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Optimal SSTO Ascents

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So I haven't built an SSTO since .90, and I'm having a little trouble getting a design that works. I have a craft which probably has enough kick to make it to space, but I haven't been able to keep it from burning up during the ascent. What sort of path should I follow that avoids this?

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I try for about a 20 degree ascent thru the lower atmosphere, and more importantly, keep the speed under 300 m/s or so until I'm at least 5000m or more. Once I hit about 10,000m I'll gun the throttle. I find going too fast in the lower atmosphere leads to bad things.

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I like to climb to around 15 or even 18 km and then flatten right out, barely climbing, while I build speed.  I get the craft going as fast as it can handle {without exploding} before the Rapiers lose thrust in air-breathing mode and I switch to rockets.

Depending on the design of the ship, the heat tolerance can vary a lot.  I like the heat panel KER has.  Good to know exactly where you are with heating while trying to push the limits.

Happy landings!

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Actually my rocket SSTOs circularize as low as they can without burning up about 35km

My Plane SSTOs have a shielded docking port on the nose hit 1600 m/s on air at 23km and circularize at 31-32km

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I find that a SSTO with low twr can begin their speed run alot lower than higher twr SSTOs, even beginning right after takeoff and maintaining a 15-10 degree AoA.  Higher twr vehicles need to start their speed run alot later so they don't burn up in the lower atmosphere going 500m/s(which has happened too many times to me).  I would advise you to expirement with ascents in the same plane since all SSTOs are different and I usually spend a few hours trying several ascents, tweaking and then trying the ascents again.

I agree with just Jim, KERs heat panel is a lifesaver on SSTO ascent and their descents as well.

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