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Edited by Kandjk
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Welcome to the forums!

To make an unmanned rover, put a probe core on it, the same as you would for any unmanned ship.

(Are you playing sandbox, or career?  If you're playing career, you have to advance a little ways up the tech tree before you unlock the probe cores.)

Not sure what you mean by "like the Curiosity one"-- how do you mean, "like"?  In what way?  There are lots of nifty stock parts in KSP, you can make all kinds of cool-looking rovers even without a mod.

Edited by Snark
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Tarsier technologies has a nice mast camera as well as many other goodies (space telescopes etc, something the stock game desperately needs).  Here it is on Moho.







Here's the launcher which could use a nosecone upgrade.




Under the fairing.




I've been leaving the skycrane on for contingencies.  It's very important to use Kerbal Engineer Redux so that you can zero out the thrust torque on each stage so the ship doesn't flip out.  Use the offset tool and zoom way in on various parts until KER says zero thrust torque on each stage.  I also second what Snark says about the probe cores.

Good luck and welcome to the forums

Edited by Aethon
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On ‎1‎/‎2‎/‎2016 at 0:56 PM, Aethon said:

Tarsier technologies has a nice mast camera as well as many other goodies (space telescopes etc, something the stock game desperately needs).  Here it is on Moho.







Here's the launcher which could use a nosecone upgrade.




Under the fairing.




I've been leaving the skycrane on for contingencies.  It's very important to use Kerbal Engineer Redux so that you can zero out the thrust torque on each stage so the ship doesn't flip out.  Use the offset tool and zoom way in on various parts until KER says zero thrust torque on each stage.  I also second what Snark says about the probe cores.

Good luck and welcome to the forums

Ерфтлы, вшв нщг ьфлу еру ыршз? Ша ыщ сфт нщг ыутв ьу ф вщцтдщфв дштл ащк еру ыршз здуфыу

Edited by Kandjk
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On ‎1‎/‎2‎/‎2016 at 0:03 PM, Snark said:

Welcome to the forums!

To make an unmanned rover, put a probe core on it, the same as you would for any unmanned ship.

(Are you playing sandbox, or career?  If you're playing career, you have to advance a little ways up the tech tree before you unlock the probe cores.)

Not sure what you mean by "like the Curiosity one"-- how do you mean, "like"?  In what way?  There are lots of nifty stock parts in KSP, you can make all kinds of cool-looking rovers even without a mod.

Ерфтлы, фтв Шь щт ыфтвищч иге Ш вщте лтщц  цруку еру зкщиу сщку шы Фтв фы шт Ш цфте ше ещ иу ф пщщв щту ерфе сфте икуфл уфышдн фтв фдыщ сфт пуе ещ ф вшаакуте здфтуе.

Edited by Kandjk
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4 hours ago, Kandjk said:

Thanks, and I'm on sandbox but I don't know where the probe core is? And as in I want it to be a good one that can't break easily and also can get to a different planet.

Welcome to the forums! :D

Probe cores are located under the pods tab (first tab). Rovers won't usually break easily, just be careful with them :wink:. Also, if you want to get to other planets, you would want to design a ship that has enough Delta-V to get there (and land).

Hope this helps!

-Atlas 2342 

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On 1/4/2016 at 0:39 AM, Kandjk said:

Thanks, and I'm on sandbox but I don't know where the probe core is? And as in I want it to be a good one that can't break easily and also can get to a different planet.

An unmanned rover needs four things:

  • A probe core (already mentioned under the pods tab in the VAB.)
  • Batteries to hold electric charge for the rover to run on (under the utility tab in the VAB.)
  • A generator of some sort to recharge the rover so it can continue to run (under the utility tab in the VAB.)
  • Wheels to actually get around, otherwise you just have an unmanned lander (under the utility tab in the VAB.)

Now before you try sending something like this to another planet, you should take a page out of NASA's playbook and build the rover on Kerbin and drive it around a little.  I recommend using the airplane hanger for this, since it is a little more laid out for easy crafting horizontally-mirrored symmetrical vehicles.  Build it, launch it to the runway, drive it around a little, and very likely crash it, then recover the parts.  This will be a trial-and-error phase, it should help you shake down the design and ensure it is workable and you can control it well.  How frustrating would it be to send it on a multi-year journey to another planet only to find it was unworkable when you got there?  

As a segue, actually getting that rover to another planet and touching down safely is a whole different issue, and arguable an even bigger challenge than designing the rover itself.  Whatever you do will have to be hand-in-hand with the rover design, as the design of the rover will dictate the needs of the transport, and the limitations of the transport will dictate the design constraints on the rover.  However, that is a discussion beyond the immediate scope of your question.  

If you want to make the simplest "Curiosity" style rover you can, I recommend you start with a Probodobodyne RoveMate as both a pod and structural body.  Add some wheels (RoveMax Model S2RoveMax Model M1, or TR-2L Ruggedized Vehicular Wheel depending on mission and size restrictions.)  You may need to turn off "snap to" during vehicle assembly in order to get them to align correctly.  Then slap a bunch of OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels over the top, or maybe a PB-NUK Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator or two if you have them.  Maybe a few Z-100 Rechargeable Battery Packs if you can find a few places to stick them.  That should get you a minimal but effective rover.  Again I stress that you should get a feel for how it drives and then adjust the design and balance of it.  

Good luck!  

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