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The Void UPDATE I'm done with this 1/4/17


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Just now, Atlas2342 said:

Yep, I presume living underground is pretty cool :cool::wink:

Subterran? They're living underground?

Subterran means Mars sized, like terran means Earth sized, and superterran means Larger than Earth but smaller than Neptune size, and miniterran means Moon/Mercury size :P

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On 23/04/2016 at 0:18 AM, Spaceception said:

Quick question, how fast would you be going from geostationary orbit back to the atmosphere to reenter?


Which is more or less 7-12 km/s...

(dont completely quote me on that though...)

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I'm surprised they don't have an army of developmental psychologists picking them apart on a weekly basis, considering how much of their lives have been devoted to the space program...

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1 minute ago, Andem said:

I'm surprised they don't have an army of developmental psychologists picking them apart on a weekly basis, considering how much of their lives have been devoted to the space program...

You can imagine that, maybe I'll put something like that in for the extended Kindle version :)

What did you think of the chapter as a whole?

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On 4/16/2016 at 7:47 AM, DMSP said:

Ahhhhhh! I need more of the Void!

You got your wish :)


To everyone else, including DMSP;

I've written 12 pages of Chapter 3, and 2 1/2 pages of that is on Google docs :)

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Awesome chapter! I do think that maybe Sarah should be really shocked or depressed after Jake leaves, and Jake should be more depressed after Lee dies (in next chapter, don't know what happens yet).

Alright, otherwise, nice!

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3 minutes ago, DMSP said:

Awesome chapter! I do think that maybe Sarah should be really shocked or depressed after Jake leaves, and Jake should be more depressed after Lee dies (in next chapter, don't know what happens yet).

Alright, otherwise, nice!

Extended version! :)


Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.

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On 1/4/2016 at 7:27 AM, fredinno said:

Probably not very good for landings, since you need a large runway. I would much rather do a vertical landing of sorts, probably with engines.

Then it's probably better to build it up via lunar and Earth resources, and do a long burn out, instead of going into the Sun, even though it takes more fuel- Jupiter may not exist to do a gravity assist to get down to the Sun once we get there :)

But at least maybe do a oberth burn to LEO- though that might not matter much, TBH.

Why a Runway? I have asked myself that since long time ago... Im writting a novel, and one of the limitations is that the planet hasnt got space to be wasted on runways... So my SSTO land and are launched on the sea, where a boat waits to pick them up and carry it to port... About the problem of salt... Well, the material of the hull isnt metal, is designed to support great temperatures of reentry, and also, the ship, once landed, or before being launched is outside sea on a massive sea ship. ¿It is possible?

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This is what the Earth like planet would look like :)


Note, I still don't have Space Engine


Now I just need a surface render with plants.

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