this time Theo continued. "You mean Thompberry, sir???"

"Yes, I mean Thompberry. Would it surprise you two to know he spoke most passionately in your defense?"

This time the twins lost their composure and cried out, "What???"

Gene turned and looked down at Werhner, "Doc?"

Werhner von Kerman reached down and activated a small communictor attached to his wrist.


"Diamondback, this is von Kerman, are you receiving?" Then turning his attention to the staff, he continued, "There will be a slight pause for them to reply, but fortunately both the Diamondback and Duna Raptors are not terribly far from Kerbin, so the gap shouldn't be too annoying."


Several seconds later a familiar voice replied, "Doctor, this is Captain Kerenna, we're reading you loud and clear."

Unable to help themselves, the twins broke into wide smiles at the sound of their aunt's voice.


But then their blood turned to ice as Thompberry Kerman's voice bubbled thru the speakers.

"Children <Gurgle boil> I should be so very, very angry at you <gurgle> Very angry indeed..."


The twins froze in shock... Thompberry was speaking... Thompberry? And Gene was letting him? What??? How could this be possible?

"I should be furious... <bubble bubble> But I am not. I know you have no reason to <boil> trust me... But I am relieved  <gurgle gurgle>  I am relieved.  <gurgle> All of you, hear me <gurgle bubble> What I did was reprehensible <gurgle> But in the face of it all, these... children <bubble> these amazing children <bubble> never flinched, nor faltered, and were the first <boil bubble> to try and engage in a dialogue with me."

Thompberry paused, then seemed to chuckle. "And then they escaped me! <gurgle boil> Me! <seethe> Only now do I understand how it was done <gurgle gurgle> and I am still impressed."


"Gene Kerman, you asked my assessment of the twins behavior <bubble gurgle> I tell you now, these children are no longer children <bubble> and they have earned <gurgle> my... respect."

"OK, then," Gene continued. "I believe I have heard enough. Gem, Theo, after considering this and other similar testimonies, I feel I have no choice but to drop any and all charges of stowing away, and fully re-instate you as KASA personnel. Consider this a field promotion... Commanders!"


Around the twins applause erupted, and it was clear no-one really wanted to see them punished, at least severely. Behind them Jandolin and Harfield beamed with pride as Gene then turned his attention to Walt and Stardust Kerman, standing in the back.

"Welcome back to the world of the living, Walter," Gene chuckled, "What's our status from your end?"


Still looking a little queasy, Walt smiled back, "So far Stardust's idea of using the new colored suits as a smokescreen has worked brilliantly. While we can't do anything about news of the recent Kerbquake, using the story of a new line of spacesuits, combined with the recent VAB fire still being talked about, we have been able to quash all stories of the actual events on the Mun and Minmus, and bury any rumor of the Mun colony disaster as well."

Walt paused, then patted Stardust on the back. "Gene, this girl is a PR natural, and while her job here was just temporary, I'm promoting her to my permanent assistant, effective immediately."

"Done," Gene smiled. "Stardust, welcome to the team as well."


"Werhner?" Gene then asked, turning to his friend, "How is the construction proceeding?"

"Construction on the VAB continues ahead of schedule, and we hope to have things operational in a matter of days." von Kerman began, "However, we owe a huge debt of gratitude to Steadler corp. A debt I fear may come back to bite us if we're not careful."

In the back Walt nodded in agreement as von Kerman continued. "Kerenna's Diamondback is expected back in 150 days, and we have two more SSTO's on the ground. We lost much of the newest diamondback in the VAB fire."


"Jeb and his crew are expected back 100 days after Kerenna, and I am happy to announce they have finally calmed Valentina down." von Kerman chuckled, recalling how Valentina completely lost her mind upon hearing of her Grandmother's safe return, and was literally bouncing off the walls in excitement screaming, "Gramiko... Gramiko is alive!!!"


"We have little more data on the recent seismic activity, other than what we already know: the epicenters of the first Munquake were centered on the great arches, the second, as well as the one here on Kerbin, were centered on the Monolith's, and seem to correspond with the Monolith's sudden... growth spurt, so to speak."

"And finally there is the matter of the Magic Boulder," von Kerman concluded. "While we have learned much, every discovery we make only leads to more questions. We can confirm, obviously, that they do exist, which also leads to some interesting questions about the Magic Boulder fairy tale... but I digress. Emiko has stated, in her unusual way, that it's not just a boulder, but some sort of very ancient device, and I find this to be very plausible."

Werhner turned to Kuzz and Geo and continued. "But first, everyone here, with the exception of yourselves and the twins have already been briefed... Captains, what you are about to hear is never, ever to be repeated. Thompberry, will you explain for us, in laykerbal's terms, just exactly how you escaped from Bop?"

During the time it took for the signal to reach the Diamondback and return, no-one spoke, and an eerie silence fell over the crowd.  Yes, they had all heard this before, but it didn't make it any less bizarre, especially knowing it was all somehow true. Then after what seemed an eternity, Thompberry's voice oozed thru the speakers.

"Gentlekerbs <gurgle> While I share this knowledge of my own <Bubble> free will <gurgle gurgle> I ask... ask... one thing <gurgle>  You must share this <gurgle boil> blanking technology of yours <gurgle gurgle>  Not with me <bubble> but with von Kerman. <bubble boil>  von Kerman... It is more important than you know."


It was then Kuzzter and Geschosskopf finally got the answer to something that had been nagging at them during their escape. Just how had Thompberry managed to appear out of no-where? They had long suspected a ship like the Dresperado, designed to hide it's signature from other ships... but the truth turned out to be utterly fantastic. Generating a small wormhole using a gravioli floating rock? Could something like this even be done? 

Once Thompberry had finished Kuzz just stood there shaking his head. "But surely this isn't possible... is it?" 

And to his surprise it was Emiko who replied softly, "Yes... yes, very possible.... and name is Emiko, not Shirley."


"But," Geo grumbled, "What you are proposing is centuries beyond Kerbal technology, even for Thompberry.... I'm not buying it."

Before Thompberry could respond, Werhner turned to Geo and did so instead. "We now have precedent to believe what Thompberry is saying is, in fact, plausible and most likely the truth. But in order to fully understand, I need you to hear from Captain Piper and her crew, and what transpired on the Mun during your absence."


For the next hour Kuzz and Geo and the twins stood in amazement as Piper, the Rocklady, and Frannie Kerman told of their madcap adventure around the Mun, and the startling discoveries they had made. Monoliths, Arches... a truly bizarre monument to someone named Neil and Armstrong.... and the floating rocks. So very many of them, possible hundreds.... Or perhaps just a few that were... following them? And if all that wasn't unbelievable enough, Piper then told them of her dreams, or visions, or whatever they were, and of Frannie's epiphany about the boulders being some sort of communication device.

Once they had finished, it was Theo who spoke up softly, finally connecting the dots. "So if a floating boulder can be used to generate a wormhole, and a signal of some sort can be sent thru it... and Thompberry somehow acquired technology centuries beyond our own..."

".... then this knowledge could have been sent thru one of these wormholes!" Harfield finished, smiling in pride at his son's insight.

"Exactly," von Kerman smiled, "And this would explain how Thompberry was able to do what he... it... did. But it begs the question, just who or what sent him this information, and why?"

For a while no-one spoke, until Kuzz asked, "OK, assuming this is true, and explains how Thompberry suddenly got smarter, it still doesn't explain Piper and this Rocklady's visions. How do you explain that?"

Again no-one spoke for several minutes, until Stardust Kerman proved just how valuable an asset she was when she whispered one word.



Almost as one, the entire gathering gasped.

"Well," Geo looked at Kuzz and cracked a smiled, "Its no weirder than anything else we've heard this morning."

"And it would explain a lot," von Kerman chimed in. "While there has never been a confirmed case of telepathy, if someone or something on the other end of one of wormhole was telepathic.... fascinating."

From atop the capsule, it was Gene's turn to speak up. "All right, so are these floating rock wormholes somehow connected to monoliths and arches and the seismic events that seem centered on them? Wait, Piper, you said your kraken visions... Those happened on the arches! So the floating boulders and arches are connected.... or are they?"


"Yes. Yes, very connected," Emiko spoke up, startling everyone. "Emiko so very sorry, but all connected."

Jandolin reached over and took Emiko's hand. "Its all right. What you told me, it's not your fault."


"Since they arrived," Jandolin turned to explain, "I've been working with Emiko, and first off, before anyone asks, yes, this is the real Emiko Kerman. Of that I have no doubt. And while we still do not know where she has been these past decades, if what has been said here today about wormholes, and what my husband and Thompberry will tell you next of the Magic Boulder is true, then it may help to explain how she disappeared."

Jandolin turned to Emiko and smiled playfully. "I can also now confirm that her speech may seem... peculiar... but our tests have shown beyond a shadow of a doubt she has suffered no brain damage or injury. The issue is more with her memory of the years she was missing. In simple terms, the best way to describe it would be like waking from a 50 year long dream, and trying to remember all the details. And not only are these "dream" memories of those lost years fuzzy and jumbled, like all dreams, there's more. Whatever happened, wherever she was, 40-50 or more years passed for her as well!  Imagine being stranded on a deserted island for decades, then trying to remember what it was like before you were marooned? Poor Emiko just can't remember... but we're working in it."

Around her everyone gasped and looked on in sadness. Poor Emiko, no wonder she seemed so messed up. But before anyone could say anything, Emiko spoke up with a grin and a giggle.

"Oh, stop... Emiko here now, and not broken!"

Harfield smiled at Emiko. "Yes, yes you are. And Emiko not broken!" Turning to Kuzz he continued, "While we still don't know where Emiko was, I can tell you of how she returned, and how we both came to be here, and not stranded on Eve."


Harfield then told of his exile on Eve, and how Emiko had emerged from a boulder not long after his arrival.

"But this was somehow different than Thompberry has described. Or from how the Magic Boulder operates, which I will tell you more about in a minute. There was a lot of smoke, and the ground seemed to be glowing. I... we, have yet to explain it, but as I watched, Emiko... emerged... from the boulder."


Fascinated, Theo then asked, "And did you escape the same way?"

"No," Harfield answered, "How we escaped... or I should say, how Emiko rescued us, was much more interesting. And I have to admit, fun as well."

And he told everyone of the appearance of the red Magic Boulder, and how Emiko then summoned the green one, which she calls her own, and what happened next.

"I don't know how to put it into words," Harfield tried to explain, "It's like floating in a warm nothingness, surrounded by infinite blackness.  And I'm not sure if time passed or not.  I know this doesn't sound very scientific, but honestly, I have no real scientific way to describe the phenomena."

"And the Magic Boulder brought you both home?" Gem asked in complete fascination.

"Not at first," Harfield replied, "Similar to something that happened before Emiko vanished, which you will hear of soon, the Magic Boulder took us... well... I'm not entirely sure yet where we were, although I suspect our first stop was a newly discovered moon orbiting Sarnus called Ovok. I'm not positive, but we were definitely orbiting Sarnus, and the rings looked about the right size...."

Harfield paused, then whispered softly, "It was magnificent."


"Interesting enough, the Magic Boulder... landed??? Wait, I'm not sure that's accurate. Our best guess is like the floating rocks, the Magic Boulder can generate it's own wormhole, and travel from one end to the other. And somehow, yet unexplained, it can bring people along for the ride... perhaps in some sort of small pocket of space-time? This is all really theoretical, and our best people are trying to do the math as we speak...."

Harfield stopped and smiled, "I'm sorry, while I must confess a lot of the mathematics is way over my head, the scientist in me is really excited about all this. I can definitely confirm beyond a doubt what happened to myself and Emiko was real, math or not. Somehow... somehow that weird, wonderful glowing boulder is much, much more than it appears."

"Anyway, where we ended up was next to another floating boulder; quite large and several meters off the surface. But I believe we were brought there for something else entirely, because several hundred meters from us was one of these monoliths, only this one was floating several dozen meters off the ground!"



"And while we were standing there, something... hideous... came over our helmet speakers."

"Emiko still says drowning cat," Emiko laughed.

"Yes," Harfield laughed back, "But Emiko still hasn't told Harfield what a cat is!  Or Kansas.."

"Kansas a where, not a what," Emiko grinned.

"Anyway," Harfield turned back to his story, "Anyway, I know this is going to sound odd, but more than anything, it sounded like... well, like singing! But very, very bad, off-key singing. I know that sounds weird... well, all things considered, if I saw what I thought I saw.... yeah, it was weird. I told Emiko to hang back and jet-packed over to see if I could find the source of the screeching, only to encounter... well, I'm not sure how to say this....  I think encountered a ghost!"




"As I got close, I could see there was someone or something definitely floating in front of the Monolith, and it was, in fact, singing really badly."

"Monolith, Monolith, I love you, Monolith!
Monolith, Monolith, my pretty Monolith.

Monolith, Monolith, you are all mine!"

She... it... sang it over and over, and it was quite annoying after a few minutes of it. But it didn't notice I was there at first, and I was able to get close before she turned and spotted me, and then began to... well... she screamed at me!"


"No... NO!!!  I told your yucky friends and I'll tell you too, get your nasty negativity away from my beautiful monolith!" 

"And as it started to turn away, I realized this apparition was, in fact, transparent, and I could see the monolith clearly behind her!"

"'Wait," I called out, "Who... what are you? How did you come to be here? And what do you mean, yucky friends?"

"The nasty ones," the figure snorted, sounding quite smug and exasperated, and really, really arrogant. "Those two nasty, dirty, negative ones that were almost, but not quite, as dead as me. They just left.. Can't you feel them???"

"Then the figure began to drift back into the monolith. But before she did, I heard her call out one last time."

"Your companion has a very shiny, positive aura, so for her sake only I will tell you this one time. I am the guardian of my beautiful monolith, which I have protected and nurtured and sang to for centuries uncounted.  My name is Sanny... I am a ghost... and I will NOT cooperate with you or the others. Now get away from my lovely Monolith.... it doesn't like any of you!!" 

"And then she drifted into the monolith and was gone."


"At this point, I wasn't sure if it was a hallucination or not, but Emiko heard everything, so ghost or not, I did see something. And this something... it said there had been others there recently, but other what?"

Completely enraptured in his tale, the group waited anxiously for Harfield to continue.

"After that we were taken to what I also suspect was a moon. But if this moon is in our solar system, and I suspect it is, then it's parent planet has not yet been discovered, and the implications are enormous, and need to be investigated immediately."


"We were definitely in orbit around a beautiful gas giant, and it was Emiko that noticed something significant, and possibly why it hasn't been found."

"Harfield, look at Kerbol... so very small."



"Emiko was right," Harfield continued, "If that was Kerbol we were looking at, then we were far, far beyond explored space!"

Harfield paused, trying not his excitement get the best of him. "And there's a second one! When we left, the Magic Boulder took us to a second one!"


"This moon was icy cold, and had a small hint of an atmosphere, and was orbiting the most lovely purple gas giant you can imagine. And like before, when we finally spotted Kerbol, if it was Kerbol, it was even smaller! I couldn't begin to estimate the distance, but it's staggering."


"The last place the Magic Boulder was quite different than the previous, and this time Kerbol was hard to make out from the other stars. Oh, you should see the stars that far from Kerbol... they are so clear, it's like someone sprinkled a few billion more into the sky for good measure!  And again we were near a floating boulder, which I don't think is coincidence. But I'm not sure if or what the Magic Boulder was trying to tell us."



"After that the Magic Boulder brought us home," Harfield concluded, "And... well... you all remember what happened after that."

Gene did at that, and looked back with a grin. 


*          *          *


It had been a few days before the Kuzz, Geo, and twins had been rescued, and the entire space center was waiting anxiously for news. Dawn was breaking, and the birds were beginning to sing, when out of no-where there was a loud popping sort of noise, and the roof above Gene's office groaned and sagged as the Magic Boulder gently settled dead center atop Gene's helipad.



Before anyone could reach the roof, both Harfield and Emiko emerged with a laugh, and landed gently; safe and sound and home at last.





As she looked out at what KASA had become, Harfield heard Emiko choke back a sob. "Gone so long.... so very long. Harfield..."

"I know, Emiko, I know," Harfield answered softly. "Welcome home."


Just then the door behind them burst open, and both Gene and Werhner stood speechless at what, and who, they saw before them. Before them stood Harfield, along with some stunningly beautiful woman.... and a huge, glowing rock was on the Helipad. Then, with a start, Werhner recognized just who it was standing next to Harfield, and quite unlike himself, screamed and ran to her!

"Emiko... by the gods... EMIKO! Can it really be you? It's me, Werhner.... your friend... Werhner!"




"Yes.... yes... Emiko does remember Werhner," Emiko whispered, and then giggled, "Emiko like moustache!"

Barely able to speak, Gene reached down to his wrist-com. "Jandolin Kerman, report to the main helipad... Jandolin... get up here now!"

Just a couple minutes later Jandolin emerged, and immediately felt her heart skip a beat.



"Har... darling?  Is it... Ohhhh... Is it really you?"

"Yes, dear, it's me," Harfield tried to say, but he wasn't sure if words came out or not as they ran into each other arms.



"Oh darling... I missed you," Jandolin cried, "But how? How did you... and what is that... glowing thing? And who is she?"

Harfield couldn't help but laugh, "Jan, dear, before you say anything, I want you meet Emiko... Emiko Kerman."

It took a second for Jandolin to realize what Harfield had said, and suddenly Jandolin's jealous flash was replaced by both curiosity and wonder. "Not... not the Emiko Kerman?"

"Yes, the Emiko Kerman. And that glowing thing up there? That, my love, is her Magic Boulder."



*          *          *


Coming back to the present, Gene looked down and saw Harfield turn back to Kuzz and Geo. "There is one more piece to this puzzle you must hear, something Thompberry shared with Kerenna recently that I feel is also important. It concerns what happened before Emiko's disappearance. Thompberry Kerman, are you still with us?"


It was several seconds before the signal reached the Diamondback, but when it did, Thompberry did not respond, and Kerenna Kerman grew concerned. For the last few minutes, ever since Harfield mentioned the ghost, Sanny, she thought she heard something coming softly over her intercom, almost like crying!


"Thompberry," Kerenna called out, "Are you alright? Thompberry?"

"It can't be... <gurgle gurgle>  can it??? Can it, Kerenna?"

"Can't be... what? Thompberry, what's wrong?"

"Tell them, Kerenna... please... <gurgle bubble> Tell them everything."

So Kerenna did just that, and repeated what Thompberry had said of Emiko's past.  And back on Kerbin, Emiko nodded at what she was hearing.

When Kerenna had finally finished her tale of Emiko and her first encounter with the Magic Boulder, Jandolin turned to her. "Do you remember this?"

"Yes... yes, this is what happened to Emiko."

Then Theo spoke up, "But the Magic Boulder brought her back, then that's not the end of it? And what of this book she found? Is that important?"

"Kerbalkomicon..." Geo whispered darkly, "That book is... evil! No wonder poor Emiko is mad."

"Not mad," Emiko responded, turning to Geo, "Book was locked, Emiko never read book. Someone.... someone else did.  Oh... Oh, no... Emiko remembers! Emiko remembers now!"


"Oh, Thompberry, Emiko remembers you.... and Emiko is so very, very sorry."

"Wait... what are you saying?" Harfield asked, already half knowing the answer, and dreading it.

"Bad book had lock, like a puzzle-box. Emiko couldn't open it. But... but Bruberry... Bruberry Kerman loved puzzles."

"Oh no," Werhner whispered, suddenly making the connection, and cursing himself for not seeing so much sooner.  "Thompington and Bruberry.... they were Thompberry's... his parents?"

"Yes, and they were ones who opened and read from bad book," Emiko said softly. "Does Werhner remember what happened to them???"

"Yes, yes I do..... not long after you returned from the temple expedition, they both went mad... stark, raving mad, and then... they tried to incinerate all of us. And later, I remember Bruberry said something about a... what was it?"

"War," Emiko whispered, "War with Krakens and saucers. Means Krakens and saucers... kill and murder and exterminate each other. And poor Kerbin caught in the middle."

Around her everyone let out a horrified gasp, and Stardust bent over, "I... I think I'm going to be.. sick."

Equally horrified, no-one said a word, except Walt, who was quietly trying to comfort poor Stardust as she heaved up her earlier breakfast snacks. Then after a couple minutes Thompberry's voice rang out over Werhner's wrist-com.

"Emiko.... Lady Emiko <gurgle gurgle>  On Eve you spoke to Harfield <gurgle> of others. <gurgle gurgle> And this spirit... this... Sanny, or her ghost, that Harfield spoke of <gurgle> It said it was visited by two... almost dead... <gurgle gurgle> Emiko... please <bubble> I implore you.... can it be... is it them?"


Emiko stood silent for a moment, "Thompberry Kerman... Emiko is sorry, but honestly does not know. But.... I fear it may be, yes."

As the implications of what Emiko sunk in, everyone remained silent and waited for Thompberry to respond.

"No.... Thompberry howled, "I thought they were... dead! <Gurgle bubble> Please... please!  <Gurgle>  What really happened to my... <Gurgle bubble> to my parents???"


No-one moved... no-one breathed... until Emiko whispered sadly. "Emiko is so, so very sorry... Emiko loved Thompy and Bru...  but Emiko remembers only fragments."

"But I remember..." Werhner said suddenly, taking a step forward. "I apologize for not recognizing you sooner, Thompberry. But I do know what happened to your parents, right before Emiko disappeared."

Werhner paused and looked up at Gene. "I never told you the truth, old friend, and I apologize. But you see... all those many years ago when both your parents and Emiko vanished. I was there when it happened.... and afterward I lied about everything I saw." 



The Saga of Emiko Station is far, far from over...
And the Tale of Emiko Kerman is about to continue!

Go to Chapter 60
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Edited by Just Jim
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44 minutes ago, Draconiator said:

Oh GOD....No wonder this chapter was late, so much info into what is hapenning...Jandolin and Harfeld back together!  Thompberry is...broken I think...wow...and do we get to see a new-recruit Jebediah?   can't wait!

Thanks.  Truth is, I had to split this one into two chapters, it was getting far too long.  So in the next chapter we'll pick up where Werhner left off, introduce younger Gene and Jeb, and how KASA came to be founded.

Edited by Just Jim
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41 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

It was actually three days before the KASA staff had recovered enough for Gene to hold his meeting.  Walt was by far the sickest the morning after the homecoming party, having tried to match shots with Emiko, who seemed to have a constitution made of platinum, and not only outdrank everyone, but was also wide awake and helping those most hungover the next morning. 

As a 1st-hand witness to these events, I must say that I watched in awe as she drank the whole KSC staff under the table.  I could barely keep up with her, and in fact palmed a few shots so that in the end we were the last 2 kerbs standing.  That's my kind of girl, there!  So I asked her for a date.  But that was the point I capsized, so I don't know whether she said "yes" or "no".  I must ask her again next chance I get... :)

Still, that was the best party I've been to since the night before I shoved off from Kerbin a few years back.


44 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

The two just stood dumbfounded as everyone else clapped, until Geo broke the silence with his customary grumble.
"Well, I suppose no good deed goes unpunished..."

Well, it's a better fate than being gibbeted at the end of the crawler track, which is certainly where I'd be but for the Royal Pardon :)



1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

No... NO!!!  I told your yucky friends and I'll tell you too, get your nasty negativity away from my beautiful monolith!" 


1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

"Your companion has a very shiny, positive aura, so for her sake only I will tell you this one time.  I am the guardian of my beautiful monolith, which I have protected and nurtured and sang to for centuries uncounted.  My name is Sanny... I am a ghost... and I will NOT cooperate with you or the others.  Now get away from my lovely Monolith.... it doesn't like any of you!!" 

This sounds "hauntingly" familiar.  Glad to see Sanny's spark hasn't totally gone out :)  Very flattered, in fact.


1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

"You see... all those many years ago when both your parents and Emiko vanished.  I was there when it happened...." 

Do tell, Herr von Kerman :)


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22 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

As a 1st-hand witness to these events, I must say that I watched in awe as she drank the whole KSC staff under the table.  I could barely keep up with her, and in fact palmed a few shots so that in the end we were the last 2 kerbs standing.  That's my kind of girl, there!  So I asked her for a date.  But that was the point I capsized, so I don't know whether she said "yes" or "no".  I must ask her again next chance I get... :)

Still, that was the best party I've been to since the night before I shoved off from Kerbin a few years back.

I'm afraid she doesn't like younger men... 


This is also a small hint of things to come..... :wink:


22 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

This sounds "hauntingly" familiar.  Glad to see Sanny's spark hasn't totally gone out :)  Very flattered, in fact.

Thank you for letting me borrow her.  I just hope I got her personality right, because I promise we'll be seeing more of her.

And for those that may not yet know Sanny, I would like to introduce the Traveling Circus:


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4 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

I'm afraid she doesn't like younger men... 

What do you expect from a sailor just stepping ashore and paid off after a long and traumatic cruise that cost him a shipmate and wrecked his ship?  And then being presented with a "stunningly beautiful woman" who can hold her liquor? :D   I'm sure my alter ego was carted off to bed as he mumbled Kerbport Nancy


4 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

Thank you for letting me borrow her.  I just hope I got her personality right, because I promise we'll be seeing more of her.

Yup, that's her.  You do her flowery speech without needing the graphical flowers I used :wink:

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2 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

What do you expect from a sailor just stepping ashore and paid off after a long and traumatic cruise that cost him a shipmate and wrecked his ship?  And then being presented with a "stunningly beautiful woman" who can hold her liquor? :D   I'm sure my alter ego was carted off to bed as he mumbled Kerbport Nancy


Yup, that's her.  You do her flowery speech without needing the graphical flowers I used :wink:

Now I want to start calling you the Forum Pirate...lol

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12 hours ago, Just Jim said:

Once Thompberry had finished Kuzz just stood there shaking his head. "But surely this isn't possible... is it?" 

Jim, if you're going to have @Kuzzter as a character you cannot give him that line and just leave it hanging there. It's like this Kuzzter of yours is a completely different kind of kerbal altogether! Or did I just pick the wrong week to give up drinking hydrazine?

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50 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Jim, if you're going to have @Kuzzter as a character you cannot give him that line and just leave it hanging there. It's like this Kuzzter of yours is a completely different kind of kerbal altogether! Or did I just pick the wrong week to give up drinking hydrazine?

Oh my..... I was so wrapped up in keeping the plots straight I let that slip right by... my bad!

It's been fixed... lol...  :sticktongue:



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7 minutes ago, Zhetaan said:

This Kuzzter of yours is a completely different kind of kerbal.

I have to admit they've evolved and changed from what I first intended, but mostly I think of both Kuzzter and Geschosskopf characters as a sort of Robin Hood types. Both would gladly steal from the rich, especially if there was some degree of fun and adventure involved.  But afterwards, they'd most likely give whatever they took to someone that needed it more. 

Then do it all over again....  :D

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Just now, Just Jim said:

I have to admit they've evolved and changed from what I first intended, but mostly I think of both Kuzzter and Geschosskopf as a sort of Robin Hood types. Both would gladly steal from the rich, especially if there was some degree of fun and adventure involved.  But afterwards, they'd most likely give whatever they took to someone that needed it more. 

Then do it all over again....  :D

*sigh* Jim, Jim, Jim... 


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