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  1. 1. For service modulee...

    • Use electric engine and recargable fuel tank
    • Classical, can´t refuel the fuel tank

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I decide to make the Ares V and Ares I because the actual 'kerbalized rockets' aren´t realistic.

This is my first mod and i am a beginner on Blender so it probably take me a lot of time to make it.

The idea is make this rockets:


Any video or tutorial is welcome ( Best in spanish ;P)

PROGRES ON ARES I: 3d models are finished need texture

-Stage 1:


-Stage 2:


-Stage 3:


PROGRESS ON ARES V: 3d models finished


Now kevinlach is working on cfg´s and textures of ares I, i´m workin with meshes and textures of ares V

Kevinlach deplovement topic http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=15381.0

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  Kreuzung said:

You might be interested in my plugin, and in PowerTech.

Yes i interesed, i like to add the Mech Jeb as Computer and the electricity pulgin for the orion capsule engine, I like to use power tech but i´am a beginner on blender and i have don´t know how to animate parts

Beafore i forgot to update the pic of the 2 stage :


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on the bright side ATK are building the Liberty which is essencially the ares I. It will use the same 5 segment booster, the same ariane 5 core stage and engine. The capsule will be the composite version of the orion, seeing as MSFC chose to develop both systems in tandem because the limitaions on weight but a MASSIVE pressure on the orion team because the 5 segment booster wasnt strong enough to give it a decent velosity at time of staging. And a composite version was built and tested incase the aluminium/lithium came across technical issues. Composites come with there own problems though as there pourus (leake) so they have that to overcome first but linning it with paints or rubber/nylon whatever. Its already been pressure tested to 35psi which i massively higher that the pressures it will see in flight. and because it carbon/kevlar/alumium honeycomb the intenal space is greater as it doesnt need supports internaly to maintain shape like the metalic counterpart. The launch escape system will be intergrated into the capsule itself due to the service module (the same as orion) having capability taken out of it due to Liberty only being a LEO vehicle so will possiably be able to sit in LEO for a month or more although like i said if it leakes air it might not be used as a ISS 'shuttle/escape vehicle'. The heat shield is another area they can save weight and cost as it will be a trimmed down version of the BEO eblater used on Orion. Although depending on turn around i would like to see shuttle type reusable heat shield seeing as its protected at launch.

Went to this conference. lucky i was out of shot but it was really good. VERY VERY VERY clever of ATK though..they say they are digging deep and paying for this from there own pockets but all the Orion and Ares I development PAID BY NASA, will go directly into the Liberty. Personly i see this flying the day after the the Orion gets back from its first test on the top of the delta 4 to test the reentry shield. all the systems will be raped from the Orion so ATK\'s cost will be very small development and intergration and more on purchacing from the same suppliers that produce the equipment to NASA

Anyway, back on subject..if you wanted to do the Ares I & 5 yet wanted to keep it current-future machinery...keep all your base files and make the liberty? Its a nice looking livery???

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  RichieD76 said:

on the bright side ATK are building the Liberty which is essencially the ares I. It will use the same 5 segment booster, the same ariane 5 core stage and engine. The capsule will be the composite version of the orion, seeing as MSFC chose to develop both systems in tandem because the limitaions on weight but a MASSIVE pressure on the orion team because the 5 segment booster wasnt strong enough to give it a decent velosity at time of staging. And a composite version was built and tested incase the aluminium/lithium came across technical issues. Composites come with there own problems though as there pourus (leake) so they have that to overcome first but linning it with paints or rubber/nylon whatever. Its already been pressure tested to 35psi which i massively higher that the pressures it will see in flight. and because it carbon/kevlar/alumium honeycomb the intenal space is greater as it doesnt need supports internaly to maintain shape like the metalic counterpart. The launch escape system will be intergrated into the capsule itself due to the service module (the same as orion) having capability taken out of it due to Liberty only being a LEO vehicle so will possiably be able to sit in LEO for a month or more although like i said if it leakes air it might not be used as a ISS 'shuttle/escape vehicle'. The heat shield is another area they can save weight and cost as it will be a trimmed down version of the BEO eblater used on Orion. Although depending on turn around i would like to see shuttle type reusable heat shield seeing as its protected at launch.

Went to this conference. lucky i was out of shot but it was really good. VERY VERY VERY clever of ATK though..they say they are digging deep and paying for this from there own pockets but all the Orion and Ares I development PAID BY NASA, will go directly into the Liberty. Personly i see this flying the day after the the Orion gets back from its first test on the top of the delta 4 to test the reentry shield. all the systems will be raped from the Orion so ATK\'s cost will be very small development and intergration and more on purchacing from the same suppliers that produce the equipment to NASA

Anyway, back on subject..if you wanted to do the Ares I & 5 yet wanted to keep it current-future machinery...keep all your base files and make the liberty? Its a nice looking livery???

Yes i will make the ares and the liberty


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It\'s looking great! Keep it up...I can\'t wait for the download. :P

Now i\'m working on the thextures, but i\'m not well at that, i\'m looking for two parthenrs to make a tree team

i\'m the modeller one texturer and one cfg and data deplover for details look at this post:kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=14414.0

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  • 2 weeks later...
  manuelasa1999 said:

I decide to make the Ares V and Ares I because the actual 'kerbalized rockets' aren´t realistic.

This is my first mod and i am a beginner on Blender so it probably take me a lot of time to make it.

The idea is make this rockets:


Any video or tutorial is welcome ( Best in spanish ;P)

PROGRES ON ARES I: 3d models are finished need texture

-Stage 1:


-Stage 2:


-Stage 3:


PROGRESS ON ARES V: 3d models finished


Now me and kevinlacht are working in the CFG meshes and thextures, to see hes deplovement topic follow the url http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=15381.0]c: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=15381.0

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Today i´m happy to tell you something:

With the imprescindible help of Kevinlach we have finished the first part of Konstellation program, i must confess that Kevinlach does the 70% of the job but now i´m a mod maker. To see the picture of the Ares I asas see the deplovement blog of kevinlach

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  • 4 weeks later...
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