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Should we scale up our mods to match our EVA kerbals?


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If 15.3 gets released and helps address the memory issues that come up when having a lot of parts installed, thus making it nearly impossible to use many mods, then I don\'t care one way or another about .16. I\'ve pretty much stopped using mods altogether in 15.2, save a few parts, because it became too painful to play. And games aren\'t supposed to be painful.

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  Cykyrios said:

I know you or Nova said that KSC facilities won\'t be scaled up, but what about the launchpad? Seeing as the more powerful stock rockets can be quite big, if the launchpad is not scaled up, then we will have some design troubles (and most rockets will stand taller than the tower).

or get the KEBYLON :P

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I feel like face-palming myself, as it is just Minecraft all over again. Whenever Mojang got into an update frenzy or made major changes, a lot of people, most not even modders, got up in arms crying about how their mods were getting broken.

I am going to say this right now: to all you people complaining about this changing how mods are going to work: You are a bunch of lazy self-entitled jerks. So what if a lot of mods will have to start from the ground floor to work with the new parts that aren\'t even replacing current parts? Modders gotta mod, and the chance to try something new should be welcome. If you are against having to make a new mod, then you are obviously not so much into modding as you claim to be.

KSP is still in Alpha. Early Alpha, even. This means the good chance of major changes set to occur to the game. You should expect this. Squad isn\'t here just to make the mod community happy and frankly this is just the wrong attitude to have altogether. Maybe the new parts make things a little cramped on the launchpad? You think Squad is going to say tough pancakes and ignore it? Hell, no. Most likely the launchpad is going to get replaced anyway, and the new parts system will help them determine what would be a better model. And when we get the new model you guys will cheer, completely forgetting that you were complete asses before acting like Squad was going to ruin the game for you.

I am really disappointed in you people for jumping to conclusions as you are, automatically assuming this is going to make things worse. KSP is currently in development, there are going to be times when things will end up a bit dodgy for a bit until they get corrected or adjusted. Everything I have seen from Squad so far has done nothing but win my respect for them. I think I can trust them that they do have a plan for how all of this will work. Maybe you guys should grow up and try doing that, too.

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[mod]samstarman: I am going to leave your post because it has points worth discussing, but if you don't change your tone and stop verbally abusing other posters with the namecalling, you will be getting harsher moderation. This is the only warning.[/mod]

As for what you said; Modders know the engine better than anyone save the actual devs, and most of us are in a pretty good position to offer a different viewpoint on what a change will mean to the game. I firmly believe that the decision will cause a few issues and I stand by my criticism; Changing the world scale without significant engine tweaks and systems to adapt existing parts is going to messy, and mod communities are notoriously fragile with sweeping changes.

As for minecraft, its development direction has been simply awful for a long time now, so if more lazy-self-entitled jerks complaining might have changed that, more power to them.

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I respect what the Modders do - they\'ve entirely kept my interest in KSP going, but it is an Alpha game and Modders must surely understand that if they do produce content - any content - the the risk is entirely theirs.

That said, I\'m glad they take that risk. :) Maybe a Modder will develop a mod to make the scaling of Mods easy. :P

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Starman, as was stated earlier by another mod. it is suggested you re-think your attitude and behavior, you\'re on a thin line.

I feel like all he did was express his opinion and his inner feelings. Doing so is perfectly consistent with what we believe are the rights of every man and woman. Why do you get so upset just because he called a few people an ass? I\'m one of the people his post was directed towards and it doesn\'t bother me at all. It\'s his opinion, he should be allowed to express it.

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The actual scaling of models is one thing; being able to set the scale of a model in-engine would be an amazing thing for the mod community.

But its the loss of the other things that were going to be changed and tweaked along with the automatic scaling that is going to make scaling up our parts to the 'new' standard hard; especially how 'massive' parts are according to the engine (its arbitrary and not related to real values currently, and we butt up against restrictions, which is why heavy parts like KW\'s huge tanks wobble so fiercely - and the same goes for distance measurements, like how 'tall' a collider box is, which limits big and small parts. It was my understanding that all of these would be normalized to allow for proper procedural scaling. Sticking with the old system is going to continue to cause issues, especially since the ships themselves are now supposed to be more than twice as big?

Its not the losing work I object to, though that certain sucks too, if it can be avoided. I\'m really not sure how much old stuff will be touched; and starting from scratch is going to turn off a lot of current players.

  VincentMcConnell said:

I feel like all he did was express his opinion and his inner feelings. Doing so is perfectly consistent with what we believe are the rights of every man and woman. Why do you get so upset just because he called a few people an ass? I\'m one of the people his post was directed towards and it doesn\'t bother me at all. It\'s his opinion, he should be allowed to express it.

[mod]It can be done without the anger, flaming, accusatory tone, and the name calling. Having an opinion, even a valid one, does not give a person permission to break the rules. [/mod]

(edit: wow, that post got messed up. my bad :P)

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Starman, as was stated earlier by another mod. it is suggested you re-think your attitude and behavior, you\'re on a thin line.

Were your feelings so hurt you felt you had to jump in there and issue a double-extra warning? Have some respect for what it means to be a mod, or no one will have any respect for you.

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It\'ll be interesting to see how this update affects parts and such... but it sure sucks that because of this, I *may* have to actually go in and redesign all my ships :/

Also, Amoral... I suggest you don\'t argue with the mods. They have every right to be pulling others into line... and you\'re just making it worse... hell, so am I, probably.

I wonder if KSP will be able to handle NovaPunch and such after they rescale it... we\'ll see...

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