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[NovaPunch] Presenting: The Most Advanced Ship In Kerbal's Fleet

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Hello, this is my showing off my 'Debris-less combo launcher MK IV' the most advanced ship ever engineered by Kerbals!

What can this great ship do?

-Fully recoverable, every stage can be de-orbited back to Kerbal and has parachutes to soft land.

-Debris-less! Never again look at your nav map and be unable to find what you wanted to put in orbit, and what you left in from launching your rockets!

-Launch 2 satellites around any bodies (yes different ones even) inside The Kerbol System.

-Powered landing\'s on all moon\'s in the kerbal system even while launching satellites, and traveling in fuel inefficient paths.

-Emergency RCS lander with plenty of fuel and power to get off any moon or Kerbal orbit and get back home if you do run out of fuel. (Note: IF you put your self in orbit around the sun [Kerbol] this statement is voided)

This great rocket does come at a cost, it requires the NovaPunch pack modded parts. Optionally Mechjeb makes life easier, but is NOT required and I have a separate craft file for those who would do without. (Does make it lighter but fuel isn\'t a real concern with this)

NovaPunch pack: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4180.0

Mechjeb: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=14066.0

Craft files:

Debris-Less Combo MK IV -http://www./?d4eba7c21xazcka

Debris/Jeb-Less Combo MK I -http://www./?lk8af8mfe7at8c9

*Note* In all seriousness I don\'t believe this to the be greatest thing ever built by anyone, just myself :D


Here are the launch video\'s of it. I magically got the ability to upload longer than 15 minutes after the first one I uploaded so that\'s why the second on is so much longer :)

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Welcome to the forums!

Quite a good craft for your first post, how long have you been playing KSP?

btw, I think the reason it rolls during flight is because of the delta wings on it, they are applied symmetrically, so each one is turning it clockwise.

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  Newt0570 said:

Welcome to the forums!

Quite a good craft for your first post, how long have you been playing KSP?

btw, I think the reason it rolls during flight is because of the delta wings on it, they are applied symmetrically, so each one is turning it clockwise.

Thank you.

I\'ve been playing for less than a month so far, just bought the game last month after playing the demo for a bit.

That\'s a good possibility, I\'ll take a look at it, I assumed they would correct they\'re direction based on positioning but that might just be it.

*edit* Nope, wasn\'t it, darn would have been nice, I could have fitted an ASAS and just not used it during take off and make it much more user friendly without mechjeb

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  Kerbalnaut said:

I wish i wasn\'t lazy, otherwise i would try to top this rocket. Good job!

I\'ve actually put a bit of thought about the possibility of getting into an 'Arm\'s Race' with someone over this. My next plan was to add missiles! Mostly to take out the very satellites I put into orbit but also as a potential deterrent :D

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That\'s a hell of a piece of machinery, well done! Nice to see I\'m not alone when it comes to worry about debris accumulation (though I just cheat and edit the Persist.dat file, hah!)

I\'d like to ask--how does remote deployment of parachutes work anyway? I\'ve never gotten it to work myself--I was under the impression that you just include the parachutes in the stage of the engine being discarded, and they\'d open on their own when you drop the stage, but that never seems to happen.

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  Synthesis said:

That\'s a hell of a piece of machinery, well done! Nice to see I\'m not alone when it comes to worry about debris accumulation (though I just cheat and edit the Persist.dat file, hah!)

I\'d like to ask--how does remote deployment of parachutes work anyway? I\'ve never gotten it to work myself--I was under the impression that you just include the parachutes in the stage of the engine being discarded, and they\'d open on their own when you drop the stage, but that never seems to happen.

Thank you, I\'ve had to delete my persistance file several times, and figured I should start focusing on debris-less designs.

As for the parachutes you have to activate them in a stage BEFORE or DURING the decoupler that releases the parts, also if its in the same stage as the decoupler it needs to be before (lower in the list) than the decoupler in my experience. This is a bit awkward and I\'m hoping for a better way of it working. This also is a problem with decoupling stages with boosters you want to fire off (though novapunch has retro-boosters for stage separation that defy this), as you have to have in in a whole stage before, you can\'t do it in the same stage like with parachutes.

  dogon11 said:


Nothing is too wobbly for ASAS.

NovaPunch comes with some pretty strong sruts, just tie everything down and use an ASAS.

You\'re free to try :D The problem lies it how long the rocket is and the fact that the ASAS is at the top which sways the most, this causes it to over-compensate for the tilt and causes a back and forth wobble that will blow any chance or orbit out the windows if not your kerbals ;)

  Tupin said:

Can\'t seem to get this one off the ground, but that may just be my inexperience as a Kerbalnaut. Sometimes it falls over on the launch pad, sometimes boosters fly off...


Booster falling off is a weird bug I\'ve ran into as well, usually restarting the KSP.exe works out fine. To get it off the ground make sure SAS is on and throttle to full before you press space and start the launch sequence, its quite heavy, but in general if its working right should take off semi-straight for the first 1km. If you keep having problems apply some struts to the boosters, these break on stage separation and will help keep them on, and the SAS should be enough to stop spinning. If you still have problems let me know.

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  sss said:


too bad you didnt show the launching of the rocket, my pc cant handle the game so, :\'(

I thought it was pretty obvious, I have the whole launch on the channel as well, its linked as video response, I didn\'t wanna clutter the main post even more, but taking a look at the views I don\'t think your alone in not finding it.

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  Tiberion said:

Hmm, I\'ll have to see about making some heavy retro rockets (solids that burn for a few seconds) to make deorbiting stages easier.

Very nice :)

Novapunch has that.

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  Tiberion said:

Hmm, I\'ll have to see about making some heavy retro rockets (solids that burn for a few seconds) to make deorbiting stages easier.

Very nice :)

Thanks for the comment, this would be very helpful, Nova Punch does indeed have something like this but it puts out a minuscule 200 total thrust which really doesn\'t get the job done sadly.

Also is the 2.5km shutoff of engines going to change potentially? It would be very useful as we wouldn\'t need to put out as much thrust as possible in a short time frame to deorbit (though I hear SRB will re-ignite if you go back too them).

  sss said:
  Tiberion said:

Hmm, I\'ll have to see about making some heavy retro rockets (solids that burn for a few seconds) to make deorbiting stages easier.

Very nice :)

Novapunch has that.

I in my haste to reply to Tiberion overlooked the irony of this since Tiberion does manage the novapunch pack :D

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  gyro2death said:

Thanks for the comment, this would be very helpful, Nova Punch does indeed have something like this but it puts out a minuscule 200 total thrust which really doesn\'t get the job done sadly.

Also is the 2.5km shutoff of engines going to change potentially? It would be very useful as we wouldn\'t need to put out as much thrust as possible in a short time frame to deorbit (though I hear SRB will re-ignite if you go back too them).

you could always strap on some boosters upsidown.

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Yeah the current retroboosters are more for backing away stages, thus the need for heavier boosters.

I could do them in liquids too, but it seems troublesome to manage fuel tanks and such to make them work, and fire-and-forget solid boosters are much better suited for this I think.

The 2.5km thing is build into the game engine, I wouldn\'t expect the threshold to change; What is more likely to happen is some sort of remote-control functionality letting you operate unmanned craft from mission control - its somewhat doable with mods&plugins now (or it was, you could stick an extra mechjeb onboard and control the debris. Not sure if this is still a feature or not) but I would imagine some official version down the road at some point.

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  Tiberion said:

Yeah the current retroboosters are more for backing away stages, thus the need for heavier boosters.

I could do them in liquids too, but it seems troublesome to manage fuel tanks and such to make them work, and fire-and-forget solid boosters are much better suited for this I think.

The 2.5km thing is build into the game engine, I wouldn\'t expect the threshold to change; What is more likely to happen is some sort of remote-control functionality letting you operate unmanned craft from mission control - its somewhat doable with mods&plugins now (or it was, you could stick an extra mechjeb onboard and control the debris. Not sure if this is still a feature or not) but I would imagine some official version down the road at some point.

No I agree this kinda of thing is better suited to SRB rather than liquid, I only used LFE because it was better for my weight to thrust for what I needed, but a really hard burning SRB would be perfect for this considering the range limitations. (I\'ll have to try the mechjeb thing out)

Also I noticed the 'radial retro booster' (in C&C) can fire in the same stage as a decoupler while the 'backfire retro-rocket' can\'t (nothing else seems to be able to). I\'m not sure how you pulled that off but I love it, that would make deorbiting so much easier as you wouldn\'t have to first extend your orbit then burn it back and potentially screw up your orbit.

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  Tiberion said:

Probably missing a config option, ActivateEvenIfDisconnected = True

All of the retros and payload assists should have that, I\'ll have to double check them

Ah! That makes sense, can I put that on engines? If so I might modify the LFE to have that flag so that I can at least avoid having to do that silly retro-burn-to-fix-orbit-while-detaching maneuver that I have to do. At least till you add in heavy retro-boosters :D

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/Shameless plug: Or you could put your crazy deorbiting engines on rotatrons or hinges from one of my packs, that way you can use them during liftoff and then just turn them around to deorbit.

Otherwise I reckon you have enough delta-V to just skip the deorbiting engines and crash that stage into whatever moon you are aiming for.

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  DYJ said:

/Shameless plug: Or you could put your crazy deorbiting engines on rotatrons or hinges from one of my packs, that way you can use them during liftoff and then just turn them around to deorbit.

Otherwise I reckon you have enough delta-V to just skip the deorbiting engines and crash that stage into whatever moon you are aiming for.

Actually I\'ve taken several looks at your plugin, just haven\'t used it much yet (I\'ve only been playing for a month so far), rotating engines sounds quite useful. I\'ve kinda feel like I\'ve reached a plateau (I did the same thing with stock parts, ran out of things to do) so I\'ve been looking at damned robotics and energy mods to give me more I can do. Though I really want a career mode so badly now, I need a goal to focus on, just being creative is rather hard ;) also building cost effective ships would be a fun challenge.

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