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KSP Update Cycle


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So I just started playing KSP a couple months ago and am already completely hooked. I am looking forward to 1.1 but was just curious how the update process typically goes. 

I saw some people mention "experimentals". Is this like beta testing the update?  Is it available to all users (I bought the game via steam). How long does this phase typically last before the release of the patch?

The only mod I am using so far is MechJeb. Does it typically take a while after release before mods get updated for the new version (I am assuming updates usually break the mods)?

Just wanted to try and set my expectations. I love this game and suspect I will be playing for a long time. 

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There hasn't really been a "regular" update cycle. We're nearing the end of the current one, however, and once "experimentals" start (which is the last stage before the update is released), you'll know it's imminent, and could be coming in as little as 2 weeks or so.

It often takes a few days to a couple weeks for mods to update, but the most popular ones often update immediately (as the authors are involved in the experimentals). Updates don't ALWAYS break mods, but this one likely will break most of them, as the underlying engine underwent a major version upgrade.

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First, welcome to the forums! And yeah, the game's update cycle is pretty irregular. 1.1 should be coming soon, but no guarantees.

As for mods, they are messed up fairly often, and this update most likely will too. See, the game is being moved to Unity 5, meaning it will run differently than before, and I doubt most mods can accommodate the change. It takes a few weeks after release for mods to update.

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8 minutes ago, Cornholio said:

You should use the mod-update-time to wean yourself from MechJeb. *Prepares for the great Holy War to ensue*

I personally use mechjeb as a teaching tool. It has taught me allot about how to do landings and gravity turn ascents. I like to control things manually as well but sometimes it's also nice to trust my automation so that I can focus on the logistics of my mission. 

I dint really want to turn this thread into a mechjeb/mod debate though so let's keep it on topic. 

Edited by Basto
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You should play the game the way you like it. If that means letting MechJeb fly all your missions on autopilot because you mostly like building rockets and seeing the scenery, then more power to you. If that means using MechJeb for informational displays and never letting it fly a rocket, then that's also great. Your game, your way, that's KSP!

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2 hours ago, Sequinox said:

We like to consider the update cycle as: SoonTM

I believe SoonTM is a registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment®. We can use "When it's ready, but don't ask whenTM".

Edited by Fiddlestyx
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If you are interested in mods, it's highly recommended to make a separate standalone copy of the current version before the next update ships. That way you can continue using your preferred mods on an older mature version while mods are updated to work with the newer version. This advice applies even more than usual because 1.1 is ripping out most of the guts of the game and rewriting them.

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4 hours ago, HebaruSan said:

If you are interested in mods, it's highly recommended to make a separate standalone copy of the current version before the next update ships. That way you can continue using your preferred mods on an older mature version while mods are updated to work with the newer version. This advice applies even more than usual because 1.1 is ripping out most of the guts of the game and rewriting them.

Is this possible even if you run off of Steam?

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5 minutes ago, Mike Mars said:

Is this possible even if you run off of Steam?

You can copy the Steam version anywhere you like. It's not tied to Steam in any way. I don't even use Steam to launch mine; it's only there to keep one of the copies updated.

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I still run stock, not because I dislike when updates happen (for the most part they stay somewhat compatible, unless it's a jump like from .90 to 1.0) but because it runs so much faster. The beta tests and experimentals are for a select group of candidates, and people only get it when most bugs are clear. I'd assume 1.1 comes out in --UNDISCLOSED TIME*-- so you'll have it then. Successful Youtubers get earlier dates, but you have to apply. I'm somewhat sure steam will keep you updated, but I doubt you can be an experimental tester. It's for bug catching, not early gameplay.

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"Experimentals" are pre-release versions of an update, issued only to testers, for the purpose of finding bugs before the finalized version is realeased to the player base. People get excited about hearing that a version is in experimentals, because that means it is getting close to release time. But experimentals can last varying amounts of time depending on factors such as how many bugs are found during testing, and how stubborn those bugs are. 

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1 hour ago, Mike Mars said:


Thank you so much.

I run 49 mods and the downtime sucks when there is an update.

Thanks for the quick response.

In retrospect, I suppose my post kind of assumed that you would run Steam, since it's mainly a strategy to avoid automatic updates.

Another tip, I use the "Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library" option under the Games menu to launch my older versions from Steam, as well as stock-incompatible mod packs such as 64K. It won't auto-update, but the Steam overlay still works for things like capturing and sharing screenshots with F12.

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3 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

"Experimentals" are pre-release versions of an update, issued only to testers, for the purpose of finding bugs before the finalized version is realeased to the player base. People get excited about hearing that a version is in experimentals, because that means it is getting close to release time. But experimentals can last varying amounts of time depending on factors such as how many bugs are found during testing, and how stubborn those bugs are. 

And the youtube crowd.  There is crossover between beta testing and publicity.  Mr Manley appears to be both.  And it is known that youtubers get their hands on releases that are still in development, as evidenced by all the different build numbers used in the preview vids.

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