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[WIP] Coatl Aerospace ProbesPlus Dev Thread [Beta] 10/19/2020 (1.8-1.10)


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10 hours ago, rasta013 said:

@NecroBones Did something like this for two of his heavy duty RCS units in his SpaceY mod.  They are RCS units with super strong output for controlling large craft but also have monoprop driven engines that basically serve as the aft ports for the RCS unit.  Really a rather neat solution and that would be even better than one or the other.


10 minutes ago, akron said:

Thanks guys! I somehow thought that I could only use one of the modules, not thinking that I could use two modules and assign them both the same transforms. I'm thinking about dividing the nozzles so that it fires one when in RCS translate mode, and all three when used as a MP engine.


Yeah, feel free to look at mine for an example. What I did was assign separate transforms for the engine nozzles and for the RCS nozzles, with the nozzles that point aft having both. The RCS thrusters use the Y vector, and engines use the Z vector, so the transforms have to be separate, but they can occupy the same space.


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Thanks @NecroBones! I didn't know/forgot about the different axis. That would've been frustrating to find out on my own.

18 minutes ago, CobaltWolf said:

My vote for the next thing you do is finishing your part of the secret project :P

We'll see what I can do tonight

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Nice mod here :) Just a question, I see that the antennas/dishes included into this mod aren't usable as normal antennas for science trasmission: Why? Are they usable only for things like AntennaRange and RemoteTech?

I istalled the mod with CKAN.

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5 minutes ago, Incursore said:

Nice mod here :) Just a question, I see that the antennas/dishes included into this mod aren't usable as normal antennas for science trasmission: Why? Are they usable only for things like AntennaRange and RemoteTech?

I istalled the mod with CKAN.


The antennas should be working fine on stock. What other mods do you have? It could be a CKAN or module manager issue

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10 minutes ago, Incursore said:

Nice mod here :) Just a question, I see that the antennas/dishes included into this mod aren't usable as normal antennas for science trasmission: Why? Are they usable only for things like AntennaRange and RemoteTech?

I istalled the mod with CKAN.

Completely uninstall it, install it manually, and see if it's still doing that. Until then, @akron, id just blame CKAN. 

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Just now, VenomousRequiem said:

Completely uninstall it, install it manually, and see if it's still doing that. Until then, @akron, id just blame CKAN. 

Another suggestion, @Incursore, is to delete the AntennaRange and Remote tech configs for my mod. They can be found in:

GameData/Coatl Aerospace/Compatibility/

Let me know how it goes!

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Actually I use A LOT of mods ahahah but nothing that change how the antennas works. But actually, I see this identic issue with other mods that add some parts (antennas included). I have no problem with the stock antennas, but the antennas added by mods never work. I'll try eliminate the files you said, I'll let you know, thanks for the help :)

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15 minutes ago, Incursore said:

Actually I use A LOT of mods ahahah but nothing that change how the antennas works. But actually, I see this identic issue with other mods that add some parts (antennas included). I have no problem with the stock antennas, but the antennas added by mods never work. I'll try eliminate the files you said, I'll let you know, thanks for the help :)

Well, RemoteTech and (I believe) AntennaRange compatibility configs start by deleting the stock transmission module. If they're not properly configured (ie if the configs don't know to only run IF one of those mods is installed) then they possibly could be deleting modules and then not replacing them. How about posting a log file? Either copying the contents into a code block in your post ( the <> button in the post editor) or uploading it into Pastebin or something.

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5 minutes ago, Deimos Rast said:

secret. project. :0.0:





Uhhh... it's redoing several parts for a mod that has a name very similar to one of the KSC buildings. And it was supposed to be a little weekend project for me and @akron that has been pushed off for... months now. Nothing big but I'd like to think it will improve the game for people that use that mod. :) 

Moreover, I want to take care of that so we can move on to our other, more significant secret project. :wink:

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46 minutes ago, Deimos Rast said:

secret. project. :0.0:





I will likely start working or at least show a little bit of the secret stuff at the stream tonight

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Patch 0.13.1 has been released!

Fixed the 100i battery so it is selectable again!

All links updated!

Thanks! @Kottabos for finding this during his Mod showcase. And thanks for the showcase/review! See below


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Hey guys, I resolve all my problems ahah :D@akron, I delete the configs files you said, and now the antennas work perfectly :) I did the same with my other mods that have antennas, and without those configs files all work! That was not a CKAN problem, but the existence of these files was itself the problem (without doubt because I don't use RemoteTech and AntennaRange).

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I'm assuming he's talking about your RT & AR patches? Looking at them, I think I can see a few potential issues with both of them (more so the Remote Tech one).

The below should probably read :FOR[CoatlAerospace]:NEEDS[RemoteTech] and you could throw in a !AntennaRange if you really wanted to, but meh. Part of the issue is your GameData folder is "Coatl Aerospace" with a space, which will cause the AntennaRange patches to fail, unless there is at least one heroic patch somewhere that has a :FOR[CoatlAerospace], which declares that, yes, something called "CoatlAerospace" does in fact exist and this patch belongs to it. At least that's the narrative I tell myself.:D

Luckily, your BDB patch is just such a patch, and so the AntennaRange patch passes, just barely. (I don't know why they need OPM though...hmmm, looks like it just boosts the range, since OPM is a bigger playground, makes sense, clever).

I would change the AntennaRange patch to read something like :FOR[CoatlAerospace]:NEEDS[AntennaRange&OPM,!RemoteTech] or whatever. The :NEEDS[CoatlAerospace] would only really be useful to the player if they took the patch outside of the Coatl Aerospace folder, to live in their own patch folder, for example. If it were a :FOR, Module Manager would still think "CoatlAerospace" existed, even if you deleted the original folder.

How do I know all this? Because, I once moved some Ferram Aerospace patches outside the main folder and uninstalled the mod, and had a week of not being able to get off the ground because an errant :FOR insisted on acting as if FAR were still installed by deleting all stock lifting surfaces. That'll teach you right quick.:P 






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3 hours ago, Incursore said:

Hey guys, I resolve all my problems ahah :D@akron, I delete the configs files you said, and now the antennas work perfectly :) I did the same with my other mods that have antennas, and without those configs files all work! That was not a CKAN problem, but the existence of these files was itself the problem (without doubt because I don't use RemoteTech and AntennaRange).

Great! I am glad this is fixed for you, but I will take a look at what you have discovered.

@Deimos Rast: This is good info and very helpful. I will go over those patches again. It is strange that it is doing weird things for Incursore but works fine for others. I have not had any other reports of antenna issues. Thanks

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43 minutes ago, akron said:

Great! I am glad this is fixed for you, but I will take a look at what you have discovered.

@Deimos Rast: This is good info and very helpful. I will go over those patches again. It is strange that it is doing weird things for Incursore but works fine for others. I have not had any other reports of antenna issues. Thanks

Yeah, I have no idea what his deal is/was, I didn't read his comment before posting, hah. Blame CKAN? Seriously though, unless he posts a log, there isn't much you can do. The patches aren't game breaking...the patches themselves at least seem to be copy/pasted from standard stock RemoteTech  and (I'm assuming) AntennaRange material. My only issue was that the filters were a little loose. I suspect there was more at work in his install, but oh well, least it's fixed.

And congrats on getting reviewed by Kottabos!

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7 hours ago, Incursore said:

Hey guys, I resolve all my problems ahah :D@akron, I delete the configs files you said, and now the antennas work perfectly :) I did the same with my other mods that have antennas, and without those configs files all work! That was not a CKAN problem, but the existence of these files was itself the problem (without doubt because I don't use RemoteTech and AntennaRange).

Ok, if you have neither AR or RT installed I can tell from your description that you have another patch somewhere that has a FOR[RemoteTech] statement in it.  I'd be willing to bet quite a bit of money on it since a number of RT patches have turned up recently with FOR statements in them that shouldn't be there at all.  Look in your log files and do a search for that statement and I'm 99% sure you'll find it.

6 hours ago, Deimos Rast said:

I would change the AntennaRange patch to read something like :FOR[CoatlAerospace]:NEEDS[AntennaRange&OPM,!RemoteTech] or whatever. The :NEEDS[CoatlAerospace] would only really be useful to the player if they took the patch outside of the Coatl Aerospace folder

I actually wrote the AR patch that way intentionally because I had two people PM me while I was writing it asking for a version that could be used with only the PP antennas.  Why anyone wouldn't want to use all of PP I have zero understanding of but still, it is being done.  So, with that in mind I created the patch specifically to allow that behavior.  Moreover, the use of NEEDS or FOR in a patch doesn't make one bit of difference except in the event of a situation you describe with the errant FOR statements wandering around in patches after mods have been uninstalled.  As such, I no longer will use a FOR statement in an MM patch at all no matter what it's being written for out of an abundance of caution.

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4 hours ago, rasta013 said:

Ok, if you have neither AR or RT installed I can tell from your description that you have another patch somewhere that has a FOR[RemoteTech] statement in it.  I'd be willing to bet quite a bit of money on it since a number of RT patches have turned up recently with FOR statements in them that shouldn't be there at all.  Look in your log files and do a search for that statement and I'm 99% sure you'll find it.

I actually wrote the AR patch that way intentionally because I had two people PM me while I was writing it asking for a version that could be used with only the PP antennas.  Why anyone wouldn't want to use all of PP I have zero understanding of but still, it is being done.  So, with that in mind I created the patch specifically to allow that behavior.  Moreover, the use of NEEDS or FOR in a patch doesn't make one bit of difference except in the event of a situation you describe with the errant FOR statements wandering around in patches after mods have been uninstalled.  As such, I no longer will use a FOR statement in an MM patch at all no matter what it's being written for out of an abundance of caution.

Fair enough; the issue is partly the spacing in "Coatl Aerospace" requires a FOR[CoatlAerospace] somewhere, or a ? or * in a NEEDS[Coatl?Aerospace]. At this point we're beating a dead horse.:)

(I wasn't trying to imply you were to blame if it came across that way, just being technical and..."best practices" and such, but your point is well taken. Moving on!)


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18 hours ago, Deimos Rast said:

Fair enough; the issue is partly the spacing in "Coatl Aerospace" requires a FOR[CoatlAerospace] somewhere, or a ? or * in a NEEDS[Coatl?Aerospace]. At this point we're beating a dead horse.:)

(I wasn't trying to imply you were to blame if it came across that way, just being technical and..."best practices" and such, but your point is well taken. Moving on!)


Oh no not at all and now that you mention it, the space is an issue.  Unfortunately for @akron to change it is game breaking because of all existing craft would be looking for a no longer existent directory.  With that in mind, I shall update the patch and issue a PR to get that ? included.  That's one of those little tech details that I do forget. :D 

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31 minutes ago, rasta013 said:

Oh no not at all and now that you mention it, the space is an issue.  Unfortunately for @akron to change it is game breaking because of all existing craft would be looking for a no longer existent directory.  With that in mind, I shall update the patch and issue a PR to get that ? included.  That's one of those little tech details that I do forget. :D 

it actually wouldn't be - as long as it can find the parts based on the name in the first line of the cfg, you'll be fine.

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I will do some testing on the space thing, but I'd rather avoid it if necessary. Thank you all for checking these for me. I have been hiding away working on the RCS/engine stuff. I'll have something to show later, hopefully. :) 

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It's been a great release week, thank you for downloading! The tiny RCS modules are mostly fixed and balanced *I think* and have been uploaded to the Github Repo for testing. First upload on the road to BETA 14! The RST was setup as both an RCS nozzle and a monoprop engine when all three nozzles fire.




As Coatl Aerospace becomes a global industry competing for your Kerbal bucks, it was necessary to expand our development and manufacturing! We happily introduce our newest division, Coatl Aerospace East!


Lead by Sergei Kerman, this division will design an all new line of parts!


I will list all the Russian parts under the CAE division. Speaking of those... oh what have I done... so I started tackling the most challenging of the new service modules, based on the Russian Fregat upper stage. This is a difficult thing to model even taking the liberty of not producing a replica. Its coming out great but WAY over the polygon budget and I don't know where to reduce it (Nozzles are probably too dense). I am going to take a little break from it and come back to it. Maybe someone has some suggestions. Right now it is 3500+ polygons without any of the structural assembly and with no engine yet!


Feedback welcome


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