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[1.1.2] Phoenix Industries MAV-Like Ascent Vehicle (v.2.1)


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Hey everyone! This is something I've been meaning to get done for a little while. It's a very simple, stock-alike MAV. 

Parts included are:

Command pod (using a stock IVA) with built in RCS and decoupler

Interstage including RCS, fuel, a power generator, and four 0.625m mounts for engines

Main fuel tank with six 1.25m engine mounts and a spare 1.25m node for attaching to the base.

Landing base, with a built in hatch for ground access, an ISRU module that uses the Community Resource Pack to turn Carbon Dioxide into fuel, and four 1.25m engine mounts for powered landing.

If you assemble a craft yourself, make sure the decoupler you use between the base and the main tank has fuel cross feed enabled. The base also has an attach node on the bottom, meant for attaching it to 3.75m decouplers or rockets. 

Also, this is not meant to be super screen-accurate. It's just something I wanted to do for fun. For a more accurate mod, look for xxhansonmaxx's mod.

This mod is no longer packaged with the a Community Resource Pack. In order to utilize the ISRU aspect of the mod, please download the most recent version of the Community Resource Pack.



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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


Download from SpaceDock!

Edited by -ctn-
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  On 3/3/2016 at 7:14 PM, -ctn- said:



Hey everyone! This is something I've been meaning to get done for a little while. It's a very simple, stock-alike MAV.

Also, this is not meant to be super screen-accurate. It's just something I wanted to do for fun. For a more accurate mod, look for xxhansonmaxx's mod.



I'm drooling :D 

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As evidenced by some of my other works in progress, I have horrible luck with Unity and any more complicated modules. 

As such, I don't plan on making any landing legs, although I have toyed with the idea of making the "third stage" wire cage that supports the ISRU, descent engines, and landing legs. 

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  On 3/3/2016 at 8:26 PM, -ctn- said:

As evidenced by some of my other works in progress, I have horrible luck with Unity and any more complicated modules. 

As such, I don't plan on making any landing legs, although I have toyed with the idea of making the "third stage" wire cage that supports the ISRU, descent engines, and landing legs. 


well ok but don't give up i say :D i think it would look way better but then again the decision is yours :)

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I'm not disputing how cool it would be, but I have a lot of projects and I don't want to overwhelm myself with them. 

I'll try to fiddle with a third stage this weekend or next week and see if I can come up with something that looks nice and works well. 

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Would it not be possible to use the standard resource converter module and make one of the inputs be Intake Atmosphere. That way it'll work on any planet with atmo. Then you just need an intake either built in or attached to the ship to get the resource, no mining required. It wouldn't be limited to any single planet though.

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FYI......the Ascent module seems pretty picky about accepting engines. The stock engines attached fine as do the ones from the Cyro Engine mod. However, the SpaceY engines won't attach.

The symmetry also seems to be slightly off. Having trouble getting landing legs to line up properly, but still working on it.

And out of curiosity, is there a decoupler for the bottom of the Ascent module or what is the thought for attaching it to the top of a rocket? 


Great mod so far!!!

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Are you talking about the symmetry on the main stage? I haven't noticed issues with it. 

I don't typically add support for other mods with my own, so if another mod's engines don't attach properly... Sorry! I'm not sure what the problem would be. 

There are no built-in decouplers. Both stages have a bottom-stack node. The one on the main stage can be used for a decoupler or separator (surrounded by the six engines) and then some of the stock adapters can be used to turn it into a 3.75m rocket. I'm at work right now, but I'll make an example craft later and show it. 

And intakeAtm isn't a stock resource, either. I can add that as a resource, I think, through a config file - but I'm not too keen on mods that add resources and add a ton of new things to keep track of. Maybe I'll try that too, and see how it goes. 

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I'll see if I can add "intakeAtm" as a resource and see if I can get it working quickly. 


Edit: Alright, I am going to model the third "landing" stage. It will attach to the bottom of the main stage, and with the use of a decoupler will work like the movie. It will adapt the bottom of the MAV to a circular 3.75 for stacking on big rockets. I'll also hopefully get it to be the ISRU to pump fuel into the MAV.

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Yeah, I was going to download this, but...

Well, -ctn-, I hope that you accept the following as constructive criticism, because criticism it is indeed:  You're not making your stuff properly symmetrical.  I don't know anything about modeling things for games, but you need to learn how to generate radial symmetry when you create an object in the computer. You don't just create a cylinder or a cone and then start bolting stuff onto the outside one at a time.  Anything that is placed on or within the object MUST be copied or rotated or mirrored around the central axis during the creation process.  On your Tundra pods, the model itself is not visually or physically symmetrical, which means that the engines' common center of thrust doesn't point through the center of mass, which means that you get torque under thrust, and if one fixes that by adding weights, then the RCS system can't be balanced properly.  I'm also seeing visual symmetry problems in the pictures of this mod, and I can only assume (backed up by some comments by others posted above) that one would have the same problem with thrust offsets, etc.

I know, you say that you've looked at the Tundra pods, and up above here you say you 'don't see a problem' with this mod, but... dude, there's a problem.  Please learn how to create radial and-or axial symmetry, again, both visual AND physical, so that these (admittedly virtual) spacecraft are built properly and, therefore, WORK properly.

In conclusion, I like the CONCEPT of most of the items you've created for KSP, but I don't find them usable due to the issues I mention above.  Also, remember that I intend this as CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, I certainly am not trying to make anyone feel bad or to level insults at anyone.  And, there's no need for anyone to say something like "well, if you think you can do better, YOU should step up and create a mod yourself, etc. yadda yadda".  I KNOW that I can't do better, I couldn't even come close to doing anything as complicated as modeling a three-dimensional object in a computer, and then doing all the other arcane and esoteric things that I've seen folks talking about here on the forums, all the things that need to be done to actually get something working in the game.  My brain isn't wired for that.  I can put a bar of metal into a CNC lathe and program it to make just about anything that the lathe can make, but creating VIRTUAL objects in a 3D modeling program is a whole 'nother deal, brother!  :D But, just because I know that I can't do something, doesn't mean that I can't point it out when I see that something is wrong with how it's made.  :)

Anyway, I've said my piece.  FWIW.

Later, all!  :cool:

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Okay, well first - I do appreciate any criticism and comments! They help create a better "thing" for everyone involved. That being said, a few things:

  On 3/4/2016 at 2:11 AM, Neutrinovore said:

You don't just create a cylinder or a cone and then start bolting stuff onto the outside one at a time


I resent this statement, because I spend a great deal of time on these mods - this past week in particular, every hour I am not sleeping or at work, I am trying to get all my half-finished projects done and released. 


  On 3/4/2016 at 2:11 AM, Neutrinovore said:

 On your Tundra pods,


This whole statement is not relevant to me - I am not the author of the Tundra mod. Sorry. If you're talking about my CRS mod and mis-typed, I have not noticed (and nobody has complained since it's release) anything wrong with the symmetry, except that a few people thought the engines should be on four axes, not two. But I presented my reference material and stated that it will be keeping the two engines, which works perfectly.

Anyway, on to this mod- Yes, it is not truly symmetrical. The six details that come off of the main shape are not "six-sided symmetry" because that's how it looked in the reference photos to me and it creates a visually interesting piece. The mod still functions, and it flies fine. I suggest you download it and try it out before hacking it apart. The only way the symmetry would be a complaint is if someone tried to radially attach things to the main stage - but if you use three-way symmetry, they look fine. 


Nevertheless, I will go back and see what I can do about tweaking the mesh to be truly six-sided symmetry - as long as it doesn't break or warp the texture too much.

In the meantime, download it and try it out - and check your sources. :)

EDIT: I should note, that the engine mounts on the underside of both pieces ARE perfectly symmetrical, so rest assured - no asymmetric thrust.


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Man, and here I was going to complain about your folder architecture and file naming conventions...:lol: only teasing.

Downloading now, looks grand. I especially like the release posters.

Responding, at random to a few comments above. Atmosphere is a resource a few mod packs use; I know Wildblue does (with their JetWing) and maybe like one other. I think it's just a substitute to check for oxygen, not sure, I can see if I can find the resource definition if you're really curious.

As for inspiration on your landing legs, if you go that route, check out Rover Dude's landing leg/cage design in his UKS pack; I'll post pictures of it in a second when I get in game, but if I'm thinkin' what you're thinkin' it might be close.

In response to the wall of text above me, well, I can't really respond to it, because I didn't read it, but I really don't need to. You do damn fine work, and I snap up every piece you make. Although, for what it's worth, I couldn't draw a circle to save my life, so maybe I'm not the best art critic, eh?^_^

I'll see about getting you that picture.


Having a hard time finding it, and KSP is being uncooperative.

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Atmosphere I know is also used by USI's Exploration Pack, and I think the Freight Transport Technologies pack.  It's for when you don't care about oxygen, but do need air of some sort, usually to push against.  (Vs. IntakeAir, which is when you do need oxygen.)  Basically, you don't care about the composition, just that there's some gas pressure around you.  ;)

If you're extracting something, you might want to look through the CRP - they may have a better choice someplace, depending on what you're extracting.  (If you care, of course...)

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Love your mods and had a play with this last night before going to bed (thank you for making me stay up!).  

For ISRU I used roverdude's karbonite radial atmo intake stacked in the middle node of the Mav. With a converter and storage it took up a lot of space but.. it worked (Slowly). A suggestion would be that whatever ISRU route (maybe allow a selection based on CRP?) you go for allow the main stage to have a small holding and possibly a converter added into it to conserve space. 

The only (small) problems I had was: A) Attaching landing legs as the surface of the MAV is slightly angled (and the way you applied symmetry meant I had to do legs in symmetry of 3 and no greater as they where off center - Which you already mentioned above anyways)  but if you do a landing frame then that problem is gone. and B) Getting kerbals in or out requires a ladder up a tallish vehicle.... but that is my problem more than yours and I could just add a airlock on the middle node depending how you go with ISRU just food for thought. 

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  On 3/4/2016 at 5:41 AM, DStaal said:

Atmosphere I know is also used by USI's Exploration Pack...  Basically, you don't care about the composition, just that there's some gas pressure around you.  ;)


That's exactly what I was thinking of doing. Good to hear, I usually have USI stuff installed anyway. I'll look into that. 

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Quickly write a RF patch, and some idea of my own(rescale it to 3.75m so that it can match most 6 man pod, add ModuleDecouple to the MAV so that theres no need to add a decoupler), dont know if you need it, but if you do, let me know and I will upload it.

Edit: I cant use symmetry mod on both of the tanks, makes it a little bit annoying to attach the engines, can you fix it?

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If I add the decoupler module to the parts, then your MechJeb/KER readouts for delta-V will not display properly. Use the stock separators if you think the decouplers are too bulky. I usually never use the decouplers.

Is it really that annoying to spend an extra 30 seconds placing the engines? I'll try to work on it.


Working on the landing base/ISRU. But there's a serious tipping problem (haha!).


EDIT: Progress! Hatch works, you'll be able to enter the craft through the bottom stage.

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