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Astronomer's Visual Pack: Rebooted [DISCONTINUED]


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Astronomer's Visual Pack: Reborn

A repackaging of Astronomer's Edge of Oblivion Visual Overhaul

What is this?

While I was surfing around on the YouTubes I saw a few videos where users were using the Edge of Oblivion pack, and I thought that it was absolutely beautiful. In Astronomer's (hopefully temporary) absence, I decided that I wanted to have a go at moving AVP over from the old EVE to the new version of EVE, while also making use of Scatterer. I guess this was because I wanted to bring the visuals up to a platform that is currently being updated, allowing further beatification to be possible that wasn't available when it was made. On top of this, a big reason I decided I wanted to do it was because of the EVE cloud resizing in Sigma's Dimensions mod. While it would work with many of the packs already out there on the new EVE, it wouldn't work with old EVE mods, hence my endeavor. 

Dev Album


What do I get?

Currently included

  • Kerbin Cloud configs
  • Kerbin Scatterer config


Environmental Visual Enhancements



I am not an experienced modder/coder at all. I am simply using the equipment provided in EVE to put these clouds where I think they belong. I reserve the right to give up on this project entirely, or to develop it at my own pace, when I find the time. Chances are I will not be making it work with features such as CubeMapping, and if things don't work very well, I probably won't be able to fix them or troubleshoot any bugs experienced by you as users. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I wasn't originally planning to release this to other users, but I decided others may enjoy it.


None of these textures are my own, but are owned and distributed by Astronomer under a license allowing others to "create and distribute derivative works", under the same or a compatible license, and so I shall release this under the same license, as found in the original download:

The licensor permits other to create and distribute derivative works, but only under the same or a compatible license.

The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work for non-commercial purposes only.

(If this is wrong, I'd appreciate some help from a mod in choosing the right license)


Folder Archive

All the old versions, the current 'official' version and the dev version





Edited by MrMeeb
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Where'd you see this license at? The forum thread for AVP V2 and on the Curseforge (Curseforge covers all of his packs) page show All Rights Reserved unless otherwise explicitly stated. Not trying to go against this as I love Astronomer's work and glad someone decided to do this just don't want anything popping up on you :P 

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  On 1/29/2016 at 10:40 PM, Mitchz95 said:

Are you going to bring back Laythe's bio-luminescent clouds?


I mean, I'll try :P 

  On 1/30/2016 at 11:29 AM, sidfu said:

are u gonna move it to useing the newest dev build that uses cube map instead of whole textures?


I could try and have a go at cubemapping...I'll look into it :)

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Just a quick check in to say that I've probably started this project at the worst possible time :rolleyes:  With the impending doom of A-Level mocks, development will be slow over the next few weeks unfortunately. I've mostly done the Kerbin system, but it needs a bit of tweaking before I call it done, and I might want to revive some features from Interstellar (largely the surface storms on Minmus)...we'll see

Apologies to anyone looking forward to this, but I gotta prioritise.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 2/27/2016 at 7:20 PM, SP_S6 said:

just pure hotness!!! hope your studies are going well!


Thanks! I'm all done with that, so I'm thinking of starting up again soon. 

As a general progress update, I've been trying to get the 'glow' that was originally present, but I can't seem to make it work in the same way. It's like he made it so it didn't clip the terrain, but at the same time it wasn't noticeable as a large semi transparent sphere, as the same settings are creating here: 


It does however fix itself at a lower altitude...hmmmmm


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  On 2/27/2016 at 7:42 PM, SP_S6 said:

It looks like it is trying to recolour an atmosphere that isn't there lol, I don't suppose you have a dev build do you?


As in a devbuild you wanna have a look at? 

Also, fyi, the way the glow was achieved was through a single texture being applied as a sphere around the planet, and then having it coloured appropriately. That's probably why it looks like an atmosphere 

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Yes, and yeah that looks like how it is trying to be achieved.. have you tried bloom effects or looked at something like planet shine to see how they achieved area lighting like that?  I know a planet is different to a ship but it might stir some ideas.  I haven't looked into post processing effects with KSP before, I might check that out now out of curiosity.

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  On 2/27/2016 at 8:03 PM, SP_S6 said:

Yes, and yeah that looks like how it is trying to be achieved.. have you tried bloom effects or looked at something like planet shine to see how they achieved area lighting like that?  I know a planet is different to a ship but it might stir some ideas.  I haven't looked into post processing effects with KSP before, I might check that out now out of curiosity.


afaik Planetshine is just for ship lighting. EVE has changed entirely since Astronomer did it, and he was probably more capable with the controls than I am. I might go to the EVE thread and see if they have any ideas.

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MrMeeb it might be best to try to use Scatterer to make that effect. You can use the config tool to make the proland stuff you need and just set the colors to match what you'd like. Since the Atmosphere feature isn't in EVE anymore Scatterer would be the best option to accomplish that kind of effect.

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  On 2/27/2016 at 8:26 PM, Nhawks17 said:

MrMeeb it might be best to try to use Scatterer to make that effect. You can use the config tool to make the proland stuff you need and just set the colors to match what you'd like. Since the Atmosphere feature isn't in EVE anymore Scatterer would be the best option to accomplish that kind of effect.


I was actually thinking about that! I'm not as crazy as I thought after all :P 

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