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Squadcast Summary (2016/03/18) - A German, a Mexican, and a Netherlander walk into a bar


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This week's squadcast (last week's was cancelled) saw Kasper, DrTurkey & Porkjet explore national stereotypes whilst sending a crewed mission to Duna. Before I risk a forum wide flame war divided along national boundaries, let me confirm that this was the good natured poking of national stereotypes among friends and no reason to take offence. We find in the end that despite a Germanic predilection for perfection, the Mexican work ethic, and flat out Dutch weirdness, three nations can successfully put little green men on the red planet.

This squadcast is not the source of hype fuel you may have been looking for.

The archived stream can be viewed at https://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/profile/past_broadcasts and due to an early stream crash is split in two, the first part being ~5 minutes long, the second a more meaty ~45 minutes. As ever, this is just one person's interpretation of the stream and should not be taken as authoritative or even particularly accurate.


Stream One

1m Joe/Dr Turkey is on via phone, in a car (as passenger) on way to super secret meeting

2m Porkjet is feeling perfect - DrTurkey: "when a german says he's perfect you've got to start feeling alarmed"

3m Confirmation we're playing v1.0.5, today we're going to Duna, large 3.5m rocket on launchpad

4m stream dies


Stream Two

2m Chris/Porkjet has been working on the IVA masks that DasValdez revealed earlier to better get existing IVA assets working in 3D

3m Porkjet's german accent sees him encouraged to make a passable Terminator impression. His protestations that Germany & Austria are actually two different countries fall on deaf ears.

4m Fillipe/Harvester is working hard on wheels, some collider issues are persistent. Looks like pre-release shouldn't "be too long".

6m scrappy transfer to Duna arranged

7m Chris confirms working on refreshing all rocket part appearance whilst maintaining unique manufacturer design cues.

8m Duna mission is reverted as it transpires the crew are still back at base

9m Duna mission lander is 4 mk1 lander cans stapled together, a lot of drogues & full chutes, twitch radial engines.

10m NathanKell joins the chat stream

12m Kasper has been talking to NASA this week, nothing ready to be publicly revealed. Won't be about something in game though will be cool. Kerbal plushie freefall indicator is mooted in chat.

14m Relaunched Duna mission sees a shallow launch angle come very close to overheating the payload fairing

18m DrTurkey is on way to pick up his car after repair. Car doors are surprisingly expensive. Kasper sympathises, noting motorbike fairings similarly run into hundreds of euros for little bits of plastic - and they don't even have doors. Compulsory third party insurance, common across Europe, is evidence of "european weirdness". International relations take a hit as national stereotypes are played out in full: "is a mexican really going to lecture me about hard work?". During the motorbike fairing conversation, Porket disappointingly fails to demand "your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle".

21m confirmation the earlier teased "secret meeting" is DrTurkey picking up the TurkeyMobile after repairs necessitated by an earlier car crash.

25m chat about the benefits of "mundane" games, eurotruck simulator / farming simulator get a nod

27m Mission is captured around, and de-orbits Duna. Kasper briefly believes he's been hit by a bug as he's unable to retract solar panels before being informed that he's selected the lighter non-retractable solar panels for his mission rather than the retractable shielded variant. Quickly he reserves a couple of batteries to ensure some spare juice.

28m pre-release date is "still not here yet", some bugs they want to get nailed, sounds like "little less than a dozen" are serious enough that they'd be repeatedly reported.

29m nathankell & fillipe have been working on a couple of really annoying persistent bugs that evolve and seem possessed by cunning intelligence.

30m drogues deploy

31m landed on duna in one piece (sans solar panels). DrTurkey, as he's on the phone and can't see the stream, can't believe the successful landing (trust a european?!) and requests confirmation Porkjet (also european) that the landing hasn't been faked.

32m nod to exomars mission - europeans can do space!

35m confirmation that fairing lift bug is fixed (this was confirmed in the last squadcast too)

36m the only publicly available screenshots so far are the IVA ones DasValdez revealed a while back

37m rocket refresh visuals are confirmed for 1.2. Porkjet seemed very enthusiastic in his confirmation of this point, once he'd worked out his mute button.

37m comms network rework is slated for 1.2 (seemed, perhaps, a little less confident on this point)

38m Porkjet: "I don't think so" when asked if there were any new parts in 1.1 besides the already revealed inflatable heatshield and new landing wheels

39m plan is for console to have parity with PC moving forward whilst noting the certification process will likely add some lag to the console releases

40m no Kerbal Engineer Redux style deltav readouts in 1.1. "Is there any DV readout in 1.1?" asks Kasper of Porkjet DrTurkey? "Don't know, think later" - sounds like there are serious plans to get a dv readout of some sort in stock and relatively soon.

41m Porkjet clarifies the 1.1 new parts note (38 minutes) by noting some of the asteroid day stock mod parts are in 1.1 (but not the core asteroid scanning functionality)

43m fin


Finally, a quick note about dates. I use Y/M/D format for squadcast summary dates. Largely because that's what 5thHorseman always used, secondly because I'm an IT bod by nature and that format makes most sense in code (the largest number is always the later date), thirdly because I'm a european, and hence weird, and finally because the american habit of M/D/Y confuses the hell out of the rest of the world who use D/M/Y (apart from China, Japan, a few others). Americans are weird. Anyway, Y/M/D seems least prone to international confusion, and as this squadcast has amply demonstrated, we're all about international cooperation in KSP. Even if all those other countries are weird.

Oh, and the day may or may not be out by one because Thursday in Mexico may well be Friday in Europe. Timezones: also weird.

Edited by MiniMatt
40m question was asked of DrT, not porkjet
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38 minutes ago, T-Bouw said:

Delta-V comming SoonTM :kiss:

Yeah, that bit seemed really significant, so much so that I just went back to get the full transcript (oh, and corrected my earlier assertion that the conversation was between Kasper & Porkjet, was actually Kasper & DrT):

Kasper: let's see "is 1.1 or console version going to have KER style deltav readout?". I don't think they do. Erm, KER style, at least no, because KER is of course a mod, it uses a few default unity UI elements which we don't use in 1.1, but if.... do you know this Joe? The deltav readouts are they in 1.1?
DrT: sorry guys, can you repeat?
Kasper: the deltav readouts, are they going to be in 1.1? Or is it further down the line?
DrT: errr.... oh my god I don't know.... I think they'll be in... later.... hopefully.
Kasper: yep.

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59 minutes ago, MiniMatt said:

sounds like there are serious plans to get a dv readout of some sort in stock and relatively soon.

Yeah we heard that before ;) Thanks for the summary! Always, totes appreciated.

Yes, I used the word "totes."

3 minutes ago, MiniMatt said:

Kasper: let's see "is 1.1 or console version going to have KER style deltav readout?". I don't think they do. Erm, KER style, at least no, because KER is of course a mod, it uses a few default unity UI elements which we don't use in 1.1, but if.... do you know this Joe? The deltav readouts are they in 1.1?
DrT: sorry guys, can you repeat?
Kasper: the deltav readouts, are they going to be in 1.1? Or is it further down the line?
DrT: errr.... oh my god I don't know.... I think they'll be in... later.... hopefully.
Kasper: yep.

Oooh I've been in enough "customer on the phone" office meetings to know that sound. That's the sound of "Holy $@^& you weren't supposed to talk about that."


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2 hours ago, MiniMatt said:

Finally, a quick note about dates. I use Y/M/D format for squadcast summary dates. Largely because that's what 5thHorseman always used, secondly because I'm an IT bod by nature and that format makes most sense in code (the largest number is always the later date), thirdly because I'm a european, and hence weird, and finally because the american habit of M/D/Y confuses the hell out of the rest of the world who use D/M/Y (apart from China, Japan, a few others). Americans are weird. Anyway, Y/M/D seems least prone to international confusion, and as this squadcast has amply demonstrated, we're all about international cooperation in KSP. Even if all those other countries are weird.



Yeah, it's the least confusing to use YYYY-MM-DD. I always use dashes instead of slashes, because ISO-8601, but slashes work just as well.

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49 minutes ago, Temeter said:

So prerelease this weekend if I understand correctly.




im sorry :3

No! It's still:


And because we where so rudely cut off in the other tread by Kasper ;)

1. I too was talking about the aesthetic design when stating the 747 as being better then the A380s

2. Orcas are indeed whales and are called swordwhale in germany. ("Again what learned", as a famous german soccer player would state)



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dont tell em :>

4 minutes ago, Navy2k said:

1. I too was talking about the aesthetic design when stating the 747 as being better then the A380s

2. Orcas are indeed whales and are called swordwhale in germany. ("Again what learned", as a famous german soccer player would state)



1. Well, I find both ugly. :P

Only saving grace to me are the A380s wings.

2. Actually, we call them Schwertwal! :P

Idk, ich nenn die Dinger für gewöhnlich trotzdem Orca. Ist ein eingängiger Name.

Edited by Temeter
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1 minute ago, 5thHorseman said:

I have no idea what any of you are saying. The only thing I know how to say in German is "I am a doughnut."

Lets hear it!


7 minutes ago, Temeter said:

Ist allerdings ein cooler name. Scheint allerdings genau das gleiche wie mit Haien zu sein, nicht so böse wie der Name impliziert.

It was given to them by whalehunters because of their hunting methods. (Damit die Angelsachsen auch wieder mitlesen können ;) )

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2 hours ago, MiniMatt said:

27m Mission is captured around, and de-orbits Duna.

RIP Duna ;.;


Sounds like an entertaining Squadcast. Since 1.1 is mostly an engine update, I'm excited for all the content 1.2 appears it will have.

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"I am a doughnut." or "Ich bin ein Berliner" does not work in Berlin, because im Berlin we say to a "Berliner" -> "Pfannkuchen" ;) 

And for more confusion, the "Pfannkuchen" is in the rest of germany a pancake and in Berlin we call it "Eierkuchen" 

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9 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

Oh, but that would be a doughboy i guess, because "berliner" or "krapfen" in bavaria don't have a hole in the middle but instead are filles with marmalade. (Guess it showes that I'm german, correcting you =) )

17 minutes ago, katateochi said:

curious, the only thing I know how to say in German is "I am a small potato" 

Who in the hell would teach you something so useless and why would you remember it XD

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3 hours ago, MiniMatt said:

Finally, a quick note about dates. I use Y/M/D format for squadcast summary dates. Largely because that's what 5thHorseman always used, secondly because I'm an IT bod by nature and that format makes most sense in code (the largest number is always the later date), thirdly because I'm a european, and hence weird, and finally because the american habit of M/D/Y confuses the hell out of the rest of the world who use D/M/Y (apart from China, Japan, a few others). Americans are weird. Anyway, Y/M/D seems least prone to international confusion, and as this squadcast has amply demonstrated, we're all about international cooperation in KSP. Even if all those other countries are weird.

As a fun little side note from another Tech person. I work in COBOL which is a horrible old wordy language. But there is one clever trick for converting stored dates of format YYYYMMDD into american display dates of MMDDYYYY and that is to multiply it by 10000.00001. Since COBOL uses fixed length numbers for math and the date is 8 digits long the multiply by 10000 gives you a number formatted MMDD0000 and the multiply by .00001 gives you 0000YYYY and when you add them you get MMDDYYYY. So one multiply statement flips it around for you. Couldn't do that to get to DDMMYYYY so obviously MMDDYYYY is superior....

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6 minutes ago, Mijna said:

As a fun little side note from another Tech person. I work in COBOL

So your workplace depends on the cheapness of banks and weather they want to spend a few bucks to switch over to a proper programming language. Congratulations, you have the savest job of us all! =)

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42 minutes ago, Lordherrmann said:

Wait guys, I thought we call Orcas Killerwal and Narwhals Schwertwal. Kann ich so wrong sein?

Yes you can!

It's named after the back fin that looks like a sword.


2 minutes ago, Glaran K'erman said:

Not only did I get a very nice summary, but I also learned JFK referred to himself as a jelly-filled pastry :)

In an original German "Berliner" there is jam instead of jelly.


And why do I feel the cold breath of Kasper in my neck?

Edited by Navy2k
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