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Dragonfly: Cute low grav' ion hopper

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Hi all, I've made this little guy awhile back but hadn't the time to post it. Anyway here it is. 9vHIhne.pngsKyMniZ.pngGWRNfem.png

It fly's OK but I made it mostly for aesthetics so I'm happy with it. the one thing that threw me (and Carolltie) off was...well... clipped landing gear.


The Kraken drive was actually rather controllable (as K drives go) when i switched to the lander when it was 2 Km away it would stop and loading quicksave turned it on. Never the less I removed the landing gear on the Mk 2s.

Here are some more pics of it on Minmus NJtYD3k.png5nYDBRF.pngQ9Z2nVy.pngg6VqgRm.pngqlEAdvR.png 

I have some photage  of the K drive but I haven't edited it yet. Hope ya' like it!


Edited by Planetfall
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On January 24, 2016 at 3:42 PM, Prometheus said:



I mean... Well done! It looks like it's pretty a capable low-grav vehicle. Also, how long did it take you to get the seat set up like that?

Well I don't really understand the upload process (what is better KerbalX or Cerse? Why do you even need a third party anyway?  etc.) so sorry there's no download right now. :/ I suppose I'll need to figure this stuff out to live in this modern world. 

It didn't take me that long to place the seat. It was one of the first parts I placed. I spent my time arranging other parts around it.


PS I like your enthusiasm! :D

Edited by Planetfall
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3 hours ago, Planetfall said:

Well I don't really understand the upload process (what is better KerbalX or Cerse? Why do you even need a third party anyway?  etc.) so sorry there's no download right now. :/ I suppose I'll need to figure this stuff out to live in this modern world. 

It didn't take me that long to place the seat. It was one of the first parts I placed. I spent my time arranging other parts around it.


PS I like your enthusiasm! :D

A third party is needed because the KSP team does not want to have to host all the craft files of everyone (it can get to be TONS of memory). Many people like to use KerbalX, and i think curse is more for mods (idk though).

I personally just upload my files to google docs, then get a share link and use that, its very simple, and does not involve making another account for something :P


Great craft btw, Very cute!

Edited by Bubbadevlin
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