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On 17/01/2016 at 11:50 AM, Xorth Tanovar said:


3/10- obviously 'shopped, and not very believable.


From the TV series U.F.O. made in the 1970's...

On 16/01/2016 at 6:39 AM, A35K said:


9/10 Don't know what it is but it looks cool and fast.

Beriev A-40 aircraft picture

I forget the term, but it doesn't actually fly, it skims the surface.... for lakes only... very heavy lifter....



Why no cars, back in the day, they built a prototype AND it flew....


As for the SKY DIVER....


And this one IS more believable


Edited by kiwi1960
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(Referring to sky-car) 4/10 - failed to go mainstream and convert the world into a jetsons fantasy.


Presenting the Sukhoi "PAK-FA", granddaughter of Flanker :D

By all reports will be a mean ba*&^%d :D








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3 hours ago, RA3236 said:

Uhhh... Where is it?


7/10, nice combination of modern Aircraft technology with propeller-based propulsion, I'm guessing it's good for short and maybe medium distance travel, but it's probably inferior to Jets at long distance travel.


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