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Proud Dad Moment


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My son has been playing Kerbal off and on since he saw one of my friends sons (who is aged 14) playing it.  At the ripe age of 8, my kid decided he could TOTALLY do that.

He started a career mode (because that's what Dad plays) and after a few weeks was broke, with no recovered science, and nothing but tears.  I managed to convince him to restart on science and he did, experimenting with this and that and only losing a few Kerbals (Valentina... RIP).

Yesterday he built, launched and put a satellite into orbit.  There was some coaching on his flight plan, and some "hmm... you're going north instead of east..." and even a little bit of "okay when you get to the AP mark do this..."

But then he looked at me and said "So how long is it going to be up there?"  "Forever."  "Like I can leave the game on for a month and it'll still be there."  "Yep."

"This.  Is.  So.  Cool!"

Now to start letting the 4 year old play.  We could use another woman in the Rocket Sciences..... :)


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Very cool !

My son wanted to play too. He was 7 1/2 when he tried. I tried to teach him how to build a rocket and how to fly it. 1.0 aero is much harder than beta. Then, he wanted to "know" before "learning" (as kids seems to do...) and wanted to land on the Mun on his own.

This is quite a big step and was frustrated about it. Going to the Mun without knowing how to circularize is ... hard. He dropped the game then.

Now he's in Pixel Art...

Edited by Warzouz
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Small steps.  Mine too wanted to build massive cool rockets and was really hesitant to use the "revert" button in career so he burned most of his money replacing dead kerbals.

But give it time and those little victories do add up.  He watches me play A LOT too so he can see where the game eventually goes.

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1 hour ago, The Optimist said:

Yesterday my dad launched his first satellite

I'm so proud of him.

Given the average computer skills measured over age groups I'd say that this is the most likely scenario.

My kids got their own (assembled from cheap and picked up parts) computers when they turned 4.

Youngest is now 18 and don't think any of them have spent many days of their lives so far without interacting with a computer of some kind ;)

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  • 1 month later...

I have to agree.  I made getting into orbit the condition on which I'd buy my daughter a full copy of the game.  When she did it, she was grinning from ear to ear. :)  Sadly, she doesn't play as much as she used to; Minecraft has been more of her kind of thing lately.  But she learned how to talk about "periapsis" and "retrograde".  And it's still a proud papa moment.

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I always like hearing about younger people being interested in KSP, and space in general. It's better than other games that kids often play,  teaches children rational thinking, and helps them develop an interest in space. Maybe when they grow up NASA will get more funding :)

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