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[1.2 - 1.4] Real Scale Boosters, 0.16 (2018-03-12)


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Real Scale Boosters - Parts Pack

Realistically scaled rockets, heavily based on real world counterparts, with reasonably accurate stats.


NOTE: This is still an alpha/beta development project. New parts are still being added, and things can and will change!


Required Dependencies:

  • Module Manager

Highly Recommended:

  • Hangar Extender   (practically a must-have)
  • QuickSearch   (you can just type "atlas" or "delta" or "saturn", for example, to find related parts quickly)
  • Kerbal Joint Reinforcement   (big parts = big flexing?)
  • Real Solar System
  • FAR
  • Community Tech Tree (if not playing in Sandbox mode)

Currently Supported:

  • SMURFF (as in, we have flags set to keep it from overwriting our engine masses)
  • TweakScale
  • CommunityTechTree and/or SpaceY-Lifters's tech nodes

Supported By:

  • Real Fuels + Realism Overhaul (support is provided from their side)






Included Sample Rockets (as of 0.13):

  • Ares I
  • Ariane V
  • Athena Ic
  • Athena IIc
  • Atlas V 401
  • Atlas V 431
  • Atlas V 502
  • Atlas V 532
  • Atlas V 552
  • Atlas V HLV
  • Carrack Medium (ETS)
  • Carrack Heavy (ETS)
  • Delta II
  • Delta III
  • Delta IV M+ (4,4)
  • Delta IV M+ (5,4)
  • Delta IV Heavy
  • DIRECT-Jupiter (theoretical)
  • Saturn I
  • Saturn IB
  • Saturn IC (ETS)
  • Saturn V
  • Saturn C-8 (theoretical)
  • Saturn Multibody Heavy H03 (ETS)
  • STS (Space Shuttle) Lifter


These rocket parts ARE NOT stock balanced! They're using the real world mass ratios, thrusts, ISPs, dry weights, and so on. They will certainly WORK in stock, just with severe overkill.


This is still in alpha/beta development. Parts are still being added, and things can and will change!



This pack is intended for use with "Real Solar System", or otherwise a more realistic scale version of Kerbin (such as 6.4x scale). The parts included will likely be severe overkill in a more normal KSP installation.

This pack provides a variety of "Kerbalized" versions of real world boosters. These are not meant to be true replicas. Where we've been able to get decent numbers for the real world counterparts, we have tried to get the sizes, masses, fuel capacities (in terms of mass), thrust, and ISP numbers close to correct. The art assets attempt to capture the overall shape and look of their real counterparts, matching the colors and dimensions, but perhaps not all of the details. Precision wasn't a requirement in building this pack. Rather, it's meant to be closer to the "SpaceY" art style, but functionally replicating real boosters.

You will also notice that this pack includes only the boosters, and not the payload portions of these rockets. For example, the Saturn V parts are included from the bottom, up to and including the third stage (and Instrument Unit), but no Apollo spacecraft. The Space Shuttle parts will build you a working LH/LOX tank ("soon") and SRB combo, but does not have an Orbiter. The idea is to build your own payload and use realistically performing analogs to the boosters used in the real world. To that end, some adapters and fairing parts are included so that other KSP parts will function with these boosters.

While some parts already have a diameter close to a standard KSP size, they're still slightly different. If it's close enough, I've included a little bit of a rim that will help hide the transition when attaching stock parts. If it's too far off, an adapter is often the better way to go. For instance, the Atlas V's first stage is 3.81m. A simple rim works in this case when attaching a Kerbodyne 3.75m tank.


Usage Notes:

    * Inside the "Ships" folder, there are several example rockets already assembled.

    * None of the engines have bottom attachment nodes, or auto-shrouds. Instead, the mod functions more realistically, with interstages that are matched to the stages that use them, and engines can be mixed and matched inside of them (space permitting). Usually you will need to place the engines first, and then snap the appropriate interstage on afterward (whose attachment node may be hidden inside the tank).

    * Because different rockets historically have had different staging sequences, some of which place ullage motors on the interstages (Saturn V for instance), sometimes the stage's fuel tank has a decoupler node. Attachment nodes for the interstages may be hidden inside the tank butt, and usually are aligned with the exterior fuselage, rather than the end of a bulging dome or tank butt.

    * Realistic numbers have been used where possible, but sometimes available data online is rounded or imprecise, or have changed over the years so they are inconsistent. Numbers may be tweaked in the future if better information becomes available. Part sizes should be reasonably correct, but sometimes we lose a half meter or more somewhere.

    * In the available data, SRBs often are described in terms of either peak thrust, or average thrust. In the real world they have a highly variable thrust profile (by design). In KSP they use a single, invariant thrust level. We've opted for using a number somwhere between the average and peak thrusts. You may find the burn times shorter than the real world counterparts as a result, unless you use thrust limiting.

    * Real world RCS and attitude control thrusters tend to be very weak compared to what we're used to in KSP. For example the thrusters in the Delta IV upper stages are supposed to have less than 0.04 thrust. In KSP that feels almost useless, so we've opted for numbers closer to KSP's usual RCS thrusters.

    * By default RSB uses the stock LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, and MonoPropellant, but with the correct amounts of mass, so that the performance is consistent with the real rockets. Compatibility patches for Real Fuels (for example) should be forthcoming eventually.

    * These rockets are reasonably stable under the stock joint strength, and stock aerodynamics, since the part count is low. KJR and FAR are still recommended for a good experience though.


Known Issues:

  • The Atlas V 500-series procedural fairing doesn't want to stretch straight up cylindrically around the Centaur at the correct diameter. It has to widen slightly first.
  • Career-mode costs of parts and their unlocks are all out of whack, and need a balance pass.

Wishlist / To-Do:

  • Several generic radial decouplers and Ullage/Retro SRMs.
  • Ariane V - (added in 0.5) - Possibly add ES variant?
  • (maybe) DIRECT-Jupiter (shuttle derivative) - (usable, could use more parts)
  • (maybe) Proton (Russian)
  • (maybe) SLS, CDR version - (would love to, but multiple mods already have this)
  • (maybe) Titan III family
  • (maybe) Falcon 9R - (would love to, but multiple mods already have this)
  • (maybe) Energia (Soviet)
  • (maybe) PSLV/GSLV (Indian) - (PSLV added in 0.6)
  • (maybe) Orbital Antares
  • (maybe) Mercury/Gemini rockets: Redstone, Atlas D, Titan II
  • (maybe) Tsyklon, Cosmos, Vostok (Russian)
  • (maybe) Lambda, Diamant, Viking, Vanguard
  • (maybe) Long March (Chinese)
  • (maybe) H-IIB (Japanese)
  • (maybe) N1 (Soviet)
  • (maybe) Chrysler SERV (SSTO)
  • (maybe) Thunderbolt (Eyes Turned Skyward)
  • (maybe) (new) Juno I/II
  • (maybe) (new) NEXUS
  • more selections of realistic clamshell fairings




Simply copy the "RealScaleBoosters" folder into your GameData folder. If upgrading from a previous version, be sure to delete the old one from GameData first (this is the cleanest option).



There's not a whole lot to go wrong in RSB by itself. If you are using the "stockalike" patches, some problems can arise due to either ModuleManager, or CKAN screwing up the installation/removal of various mods (and thus confusing ModuleManager), or maybe there is a new mod interaction that I'm not aware of.

Some basic things you can do:

  • Try deleting "ModuleManager.ConfigCache" in GameData. Always try this first. MM's cache can get out of sync and the only way to know that the problems you're having are real is to delete this file, and fire up KSP again, and let it rebuild the cache, and see if you are still having problems.
  • Try completely deleting and reinstalling this mod, and anything else that might be interacting with it, such as mods that make sweeping changes to fuel tanks, fuels, engines, or rescaling.
  • Make sure you have the most up-to-date version of this mod, ModuleManager, and anything else they might be interacting with. If KSP has just recently updated to a new version, some of these mods may be broken at first.
  • If you're using CKAN and have removed any mods with it, recently or at any time in the past, make sure those mods actually are completely 100% removed. You may have to manually delete the folders since CKAN is very inconsistent about properly removing things and cleaning up after itself. Even if a mod's folder is completely empty, the fact that it exists will make ModuleManager believe that the mod is present.
  • If you're loading the included sample rockets, and the size and fuel capacity is all wrong, make sure you're using the right sample rockets. For a regular RSB installed, they all have names that start with "RSB". For the "stockalike" patches, you should only be using the sample rockets that start with "RSBstock".



Download From:







***optional***  RSB Stockalike (stockification rescale patches)  ***optional***






Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike



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Edited by NecroBones
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  On 1/27/2016 at 2:29 AM, Felbourn said:

If this mod were not awesome enough already... here's its memory footprint in my RSS install:



Good to see that it's low.  That's pretty common with mods by NecroBones.

BTW, I love how Project Alexandrea is coming along.

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  On 1/27/2016 at 2:29 AM, Felbourn said:

If this mod were not awesome enough already... here's its memory footprint in my RSS install:



Cool, it's nice to see a visualization like that. Yep, I'm trying to maintain that "tradition" of keeping the memory footprint small. This pack has the largest textures I've ever made, but they're still heavily shared, so there aren't many of them.


  On 1/27/2016 at 2:58 AM, Felbourn said:

Necro, you used two fonts in the title image. One is Nasalization. What is the other?


It's called "Future".

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  On 1/27/2016 at 11:44 AM, Phineas Freak said:

Wooo, it's RO time!

BTW, since that you are going to create the Shuttle ET: could you take it a bit further and and an engine adapter like the one from DIRECT?

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(you have all the parts for it. Well...almost!)


It looks pretty straightforward. I'll just have to see if I can get some good numbers for it. I like it a lot, it's like a mini-SLS. :)


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Started working on the RO support. First stop: Ares I

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It flies beautifully (t even gets the shock effects of the Ares I-X)! @NecroBonesyou have done a really professional work!

The only problem was the luck of retro motors for the RSRM...also, i had the impression that Ares I could not inject a full Orion into LEO but this thing managed it after two test flights :confused:.

Edited by Phineas Freak
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  On 1/27/2016 at 10:48 PM, NathanKell said:

Certainly not a winged monstrosity of 80t dry mass, no one would be that silly. :P


Certainly, that would be crazy talk. ;)



Question for everyone, and this may come down to a simple preference. If I make the DIRECT/Jupiter rocket parts based on the shuttle parts, I can see two simple ways of getting the External Tank we need:


1. Keep just the one Shuttle ET, but make both a decoupler and a fairing base that are designed to fit over nose of the tank, and turn it into a cylinder. The benefit is that the tank only shows up once in the menus.


2. Just make a separate Jupiter version of the tank, and then the decoupler and fairing base can be more typical flat parts. This means two separate tanks in the menu, but is perhaps a lot more versatile since it'll be a standard cylindrical tank design, even if not much else is out there in 8.4m diameter.


Either choice can also have adapters to neck it down to 7.5m and 5m standard diameters.


Any preference?

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  On 1/28/2016 at 7:16 PM, Phineas Freak said:

When i made the suggestion for the mount, i thought that the ET was 3 parts, the "nose cone", the main cylindrical tank and the rounded "butt". I could see the first option work fine though.


Yeah, that certainly would be the stock-alike way to do it, but in this case I'm favoring fewer parts (and therefore fewer joints). I've put stack attachment nodes on the ET though, so things can still be attached at the ends. I figure with the right adapter pieces it can do double duty. ;)


EDIT: Technically that is option #3-- Break the nose cone off into a separate part, and have a cylindrical piece that can be snapped on in its place.


Edited by NecroBones
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  On 1/28/2016 at 7:42 PM, NecroBones said:

EDIT: Technically that is option #3-- Break the nose cone off into a separate part, and have a cylindrical piece that can be snapped on in its place.



I'm actually getting tempted to do it this way. The ET could end with an exposed tank dome, and the player decides which covering to snap onto it. It adds a joint, but it also allows me to control the mass numbers and keep the fuel capacity designation in the one tank part.

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