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The Void UPDATE I'm done with this 1/4/17


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Conditions on Proxima b.

Prox b is a tidally locked planet with small oceans in the south pole, southern hemisphere, and equator/northern hemisphere, its magnetic field is much stronger than Earths, (Prox b would receive 400x more Xrays than Earth due to he nature of Proxima Centauri) Its native life is colored very dark red at the brighter points in which plant life could thrive, and black around the terminator, the atmosphere is *just* breathable for humans, but O2 levels are too low (10%), There's a decent amount of Argon in the atmosphere, and it's about 6% denser than Earths atmosphere. The gravity is 13% higher than Earths, which means someone who weighed 100 lbs on Earth, would weigh 113 pounds on Prox b, the higher gravity is due to the higher mass (1.28x the mass of Earth) and higher density from the larger Iron core, which helps with its powerful magnetic field. The planet is mostly a desert, with sparse forests and small seas, on the far night side on the opposite side of the planet where Proxima Centauri is forever directly above your head, there's a small ice cap with an ocean underneath, and an ocean surrounding it (The reason being, The atmosphere is dense enough, and the dayside temperature is warm enough, that energy from the dayside travels to the nightside and warms the ice, geothermal energy also helps to keep it thawed, due to the cold air from the the nightside, and warm air from the dayside, there's a large hurricane in the southern hemisphere that's over 800km wide, and receives constant energy), it has a large biosphere of marine life, that during a stellar flare, can make the ocean glow. The ocean also has many small islands which never see daylight, and large stretches of land leading to the day side, there's only several plant species that thrive on the shores of the dark ocean, and a couple species of heavily furred mammals that thrive on the plants, they can't go to the dayside due to the extensive amount of fur on their bodies.

GJ 876 b1 coming soon :)

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Conditions on GJ 876 b1:

GJ 876 b1 is a Mars sized moon orbiting the gas giant every 1.8 days, it has cool temperatures of 6.3 Celsius, large oceans, and a dense atmosphere, despite it being slightly smaller than Mars, its gravity is a bit stronger due to a larger Iron core, because of this lager Iron core, it also has a weak magnetic field, this, along with the Gas giants magnetic field, is the reason it has a dense atmosphere, and hence, life. Life on this Moon is primarily found in the seas, there is land life, but because the system is younger than the solar system, the Moons like hasn't evolved as far, primitive fish roam the seas, and small amphibians, and insects roam the surface. Because the life on this Moon is still young, O2 levels aren't as high (6 percent) and CO2 levels are lethal (18 percent), partially to keep the Moon warm, but also because the life on this Moon hasn't turned a lot of CO2 into O2 yet. Ice caps on this world are massive, and almost stretch to the equator, with shallow oceans on top. The atmosphere is partially hazy, with dense clouds, and an reddish brown sky, the Gas giant looks light blue, and takes up an enormous patch of the sky, sometimes keeping the planet well lit in the dark. Snowfall is common across the Moon, and a small sliver on the equator is the only place where it doesn't snow often, Volcanoes, and mountains, which are all across the Moons surface, would tower over Everest, and several canyons which are filled with water, are much deeper than the Grand canyon.

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1 hour ago, Spaceception said:

No I found them on the internet, sadly, I still don't have Space Engine, I really wish I did.

Same here...

Also, you could use Planet Maker! They may not be as good, but its what I'm using. I actually made my cover photo using it (It's CO 174805a from the beginning of Outpost.)

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Just now, Atlas2342 said:

It's a bit gloomy for my taste but what the heck, I like orange. (And it reminds me of Duna which is good.)

The Moon orbit a gas giant on the outer edge of the HZ around a red dwarf, in fact, it might even be dimmer than what you see, to the point where you might need a flashlight during midday, imagine trying to restart civilization around there!

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Just now, Spaceception said:

The Moon orbit a gas giant on the outer edge of the HZ around a red dwarf, in fact, it might even be dimmer than what you see, to the point where you might need a flashlight during midday, imagine trying to restart civilization around there!

Without a flashlight you would probably run into a lot of people if that's the case! (if flashlights even work at all there) :)

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1 minute ago, Spaceception said:

The Moon orbit a gas giant on the outer edge of the HZ around a red dwarf, in fact, it might even be dimmer than what you see, to the point where you might need a flashlight during midday, imagine trying to restart civilization around there!

Imagine the colonists surprise when they might see their flashlights read:


Batteries not included!


2 minutes ago, Spaceception said:

As long as you have batteries and a power source, you're *orange-y* golden :)


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Just now, Atlas2342 said:

Imagine the colonists surprise when they might see their flashlights read:


That would suck :D

Anyway, do any of you have any tips for drawing like this?


I want to make a gallery of pictures that explores the book, with artwork that looks like the 60s, 70s, and 80s spacecraft concepts.

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Just now, Spaceception said:

That would suck :D

Anyway, do any of you have any tips for drawing like this?


I want to make a gallery of pictures that explores the book, with artwork that looks like the 60s, 70s, and 80s spacecraft concepts.

My buest guess is to look at a lot of concept paintings for Von Braun's ideas. You may get some ideas from those!

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