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[0.90] No More Grind v1.2 - Configurable facility upgrade prices


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I did notice one thing that you might want to mention. If you change the sliders for increased or decreased funds, rep, or science the mod changes to do not take effect and the upgrades default to the original values regardless of the mod setting. Changing the penalty sliders has no effect on the mod though.

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  theersink said:

I did notice one thing that you might want to mention. If you change the sliders for increased or decreased funds, rep, or science the mod changes to do not take effect and the upgrades default to the original values regardless of the mod setting. Changing the penalty sliders has no effect on the mod though.

I have tested this pretty extensively and it does not seem to be the case, changing the sliders works exactly as advertised - all facility upgrades are ten times cheaper than they would have been without the mod. Could you please check again and maybe give me an output_log.txt?

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  nlight said:
I have tested this pretty extensively and it does not seem to be the case, changing the sliders works exactly as advertised - all facility upgrades are ten times cheaper than they would have been without the mod. Could you please check again and maybe give me an output_log.txt?

Yes I will later when I get home. Could possibly be a conflict with another mod. Trying to remember exactly what I did... I believe it was starting a new save. (Did not delete the old one) I will run through it again later and post the log for you.

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Are there any plans to allow setting different multipliers for different buildings/levels? I'm of a mind to make certain upgrades (such as patched conics and maneuver nodes) very easy to get*, but not touch the rest of it. Limiting launch capabilities makes sense: as your program grows, you can launch more ambitious missions. Removing stuff like patched conics and targeting was, in my opinion, one of the worst decisions Squad has ever made.

*Sadly, things like patched conics are now hardcoded to building level, so this is the best solution.

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tenfold = 2^10 :rolleyes:

My english teacher's ruler is out!

Estimated it will take me more than 20 launches with a total of 160 "science data from kerbin space" contracts just to get the launchpad upgraded. Grindy yes. Fun and challenging, most definately. This mod goes against every fibre of my kerbal soul.:)

Edited by MoeslyArmlis
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I greatly appreciate what this does for my career mode, especially since I play on Hard.

...BUT I think it overcompensates for the grindyness. I would like it to maybe bring the prices down to maybe 50% of what they were, but not 10%. In other words, maybe you could add a slider for this under the difficulty menu?


I do apologize for my inability to read the OP... Sorry for wasting your time like that.

Edited by jandcando
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  jandcando said:
I greatly appreciate what this does for my career mode, especially since I play on Hard.

...BUT I think it overcompensates for the grindyness. I would like it to maybe bring the prices down to maybe 50% of what they were, but not 10%. In other words, maybe you could add a slider for this under the difficulty menu?


I do apologize for my inability to read the OP... Sorry for wasting your time like that.

Hit Mod key (Alt for windows) + o at the spacecenter and change the decimal to the desired rate. Save and restart and changes will be in effect for the save and from what I can tell every subsequent game started. Bumping up to .5 from .1 works well, that's what I use.

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I've been playing hard mode with the rewards dialled back up to 100% since career mode came out. Even that results in a very very long slog to even start unlocking space centre upgrades in 0.90. Looking forward to scaling the costs back a little with this, thanks!

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  MoeslyArmlis said:
tenfold = 2^10 :rolleyes:

My english teacher's ruler is out!

Estimated it will take me more than 20 launches with a total of 160 "science data from kerbin space" contracts just to get the launchpad upgraded. Grindy yes. Fun and challenging, most definately. This mod goes against every fibre of my kerbal soul.:)

20 orbital missions just doesn't sound fun and challenging to me, or the maker/users of this mod - in any way. It sounds like a boring repetitive clickfest only mildly broken up by earning funds. That most definitely goes against every fibre of MY Kerbal soul. But to each his own; you can go back to your HarderS and let us take it Easy. :)

(What alternate universe do you live in anyway where that's considered fun and challenging?? )

Edited by ElJugador
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Version 1.2 is up. Now instead of the GUI you can use a simple config file (in GameData/NoMoreGrind/config.txt) that allows the price multiplier to be set by facility type and also allows you to share the configs with each other.

Here's how the default config looks like:

VehicleAssemblyBuilding = 0.1
TrackingStation = 0.1
SpaceplaneHangar = 0.1
Runway = 0.1
ResearchAndDevelopment = 0.1
MissionControl = 0.1
LaunchPad = 0.1
AstronautComplex = 0.1
Administration = 0.1

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  cttw said:
This mod is awesome, and tenfold is not 2^10. That is 1024 fold.

The way my english teacher explained it was:

Take a piece of paper and fold it in half once. When opening it up you will see two boxes created by the fold line. If you fold the paper in half and then in half again you get four boxes created by the fold lines. Fold in half three times and when opened you see eight boxes created by the fold lines. Fold in half four times and your result is sixteen boxes created by the fold lines.

This is binary and that is what I remebered. Therefore tenfold: 2^10=1024.

Internets result that tenfold equals ten times but that is clearly an abomination.:mad:&:confused:

  ElJugador said:
20 orbital missions just doesn't sound fun and challenging to me, or the maker/users of this mod - in any way. It sounds like a boring repetitive clickfest only mildly broken up by earning funds. That most definitely goes against every fibre of MY Kerbal soul. But to each his own; you can go back to your HarderS and let us take it Easy. :)

(What alternate universe do you live in anyway where that's considered fun and challenging?? )

The challenge was to reduce it to 20 launches (now with weight and contract aquisition limits) and in not making any deadly mistakes.

When those deadly mistakes are made you are impacted at the emotional level and not fun is the result. :(

I am not highly skilled at KSP but when playing hard setting in 0.25 there was little challenge and was completeing the tech tree too quickly.

We all invent our own way of playing KSP. That is what makes this such a great piece of software.:)

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  MoeslyArmlis said:
The way my english teacher explained it was:

To put it simply, your teacher was as wrong as a $3 bill. The correct meaning in mathematics is ten times the original value. The only thing the Internet has to do with it is the dissemination of information.

Hopefully such a horrible teacher is no longer incorrectly instructing students. English teachers should not attempt to explain a function of mathematics :P

Edited by JeffreyCor
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  JeffreyCor said:
English teachers should not attempt to explain a function of mathematics :P

That really seems to be the take-away here. The english teacher hears the words "ten, fold" and decides that those words must be interpreted literally and comes up with their own definition...

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I think the building costs are about right at 100% fund penalties. If I had a free hand, the changes I'd make would be to decouple fund penalties from building costs (most of the grind on harder difficulty levels is because buildings cost more even as your profit margins narrow, creating a multiplicative effect. It's also silly because no other costs are coupled with fund penalties; imagine if R&D unlocks or even vessel parts scaled with it), and make mission control t2 / tracking station t2 cheaper so that you'd get patched conics and maneuver nodes faster.

Edited by Spheniscine
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  • 2 months later...
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  • 2 weeks later...


I seem to have made my way here...unfortunately I made changes to the Squad contract system to give me a better edge on Science and Funds so I didnt need a MOD like this; this MOD


seems to fit the bill nicely if I should need it; not sure if it goes into game saves...

Cmdr Zeta

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  • 8 months later...
Just wanted to say I really appreciate this mod. I'm a long time PlayStation gamer and when I recently heard about this game and that it was coming to PS4 sometime this year, I started watching some tutorial series' and then played this at a friends (definitely plan on purchasing the retail version once it's released on PS4). I have quickly become addicted to the game but am still very much in a newbie/learning phase.

I have been able to build some decent rockets to get into various heights of orbits and return safely but when it comes to navigating and intercepting other orbits, I was in desperate need of maneuver nodes. Of course I'm sure you can tell where I'm headed with this. I had already spent a bit to upgrade my astronaut and Launchpad facilities when I discovered the need to upgrade mission control and the flight center to gain maneuver nodes. After doing several contracts within my abilities, I was able to upgrade mission control still leaving me needing 140kish to upgrade the flight center...ugh!

After grinding out some more contracts and inching my way back up to 80k, I was really feeling the burn and starting to have second thoughts. I don't mind a grind at all but the problem I was facing was being able to do orbital money making things in a way that was efficient enough to make it profitable at my skill level without maneuver nodes. Then I heard mention of this mod on a youtube video....hallelujah! I came here and followed these instructions along with discovering and installing CKAN and was instantly able to get my maneuver nodes.

One thing I would like to add is that although this mod may make things "too easy" for the hardcore vet KSP player, seeing that I would still need upwards of 80k for the next upgrade tier made me happy that this isn't some "unlock all" mod that would take the struggle/accomplishment feeling away for the average/beginning player. I think this mod puts costs in a pretty darn good spot for a normal difficulty level setting tbh. Once again, thank you so much for creating this mod. I can tell just from some light browsing that the mod community for this game is awesome and even though I am a die hard console gamer, this kind of community support may just change my mind and have me going pc on this one :D
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