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The Saga of Emiko Station - Complete

Just Jim

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1 hour ago, Draconiator said:

Wooooo this is going to be a good chapter I can tell...it is always worth the wait with Jim at the helm.  :)

I need to get back into my KSP and set up some screenshots for the latest chapter I am writing too...Gyazo helps a LOT with that.  With Etherium, all my screenshots are Gyazo shots.

Aww, thank you!  I've been working on screenshots all morning.  If the weather holds, I'm hoping to get most, if not all, done today.

I'm not familiar with Gyazo.  Is it like Imgur?


41 minutes ago, DualDesertEagle said:

This might be a question u don't like to hear, but do u have a certain number of chapters in mind at which the story ends or is it just gonna keep going forever? I'll be fine with either one, each has its advantages and disadvantages :P


Not a problem, it's a very good question, actually. 
Put it this way, while I don't really have a planned number of chapters, it does have an ending.... and maybe room for an eventual sequel.

The reason I can't predict how many chapters is because of the game itself, especially if 1.2 upgrade throws some new twists into the mix.  When the Dev's added things like larger monoliths, and most especially the new Magic Boulders, it gives me new opportunities to explore, as well as forcing me to re-think how to write parts of it. And quite honestly, sometimes I just change my mind, or come up with ideas I hadn't considered, and that can also change how I write it.

So with that in mind, as it stands right now I would say we're a little more than halfway done, and I'm guessing it will have around 100 chapters.   Unless I think of something new, or the Dev's give me some new toys to play with... then all bets are off.  :wink:



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47 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

Aww, thank you!  I've been working on screenshots all morning.  If the weather holds, I'm hoping to get most, if not all, done today.

I'm not familiar with Gyazo.  Is it like Imgur?

Not quite.  You press Print Screen, and your cursor changes into a crosshair.  You just drag what you want to capture, and there ya go!


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50 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

The reason I can't predict how many chapters is because of the game itself, especially if 1.2 upgrade throws some new twists into the mix.  When the Dev's added things like larger monoliths, and most especially the new Magic Boulders, it gives me new opportunities to explore (...)

“...on his mission to explore new features, and strange new bugs. to boldly go where no author has gone before!

not sure how I came up with that. :D

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5 hours ago, Just Jim said:

I'll look at it later, but honestly, the only new mods I'm really interested in right this minute are to add some very specific parts... which I now think I've found. 
I don't want to give it all away yet, but I'll be adding some very non-stock stuff into the mix soon.

Cool! Looking forward to it

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5 hours ago, Kerbart said:

“...on his mission to explore new features, and strange new bugs. to boldly go where no author has gone before!

not sure how I came up with that. :D

OMG... this is so true!  Strange new features and bugs are definitely the most challenging aspect of writing a chapter by chapter story.

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Today was fun.  I had a hard time this morning getting one thing to blow up the way I wanted, but I finally figured it out, so we'll have a nice, big gratuitous explosion in the next chapter.  Got most of the screenshots finished, and the hard ones are done, so I should be able to finish the rest of them tomorrow.

Thanks for being so patient... this next chapter is going to be really good, I promise!  :cool:

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10 hours ago, Garrett Kramme said:

This is an incredible story. This is worthy a novel (with a few adaptations, of course. Some people don't know what KSP is). You should keep this up! I love it!

Quick question, where did you get the dead kraken model from?

Oh wow, thank you!  Can y'all imagine if Squad did publish it?  That would be amazing!
I will definitely see it to the end.  I may take a few more months, but I'm not giving up halfway thru. 

As for the dead Kraken, that's a stock Easter egg. 
I'm sorry I can't tell you exactly where it is, but the pictures of it I posted appear to be taken from one of Jool's moons.  :wink:

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Well, I had to deal with crappy weather and a huge dose of RL, but despite this, I got all the screenshots for the next chapter.  :D

So we're looking good for the next chapter tomorrow evening


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4 minutes ago, 0111narwhalz said:

I don't think I'd quite need a tissue for ol' Thomp yet...

Then again... maybe, just maybe, you'll need a box of them before this next chapter is over....  ;.;

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1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

Then again... maybe, just maybe, you'll need a box of them before this next chapter is over....  ;.;

People and Kerbals usually get what they deserve.  Even pressganged Circus Kerbals.  Karma is a harsh mistress.  Shedding tears for them is thus going against the natural order of things. :)


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7 hours ago, Geschosskopf said:

People and Kerbals usually get what they deserve.  Even pressganged Circus Kerbals.  Karma is a harsh mistress.  Shedding tears for them is thus going against the natural order of things. :)

So true.... but this.... this may be a little different....  :wink:


8 hours ago, 0111narwhalz said:

If you can make a villain into the subject of a tear-jerker, you shall command my respect forevermore.

I accept your challenge! 

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1 hour ago, Jarin said:

You may be on your way to redeeming Thompberry, but you're not there yet. He's still got a lot to make up for. :P

He'd have to do a massive amount of kissing up for the next 100 years.

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2 hours ago, Jarin said:

You may be on your way to redeeming Thompberry, but you're not there yet. He's still got a lot to make up for. :P


1 hour ago, GDJ said:

He'd have to do a massive amount of kissing up for the next 100 years.

Hold on, let's not jump the gun.... I never said anything about redeeming Thompberry. 
Let's just say after this next chapter you may understand him a little better.  :wink:

As for his ultimate fate, quite honestly I haven't really decided yet.  I could totally redeem him, or have him go totally evil again, or maybe go out in a blaze of glory...  idk...  :rolleyes:
Whatever the case, it won't really effect the ultimate ending of the story... so for now it's anyone's guess, including my own.


OK, I spent the morning photoshopping and antiquing the screenshots (something different this time) and Imgur wasn't too finicky, so they're uploaded. It's now 3:00pm here, and I'm going to try and get this written up before the end of the day if the rain doesn't get too bad.

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4 hours ago, Just Jim said:

As for his ultimate fate, quite honestly I haven't really decided yet.  I could totally redeem him, or have him go totally evil again, or maybe go out in a blaze of glory...  idk...  :rolleyes:
Whatever the case, it won't really effect the ultimate ending of the story... so for now it's anyone's guess, including my own.

Everybody keeps assuming that the "good guys" are going to win.  Why does that have to happen? :)


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