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Yaw Not Working When Turning Large Ships

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As stated in the title, when I am turning my ships, the Yaw does not work. When its sitting on the launch pad, in space or on the way up, the pitch moves like its supposed to, the roll moves like its supposed to, but when I try to move the yaw, nothing happens to the ship. It just rotates like I am using roll. It used to work just fine, but now I can't get it to work and I can't find anything on google, or the forum to help. Help!


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My impression from the OP (since he mentioned "in space") is that this isn't an aero issue, but concerns how rockets behave with reaction torque.

Correct? i.e. you're saying that when you have a ship in orbit, the W and S keys will pitch as expected, and the Q and E keys roll as expected, but the A and D keys are causing roll rather than yaw?

Could you post a screenshot?

Is there any chance you got your control keys remapped somehow?

Is there a plugged-in joystick or other controller somewhere that could be interfering with your control inputs?

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9 hours ago, huskybowner said:

That's what I'm saying Snark.

Thanks for the help, I actually figured it out. I had the control pod on side ways, messing with everything.


That's a common issue when starting, especially when using the square/cube robotic cores.  The "up" side of the flat cube / regular cube core is the direction of travel, but when you surface mount it to the side of the vessel, that's 90 degrees off from what you want.

Fortunately, the MRS (Modular Rocket Systems) mod comes with radial probe cores that point in the correct direction :)

If you want the control pod to point sideways for aesthetic reasons, mount a docking port or probe core on the nose of the vessel, pointing in the proper direction, then right-click on it and use "Control from here" right before you launch.  You'll see the nav-ball swing around to the correct orientation.

However, if you flip into IVA mode with the 'c' key, KSP will assume that you want to "control from here" via the pod and things will get confused again.

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Man. I remember having this issue a long time ago.


I remap my controls to the side number keys and somehow, during the mapping, I blanked the pitch controls and never noticed.

3 hours later something clicked and I found it.


Oh! I remember what clicked. I noticed that the pitch indicator wasn't moving in the little box on the bottom left.



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