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Can we have 4 ModuleLandingGear or ModuleWheel on a single part?

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I don't think 1.1 will bring huge differences for wheels... from Unity docs and the last release of Unity 5.3 the wheel collider isn't very different from Unity 4. Real improvements are likely deep in the physics code that affect the behaviour and not have much to do with how we set up the game assets.

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Hi as it stands you can have a multitude of wheels combined in one unit, the snag as already mentioned is the steering. as in combination they all steer the same way, so ok if you want to travel diagonally but useless otherwise

If for example you wanted 8 wheels on your rover you could split it into front and rear halves, four wheels front and four wheels rear or even 4 lots of two.

Below is the hierarchy for the little yellow  truck  dual wheel units I did for LLL way back when, and the cfg for the same based on very simple but effective suspension, much like the tr2l set up


	name = ModuleWheel
	hasMotor = true
	resourceName = ElectricCharge
	resourceConsumptionRate = 0.7
	canSteer = true
	controlAxisType = Forward
	steeringModeType = AutomaticSteer
	brakeTorque = 100
	brakeSpeed = 2.5
	impactTolerance = 3000
	overSpeedDamage = 65

	    wheelName = wheel
	    wheelColliderName = wheelCollider
	    suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse
	    suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint
	    damagedObjectName = brokenWheel
	    rotateX = 1
	    rotateY = 0
	    rotateZ = 0
	    wheelName = wheel001
	    wheelColliderName = wheelCollider001
	    suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse001
	    suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint001
	    damagedObjectName = brokenWheel001
	    rotateX = 1
	    rotateY = 0
	    rotateZ = 0
   	 key = 0 20
	 key = 10 6
  	 key = 30 2

	  key = 0 10 0 0 
	  key = 30 30 0 0
	  key = 40 0 0 0


	name = FXModuleConstrainPosition
	matchRotation = true
	matchPosition = false
		targetName = steering
		moversName = trackSteering


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"so ok if you want to travel diagonally but useless otherwise"

But wait! this makes it useful for Mecanum wheels!  used with infernal robotics could make a agile utility rover for crowded land bases.


Edited by nli2work
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On 11.03.2016 at 5:37 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi as it stands you can have a multitude of wheels combined in one unit, the snag as already mentioned is the steering. as in combination they all steer the same way, so ok if you want to travel diagonally but useless otherwise

If for example you wanted 8 wheels on your rover you could split it into front and rear halves, four wheels front and four wheels rear or even 4 lots of two.

Below is the hierarchy for the little yellow  truck  dual wheel units I did for LLL way back when, and the cfg for the same based on very simple but effective suspension, much like the tr2l set up


	name = ModuleWheel
	hasMotor = true
	resourceName = ElectricCharge
	resourceConsumptionRate = 0.7
	canSteer = true
	controlAxisType = Forward
	steeringModeType = AutomaticSteer
	brakeTorque = 100
	brakeSpeed = 2.5
	impactTolerance = 3000
	overSpeedDamage = 65

	    wheelName = wheel
	    wheelColliderName = wheelCollider
	    suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse
	    suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint
	    damagedObjectName = brokenWheel
	    rotateX = 1
	    rotateY = 0
	    rotateZ = 0
	    wheelName = wheel001
	    wheelColliderName = wheelCollider001
	    suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse001
	    suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint001
	    damagedObjectName = brokenWheel001
	    rotateX = 1
	    rotateY = 0
	    rotateZ = 0
   	 key = 0 20
	 key = 10 6
  	 key = 30 2

	  key = 0 10 0 0 
	  key = 30 30 0 0
	  key = 40 0 0 0


	name = FXModuleConstrainPosition
	matchRotation = true
	matchPosition = false
		targetName = steering
		moversName = trackSteering


All that time... IT WAS POSSIBLE??? :confused:

What a pity I don't have working PartTools to test that tonight...

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