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Haul mk16 parachute into flight above kerbin

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I have searched about this and cant seem to find what im doing wrong.


I laubch with said parachute, have the contracts open during flight waiting for all the green ticks to appear on the way down, deploy chute in the correct alt range (1000-6000m) but once i go under the 1000m range i lose the corresponding tick, and then as soon as i land i lose the "flying" tick.

I just dont know what im doing wrong

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OK so i may have just figured this out, when it gives an alt target (in this case 1000-6000m, thats not the height that the chute should be deployed at but the height that the craft itself should not exceed.

Not very well explained in the game ui

unless of course im wrong but this just finally made the contract completable, turning the fuel down by about 1/3 

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That shouldn't be the case.

Are you really really sure that all of the contract parameters were marked with a green tick before you staged the parachute?

In theory, the only thing that should be misleading would be where it says "deploy" because, as far as I'm aware, it's not the fact that the parachute deploys but that you release it (and it then deploys) which marks the contract as complete.

Personally, I've always taken the cheap and easy solution (command pod + downgraded flea) just to get up to the minimal height before staging the parachute, so the question has never arisen.

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1 hour ago, ezza9000 said:

I did that initially, at one point all the requirements were ticked and then as soon as i dropped below the min height the tick disappeared and i couldn't complete the contract.

That should never happen.  If there's ever a moment where every one of the requirements is ticked, then the contract should complete right at that instant.

So either you've come up against some sort of bug, or there was actually at least one requirement lurking in there that wasn't checked, and that's why it didn't complete.

Since it should be impossible to have an uncompleted contract with all requirements ticked, it would be great if you could grab a screenshot (i.e. including the contract display with all the ticked requirements) if it ever happens again, so you can post it here.  That way, either you can definitively get it confirmed as a bug (and you can report it to Squad, and I bet they'll fix it), or else someone here will be able to point out what the problem is.

And actually, that's a good general-purpose bit of advice:  when in doubt, grab a screenshot.  When you post a why-isn't-this-working question here, most of the time folks' initial response will be to ask for a screenshot anyway ;) ... and having one really helps to get a quick, short accurate response instead of a bunch of speculation.

Edited by Snark
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  • 6 years later...

I captured the screen shot for this instance . Originally I was repeatedly reverting to launch confused but when I finally just completed the flight and recovered the vessel the check marks were still green and the mission control building said I had no active missions so it looks like it took. I think people like me are expecting the check marks and criteria to disappear from the list and turn into a straight forward "Objective Complete" during the flight. https://imgur.com/a/sMiwd4E

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2 hours ago, Vildivin said:

I captured the screen shot for this instance . Originally I was repeatedly reverting to launch confused but when I finally just completed the flight and recovered the vessel the check marks were still green and the mission control building said I had no active missions so it looks like it took. I think people like me are expecting the check marks and criteria to disappear from the list and turn into a straight forward "Objective Complete" during the flight. https://imgur.com/a/sMiwd4E

These are tricky missions. I skip all but the easy ones, such as testing on the pad or while splashed down. 

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18 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

These are tricky missions. I skip all but the easy ones, such as testing on the pad or while splashed down. 

Same here.

They seems to be designed with some quite random parameters, with speeds and heights all over the place and often directly absurd.



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