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Higgins Class PT Boat With Detailed Interior! (NAS-BDA Version Out!)

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The Saturnian Naval Dockyards Presents

A Higgins Class PT Boat (Based mostly off the PT-658)


This is the fruit of my labor since 1.0.5's release (also doubles as a early Christmas present for some), smashing personal records by clocking in at 678 parts, with a complete detailed stock interior while being able to scream past at (35 m/s) 68 knots at it's top speed (with the Panther engine afterburner activated) while being able to conduct swift maneuvers to evade all sorts of weapons.  The interior is based off that of the PT-658, the only PT Boat left in operating condition. 

But first... Historical Background

The PT Boat was a "Fast Attack Craft" used by the US Navy in WWII. They were Small, fast and inexpensive, but had limited armament, ineffective torpedoes, temperamental aircraft engines, and fragile construction. WWII PT Boats used advances in the planing hull design so they only displaced 30-75 tons, and reached 35-40 kts. This one was based off the PT-658, which displaced 47 mT, was 24 Meters long, and reached 41 knots, carrying 2 officers and 14 enlisted men, and entered service near the end of WWII.

I had to take a few liberties to make it work and look well (It doesn't have the planing effect for example, and sits rather high in the water). 




1 goliath for the main propulsion, 1 Panther to balance the thrust out, additional speed, and maneuverability.  2 Juno engines are added for wake effect (Credit goes to @Azimech for the inspiration).

Action Groups 

1 Toggles Engines

2 Thrust reverser on the Goliath (Fast stop, great for avoiding torpedoes!)

It's time to go take a tour!

First, the bow!


A 37 mm cannon is mounted on the front, as well as 20 mm gun for attacks on air targets. Additionally, 2 8-Cell rocket launchers are equipped.


.50 cal double barrel Browning guns are equipped on both sides of the ship.

Four Mark 13 torpedoes are aboard the PTBoat for sinking enemy ships. The gif below shows a torpedo drop. The scene used destruction FX, which explains the flames, though there is little effect. The Torpedoes travels at 24-32 meters per second.



Two depth charges are equipped on the very back against submerged targets. The depth charges will blow up on contact with the sea floor/enemy submarines.cvqsl6X.pngOn the aft is a 40mm Bofors Cannon for attacking both aircraft and ships. On the very back is the smoke generator.3LKu6or.png

Moving back to the front, we find the control area for the captain, and while not fully shown here, a radar for finding enemy targets and searchlights. Being Valentina is the charthouse containing well... charts and radar/radio equipment. 

No time to waste, it's time to visit the crew quarters!

Nh1ulE3.pngThe ladder leads to the rather crammed front quarters of the ship. Many bunks are located here, as well as the kitchen. Not pictured is the ward, though nobody actually uses it.  Behind the ladder are small arms for use by the crew members.

sIyKRV0.pngThe officer desk is located down the hall, as well as the officer bunks. 

k7kiPmi.pngThe ammunition for the small arms are located in the lockers here.

NzbbZcn.pngThis is the officers ward. (Yes, the antenna/nosecone is in fact a plunger...) It happens to be sandwiched between two fuel tanks, which sounds quite dangerous, though it would be dangerous regardless of location if the fuel tanks were destroyed...IZ6idIr.pngBehind the wards is the engine room, containing the trio of Packard 5M-2000 V12 engines the very boat is propelled by. (Unfortunately, the engine room is only accessible from the command chair.)8GefAQG.pngThe very back contains the aft crew quarters, which have a different lay out than the front quarters, and also have a better ward.

PT boats are for the fast and the daring, willing to take the risk by charging in close to the enemy!



400 parts, faster, easier turning, tricycle base, but also somewhat harder to "sail". This is for those who simply cannot afford the above without crashing and your computer groaning.


BOFORS 40MM Cannon


This subassembly is from the main gun on the back, for use on other vessels of your choice.



Here's the "minimal" version of the PTBoat, for getting the low-end computers to be able to run the boat without much trouble, as well as for those who want a smooth experience and appreciate the true speed of the PT Boat. The whole assembly has 218 parts, the PTBoat has 205. It travels 40 m/s on normal full thrust, 45 with afterburners, and is much lighter than the other crafts. It doesn't have much in the form of an interior, though most of the rooms are intact.



This version uses BDA for explosive torpedoes, and multiple guns from NAS and BDA to get the armament that the actual PT Boat has or at least as close to it. It even carries scuttling charges. It is based of the minimal version, but with torpedoes, so part count is about 280 parts. It is still very fast, despite the armament. Radars are also on board. Hopefully your battles go well!


A wheel base is included in the download as well as a crew cabin, but it is much easier to get VesselMover or Hyperedit to get in the water, and Take Command is a good idea for getting the kerbals in the command chair in the first place. Scatterer provides the amazing water, which is something i'd also have in handy.

Notes: While the PT Boat thrust is partially balanced by the Panther, it still is somewhat uneven, so don't list too much in one direction or you risk spinning around ridiculously. 

If you find any room for improvement, please leave a comment. If you think the craft deserves it, leave some rep if you enjoyed!


Edited by SaturnianBlue
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  On 12/21/2015 at 6:01 PM, pTrevTrevs said:

Wow, you are a man (or woman, I suppose) after my own heart! Great job!

I'm gonna have to try this out for myself later today.


Thank you! You really set the standards for stock water craft. :) I'll probably make larger vessels once 1.1 drops so I can build ships with better detail. Bofors 40mm cannon subassembly should be up today or later.

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  On 12/22/2015 at 5:03 AM, RixKillian said:

Very cool! How do you get it to turn so quickly?

Btw - Higgins boats were LCVPs (Landing craft). While not the official designation, Higgins was the name for an entire class of boat.


I used the Panthers gimbal and listing the PT boat a small bit to take advantage of the Goliath's torque (it was set low in the craft so it wouldn't interfere with the actual rooms and such).

Your WWII replica crafts are awesome too! :)

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  On 12/23/2015 at 3:39 AM, selfish_meme said:

Oh.... You want me to build a Fubuki class destroyer to ram it? I would note however, that PT-109 was an Elco PT Boat, and not the ones built by Higgins toward the wars end (PT-625 types) , the ones I based my boat off.


In other news, the reduced part version will have 400 parts, but right now driving this thing through the water is ridiculous, it's all over the place... 

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The reduced part version has 398 parts, and is now released! Next will be the "Minimal" and Minimal-NAS/BDA versions. The reduced part version doesn't have the torpedoes or depth charges, but I will upload them as a separate subassembly for those who want them. The reduced part version removes most of the tiny parts, and changes the wheel base. It's faster and easier to turn, but also wobblier and somewhat unstable. When rolling down the runway, don't go at the things top speed on land (50 m/s...) or the thing will flip. Keep note of this when getting in the water too. 



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  On 12/24/2015 at 1:45 AM, blackrack said:


Am I the only one thinks this looks like the boat from dino crisis 2? http://www.mobygames.com/images/shots/l/42188-dino-crisis-2-windows-screenshot-playing-as-regina-on-the-boat.jpg

Thanks for the nostalgia trip.


Although I've never played this game, I get the feeling we're somewhat of the same generation.

  On 12/23/2015 at 4:12 PM, SaturnianBlue said:

The reduced part version has 398 parts, and is now released! Next will be the "Minimal" and Minimal-NAS/BDA versions. The reduced part version doesn't have the torpedoes or depth charges, but I will upload them as a separate subassembly for those who want them. The reduced part version removes most of the tiny parts, and changes the wheel base. It's faster and easier to turn, but also wobblier and somewhat unstable. When rolling down the runway, don't go at the things top speed on land (50 m/s...) or the thing will flip. Keep note of this when getting in the water too. 




Depth charges? What did I miss? I need them for my destroyers!

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  On 12/24/2015 at 1:45 AM, blackrack said:


Am I the only one thinks this looks like the boat from dino crisis 2? http://www.mobygames.com/images/shots/l/42188-dino-crisis-2-windows-screenshot-playing-as-regina-on-the-boat.jpg

Thanks for the nostalgia trip.


I feel I was born too late to play this....

  On 12/24/2015 at 3:57 AM, castille7 said:

Really cool craft design and very innovative!


Thanks! I hadn't extensively used stock on such a detailed project, and I ended up with interesting combos for parts, like using nose cones and an antenna for a plunger... 

  On 12/24/2015 at 5:06 AM, Azimech said:

Although I've never played this game, I get the feeling we're somewhat of the same generation.

Depth charges? What did I miss? I need them for my destroyers!


Depth charges! I used an full ore tanks as well as sepatrons and a separator to make one, ore tanks sink well after all. I heard mystery goo containers also work.

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Hmmm .... now we need explosives with adjustable timers or proximity sensors and real sub hunting can begin. Don't know if some kind of increase in air pressure is simulated while sinking in 1.0.5, hydraulic pressure is not. But we don't have pressure sensors firing action groups anyway.

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  On 12/24/2015 at 1:24 PM, Azimech said:

Hmmm .... now we need explosives with adjustable timers or proximity sensors and real sub hunting can begin. Don't know if some kind of increase in air pressure is simulated while sinking in 1.0.5, hydraulic pressure is not. But we don't have pressure sensors firing action groups anyway.


You could simulate a proximity trigger with a probe core and seperatons, it works better if the two parts are different ships, just stage them when the sub gets close, it would work for a movie

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Here's the "minimal" version of the PTBoat, for getting the low-end computers to be able to run the boat without much trouble, as well as for those who want a smooth experience and appreciate the true speed of the PT Boat. The whole assembly has 218 parts, the PTBoat has 205. It travels 40 m/s on normal full thrust, 45 with afterburners, and is much lighter than the other crafts. It doesn't have much in the form of an interior, though most of the rooms are intact. I'll work on a NAS-BDA version of this with torpedoes+depthcharges, and working guns.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Apologies for the delay, but the NAS-BDA version of the PT Boat is out! Armed with torpedoes with 300 kg explosives, you better watch out for the mosquito of the high seas! The boat is equipped with Bofors, Oerlikons, M2HB browning, and a 30 MM cannon (NAS doesn't have the exact 3.7 cm gun on the front), as well as 4 small hand arms for use in KIS. It still has high speed, and also has a tendency to tip, so be careful! (Also carries scuttling charges for detonation of the ship in "Extreme" circumstances, though you may want some probe cores on board, as only the Torpedoes really have any (have a Kerbal on deck!). 

280 Parts



Mods: BD Armory, and NAS (and CAL). 

Action Groups

1 Toggles engines

2 Engine Thrust Reverser

3 Smokescreen

4 Detonates all torpedo explosives (As missile cones only explode at 30 m/s, so for encounters below that speed, this should be used, though not on the ship! (generally)). 

10/0 Scuttling charges, detonates many ship components.



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