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Tourist can tweak parchute

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I send a tourist back in a single command pod with a parachute already armed so i don't need a kerbonaut.
I noticed I can still adjust the deploy pressure of the parachute during reentry is this a bug.

Edited by mellester
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I presume that if you were rescuing a tourist your command pod had a probe so you could control it without a pilot aboard in order to re-enter etc?  If so then the probe would give you the control needed to be able to alter the parachute dynamics.

Edit: If you are talking about a dumb re-entry - i.e. you set the command pod on it's re-entry course with the parachute activated and then stage it so it is re-entering without probe core or pilot attached, then I don't know.


Edited by Speeding Mullet
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14 hours ago, Speeding Mullet said:


If you are talking about a dumb re-entry - i.e. you set the command pod on it's re-entry course with the parachute activated and then stage it so it is re-entering without probe core or pilot attached, then I don't know.


Yes during dumb re-entry I can tweak a parachute deployment height. Is this worth reporting as a bug.

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3 hours ago, mellester said:

Yes during dumb re-entry I can tweak a parachute deployment height. Is this worth reporting as a bug.

I don't know.  Need someone more authoritative on KSP than me to tell you that.  Perhaps it's intended or just an oversight rather than an actual bug but it strikes me that if you can't control the capsule you shouldn't be able to adjust the parachute.


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Only if you want to lose this ability, I'm quite happy to keep this one as then I can change the chute opening height if my tourist happens to fall over the mountains.

Just imagine that mission control is talking the tourist through a totally standard and non-dangerous procedure...

"Hi, er (what's his name?) Boblin Kerman!, we, er, we just need you to adjust the blue lever on your right a little bit, don't worry it's perfectly safe"

"Hmm, I was never asked to do this before, what's going on?"

"Nothings going on Boblin, this is totally normal and safe, you just need to move the lever"

"I have never had to do this before, I'm not doing it now, something's wrong isn't it, what are you not telling me?"

"No no no, nothings wrong, but we really need you to move that lever, the sooner the better!"

"This is highly unusual, and I'll be discussing this with the travel agent as soon as I land!"

"Yeah, about that ..."



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Just did some testing with interesting results.

A tourist can indeed tweak the Parachute settings. I tested several other tweakable parts with the following results:

  1. Landing gear: Brake authority can be changed.
  2. Control surface: Pitch/yaw/roll can all be toggled.
  3. Extendable thermal control system: Status can be seen but can't be deployed.
  4. Landing leg: Can't be right clicked, no status or changes available.
  5. Science parts/Antenna: Can be right clicked but not used.
  6. Air intake: Can see status but not use.
  7. Engine: Can tweak values but not turn on/off.
  8. Decoupler: Can't right click at all.
  9. Fuel tank: Can shut off or turn on flow.
  10. Command pod: Able to rename, turn off/on electricity/monoprop.
  11. Service bay: Not able to open/close.
  12. Light: No right click available.
  13. Battery: Can be shut off or turned on.
  14. RCS block: Can be tweaked.
  15. Solar panel: Status available.
  16. RCS/SAS systems: Can't be toggled on/off.
  17. Reaction wheel: Status shown, no tweaking.
  18. Throttle control: Works but no way to start engine.

On an unrelated note I use the Part Commander mod, and from that mod's menu I can use or tweak any of the parts. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/114902-105-part-commander-quick-access-to-part-right-click-action-menus-v103-nov-20-2015/


Edited by Rocket In My Pocket
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I think, in general, the way the UI is built allows for the buttons to be non-activating with tourists but not the sliders. It's hard to tell exactly from your list, but that seems to match up with your findings.

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