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Make the "Get Mods" button redirect you to the Addon Releases subforum.


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First of all, this isn't about "which hosting site is better/should be used". Please don't discuss that here.

Now, the "Get Mods" button on both the KSP Forums and in-game menu redirect you to Curseforge.

However, many mods are hosted in other websites instead of that one, and if the player is new he might miss out on a lot of stuff because of these mods not being hosted there.

So what I suggest is, instead of having the "Get Mods" buttons redirect you to Curseforge, make it so it redirects you to the "Add-on Releases" subforums."

That would avoid such new players missing out so many mods. The mod featured in the last Modding Monday, for instance, was only hosted in GitHub. If a new player only saw the Curseforge site, he'd miss out on it.

I think it would also encourage these players to register on the forums. I, for instance, played for a meaningful time without knowing about the forums.

But yeah, that's basically it. I don't think it would be hard to do, the hardest part would be replacing the links.

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Searching for anything on any part of the forum is and has always been a disaster. You really want to send n00bs that have no idea what they are looking for into that maze?
If you plan to send them to a complete, clear and comprehensive list you've got my vote. But currently the forum is NOT that place.

Edited by Tex_NL
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  On 2/23/2016 at 4:42 PM, Tex_NL said:

Searching for anything on any part of the forum is and has always been a disaster. You really want to send n00bs that have no idea what they are looking for into that maze?
If you plan to send them to a complete, clear and comprehensive list you've got my vote. But currently the forum is NOT that place.


Agreed. Browsing for new mods in the add-on releases is pretty terrible. You basically have to scroll through page after page looking at mod titles that catch your eye. 

Also, there are no categories for mods on the forums,everything is jumbled together. Parts packs are next to utility mods, are next to contract mods, are next to sky boxes, etc, etc. It's pretty confusing, especially so for new players that probably don't know what mods do what. 

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I'd say it should bring you to a post, which has big buttons saying 'Curseforge', 'Add-on Releases Subforum', and 'Add-on Development Subforum', so people can see in-dev mods, released mods, and stuff on Curse because it is the official one. It should also have a guide on how to install mods, a simple 1-minute video ahould be enough.

Please don't reply saying Curse isn't good, I only listed it because it is what SQUAD chose and it should be in the 'Get Mods' category.

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Honestly, the mod ecosystem is way to scattered to use anything but a generic internet search engine- I use duckduckgo, click on the link that leads to these forums to check the health/activity/compatibility of a mod, then go to where the modder sends me for the d/l. You'd be surprised how entering "ksp" + anything else will get you to where you need to go pretty easily.

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I'm gonna be the guy; It should link to Spacedock. :D


In seriousness, I think it is fine linking to the Curse page. On the Add-on release page there aren't any of the functions such as categories for mods. It would be a lot harder to find mods that you are looking for among the rest that may be of no interest to you. 

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I support that just partly.

Like others said: it's hard to find the correct, updated and non-conflictable mods. Doesn't matter if it's called curse, spacedock, kerbalstuff or whatever. I think for a new player - and old ones, too - it would be easier to find the right mod via a integrated modinstaller (like CKAN or Steam's Workshop) including a conflict checker / updater for installed mods.

But i don't believe in that, because squad canceled once spaceport due too much and intensive service.


Please excuse my bad language - not a native.

Edited by Kermon
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  On 2/23/2016 at 12:43 AM, Aperture Science said:

Now, the "Get Mods" button on both the KSP Forums and in-game menu redirect you to Curseforge.


So what I suggest is, instead of having the "Get Mods" buttons redirect you to Curseforge, make it so it redirects you to the "Add-on Releases" subforums."


Seems like it's about where links point, both on the forum and in the launcher, and the suggestion is to make them point to part of the forum. No gameplay features are affected, this idea fits better in the Kerbal Network.

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We got Spacedock, Github, Curse forge, Dropbox, Google drive are all download sites that house mods. Some modders only use one, others may use two, and of course the rare unicorn that uses three or more. And before Squad had made an intelligent decision regarding yet another option, it does seem odd that the launcher button only links to a particular repository (that some could argue is awkward, but that's for a saltier thread :P), when it neither has all the mods, and for a time didn't even have the majority of them. Linking the new guys to the one place that can lead you to basically every mod that ever has and ever will be (the add-ons forums) seems like the best move.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe if it linked to a webpage ("KSP Mod Catalog") where modders could list their mod in the appropriate category, with links to the add-on forum thread and where to get it (optional, that'll be listed in the add-on forum thread too). I know, more work for the modders, but I think it would be worth it. And of course, someone would have to set up the page and run it...

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  On 3/15/2016 at 10:56 PM, StrandedonEarth said:

Maybe if it linked to a webpage ("KSP Mod Catalog") where modders could list their mod in the appropriate category, with links to the add-on forum thread and where to get it (optional, that'll be listed in the add-on forum thread too). I know, more work for the modders, but I think it would be worth it. And of course, someone would have to set up the page and run it...


That sounds like it could just open CKAN with categories.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Would it not be better to wait till 1.1 is out because then the COMMUNITY LIBRARY comes back... every single mod is listed in a list, colour coded for version, and links the forum post for that Mod....


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