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[1.12.x] Kerbal Atomics: fancy nuclear engines! (August 18, 2024)


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12 hours ago, b0ss said:

Is this compatible with Interstellar's nuclear engines and fuel system?

I haven't used Interstellar for several months, but IIRC, they just don't interfere with each other

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They don't have conflicting mass/thrust/power consumption/etc. though, do they? i.e. Two very similar engines from either mod require very different amounts of fuel, or two tanks have very different capacity-weight ratios


By the way, what happened to these engines???: https://imgur.com/a/HWZQy

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1 hour ago, b0ss said:

They don't have conflicting mass/thrust/power consumption/etc. though, do they? i.e. Two very similar engines from either mod require very different amounts of fuel, or two tanks have very different capacity-weight ratios


By the way, what happened to these engines???: https://imgur.com/a/HWZQy

I'm using those engines right now in my save, they are still there. No idea on your first question, though that wouldn't be compatibility, just balance.

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2 hours ago, b0ss said:

They don't have conflicting mass/thrust/power consumption/etc. though, do they? i.e. Two very similar engines from either mod require very different amounts of fuel, or two tanks have very different capacity-weight ratios


Typically KSPI balance is of a different... style than most of the rest of KSP. They might be similar, they might be not in the case *shrug*.


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Ah okay. Thanks

1 hour ago, Krakatoa said:

I'm using those engines right now in my save, they are still there. No idea on your first question, though that wouldn't be compatibility, just balance.

Just asking since I haven't seen any info or pictures of the 0.625m nuclear rocket or the nuclear aerospikes anywhere except for in that album 

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Just now, b0ss said:

Ah okay. Thanks

Just asking since I haven't seen any info or pictures of the 0.625m nuclear rocket or the nuclear aerospikes anywhere except for in that album 

I should migrate those pictures into the OP album for sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Question about the core health of the engines/reactors, is there a way to repair it?  I somehow went from nearly full health to a few percentage after a asteroid capture and burn and now am only getting about 121 KN of thrust with the Emancipator engine.

I also have another question about the temps, on the Emancipator no matter what I do the reactor runs at 18035/18000, even dropping thrust and power of the reactor to the lowest it will go I get 18009k.  Will this cause damage to the core long term?

Edited by KSPNoob
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On 5/12/2018 at 2:08 AM, KSPNoob said:

Question about the core health of the engines/reactors, is there a way to repair it?  I somehow went from nearly full health to a few percentage after a asteroid capture and burn and now am only getting about 121 KN of thrust with the Emancipator engine.

I also have another question about the temps, on the Emancipator no matter what I do the reactor runs at 18035/18000, even dropping thrust and power of the reactor to the lowest it will go I get 18009k.  Will this cause damage to the core long term?

Would be cool to have some mechanism to repair the core to some degree. 'Realistically' (in quotes because this IS just a game), core damage like that would likely be in lining plates inside the core and not really replaceable parts.

I started mounting my engines on docking ports. That way I can swap/upgrade them. However, my longer ships have some crazy oscillation under thrust, and this may be part of my problem. :/ maybe add some struts that I can break off with KIS

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On 5/12/2018 at 12:08 AM, KSPNoob said:

Question about the core health of the engines/reactors, is there a way to repair it?  I somehow went from nearly full health to a few percentage after a asteroid capture and burn and now am only getting about 121 KN of thrust with the Emancipator engine.

EVA an engineer for a dangerous mission. He'll need to be Level 5. You also cannot repair a reactor if it's below 10% core integrity, and you cannot repair it above 75%. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/16/2018 at 5:54 AM, b0ss said:

Oh gee didn't even realize that was a thing, how well can one hope to properly integrate it with BDA's damage system by playing with modules?

Probably not at all, that'd have to be on BD's end to affect the damage stat field.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello @Nertea

I typically use CKAN and thusly I have no idea how to install this correctly....

First your OP says you don't support CKAN.....but it's on there.

By default CKAN wants you to install Retractable Engines and CryoTanks. I don't know why I need CryoTanks if I plan to use the Liquid Fuel patch with the engines so they use Liquid fuel like the Atomic Engines already in game....

Lastly I don't know where the LiquidFuel.cfg goes exactly even after reading your OP and the Read Me...?

It says copy it from the Extras folder into the "appropriate folder."

Which folder is that the Patches Folder?

Also it looks like one of the files in the patches folder messes with some of the recycled parts nuclear engines....like Lightbulb Atomic Engine (which I use a lot). Can I just delete those cfgs if I don't want this mod to mess those stock parts?

Lastly near future propulsion does kind of the same thing (I think). There's a cfg the patches folder that "nerfs" stock ion engines.....what if I don't want that to happen? Delete it?

PS Your mods are awesome in general.....they seem to just be a little over my head is all.....they do a lot of things and you seem to be very knowledgeable about using module manager to tweak everything....I don't really know how to do stuff...lol.


JoE Smash


Edited by JoE Smash
I'm dumb
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They're on CKAN because other people put them there. If you install via CKAN I don't give you installation support. 

The appropriate folder is your gamedata directory. Put the folder from extras (eg, NTRsUseLF or whatever) in gamedata. Done!

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A few people have reported it before, but I haven't really seen a fix. When I load my vessel, its nuclear engines (two Neptunes in this case) get extremely overheated, more than 60,000 K. I managed to fix it by editing the persistent file and setting IsActivated to false in their FissionReactor modules.

Does anyone else experience the same issue? Can something be done about it? It's pretty annoying to have to manually edit the file nearly every time I switch to the vessel. One quick fix might be to disable the FissionReactor module when the scene is loaded or changed.

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5 hours ago, garwel said:

A few people have reported it before, but I haven't really seen a fix. When I load my vessel, its nuclear engines (two Neptunes in this case) get extremely overheated, more than 60,000 K. I managed to fix it by editing the persistent file and setting IsActivated to false in their FissionReactor modules.

Does anyone else experience the same issue? Can something be done about it? It's pretty annoying to have to manually edit the file nearly every time I switch to the vessel. One quick fix might be to disable the FissionReactor module when the scene is loaded or changed.

This was fixed by NFE 0.9.5. I just loaded up a blank save in 1.4.5 to test with NFE 0.10.1 to see if there was a regression with the latest patch.

  • Created a vessel with one Neptune, some radiators, a command pod and a battery
  • Set reactor to on, set throttle to 2% (handleable by radiators, enough to run generator at full power), ramped up to operating temperature
  • Teleported to orbit, timewarped a bit, watched thermal behaviour, no temperature anomalies when entering and exiting timewarp
  • Tracking station, timewarped ~ 5days, switched back to ship
  • Observed no thermal anomalies

If you see something with NFE 0.10.0 and KA 0.5.0 installed on KSP 1.4.5, please let me know with some distinct reproduction steps. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kerbal Atomics 0.5.1

  •  KSP 1.4.5
  •  Updated bundled B9PartSwitch to 2.3.3
  •  Updated MM to 3.0.7
  •  Updated DynamicBatteryStorage to 1.3.2
  •  Updated CryoTanks to 1.0.1
    • -Changed omni-tank patch to run AFTER several other mods that also omni patch.
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