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Contract Pack: Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) 2.11 - Milestones, Air Flights, Coast Guard (Now Updated for KSP 1.12.5)


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1 hour ago, jcddmdad said:

No bugs, as yet, for me.  I'm really enjoying the new way of accessing SSI.  I kind of miss having to pick up Inigma Kerman, but not too much.  ;)

Great to hear!

I'll be including Inigma in a future mission, and the reward will be to actually keep him on as an adjunct engineer available for your program's use.  I'll also be including a pilot and a scientist Kerbal as rewards in future developed missions too.

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Ok... so I broke AVC with the last two releases. Hopefully the third time I fixes it.  Future non-critical fixes to GAP discovered from now on will be rolled into GAP 1.3. No ETA on 1.3 release, but with KSP 1.1 release hanging over everyone, especially us contract modders, 1.3 might wait post 1.1 release to fix everything that might break with it.

Requires Contract Configurator 1.9.10 or higher fromhttps://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/releases

Total Career Contracts Available: 56

3/27/16 GAP 1.2.2

  • CoastGuard-Certification now requires wheels, and an air breathing engine to make it appear at the same time with with Shoreline Tour.
  • Equalized contract weights for TourBus, Glider, and First Flight. They should all be equally available now.
  • SSI Venture Capital Funding Loan now available at 25% of starting funds, only gives 10k funds instead of full starting funds, and interest charge raised from 25% to 35%. Loan is still interest free for 30 days.
  • rebalanced starting economy contracts. Now select from command seat, structural, electric vehicle, or flight control techs.
  • corrected grammar and spelling in a few contracts.
  • fixed (third time's the charm?) AVC. (1.2.1 did not include the GAP.version file so if you're running 1.2.1 you will not know that newer GAP versions are out. Sorry!)
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So, ran into a bug with this mod Both contract config and this mod up to date, The coastgard rescue certification no longer grants Lt. Dan Kerman as a usable kerbal, but further rescue missions require him.




Edit: was able to work a little persistence file magic to get Lt. Dan Kerman into game, ran one successful coast rescue mission, but on mission complete and vessel recovery, Lt. Dan Kerman was removed from game, same as the 2 stranded kerbals he rescued. Seems similar to another kerbal removal bug encountered before? Wasn't there something like this with Contract Configurator? @nightingale ?

Edited by vardicd
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20 hours ago, vardicd said:


So, ran into a bug with this mod Both contract config and this mod up to date, The coastgard rescue certification no longer grants Lt. Dan Kerman as a usable kerbal, but further rescue missions require him.




Edit: was able to work a little persistence file magic to get Lt. Dan Kerman into game, ran one successful coast rescue mission, but on mission complete and vessel recovery, Lt. Dan Kerman was removed from game, same as the 2 stranded kerbals he rescued. Seems similar to another kerbal removal bug encountered before? Wasn't there something like this with Contract Configurator? @nightingale ?

Lt. Dan does get removed on purpose, as well as rescued participants.  On contract acceptance, Lt. Dan should appear in your complex.  I'll test it tonight with KSP 1.0.5 and GAP 1.2.2.

Edited by inigma
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16 minutes ago, inigma said:

Lt. Dan does get removed on purpose, as well as rescued participants.  On contract acceptance, Lt. Dan should appear in your complex.  I'll test it tonight.

hm.. okay, did not see that happen, I recruited a new kerbal, and gave him the name to match with persistence file magic. I'll take out another contract next time it comes up and see if I get Lt. Dan with out the persistence editing

EDIT: Just got another rescue mission, Lt. Dan Kerman does spawn into the game for rescue missions. Working as intended. just didn't realize it, last time I played, Lt. Dan stayed around as a persistant kerbal. I sent him to the mun a couple of times, so wasn't expecting him to play disappearing act.

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Instead of a bug report this time, How about a video showing all the fun I'm having rescuing kerbals from the ocean with my first successful helicopter. :D Loving the mod. keep up the good work. :D

Edit: How about I post the right video eh?

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9 hours ago, run1235 said:

anyone know if this works in 1.1 pre release? i miss having contracts for my planes.

I don't have 1.1 access yet (non-steam). Can you test it out and let me know?

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7 hours ago, inigma said:

I don't have 1.1 access yet (non-steam). Can you test it out and let me know?

I'd like to report from the testing i did the contracts do work correctly (i'd assume) i didnt get to any contracts that give me specific kerbals to load onto the plane but the game at least spawned jebediah's barn for the barn storming mission.

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On 4/3/2016 at 3:09 PM, vardicd said:

Got the land on a carrier mission. requirement was have wings. my helicopter has wings. pretty sure it's technically "cheating" but.... :



I like your design! 

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found something with the contracts that irks me a bit, one of the contracts requires me to jump a kerbal from a plane @ 2.5k, without a mod or being lucky that is almost impossible for said kerbal to survive as part of the contract requirements.

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5 hours ago, inigma said:

I like your design! 

Sad little fact, for some reason, the kerbal pilot in that helicopter, when I completed the mission to land on the carrier, was killed on recovery. Not sure why.

2 hours ago, run1235 said:

found something with the contracts that irks me a bit, one of the contracts requires me to jump a kerbal from a plane @ 2.5k, without a mod or being lucky that is almost impossible for said kerbal to survive as part of the contract requirements.

http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/23304-10vanguard-technologies-eva-parachutes-still-works/&page=1 EVA parachutes. I had to install through CKAN to make it work.

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6 hours ago, run1235 said:

i know about that, just irked me a bit that i was offered the contract without the mod installed.

Landing on helmets is a risky but albeit stock alternative. ;)

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Requires Contract Configurator 1.10.3 or higher fromhttps://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/releases

Total Career Contracts Available: 56

4/21/16 GAP 1.2.3

  • Compatibility pass for KSP 1.1.
  • More spelling and grammar fixes.
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