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Everything posted by tomkpunkt

  1. Just take a look at these gorgeous icons; they're crisp, sharp, and aesthetically pleasing. The UI looks also pretty.
  2. Every pixel truly matters, especially in games that utilize retro graphics or pixel art. There are numerous games out there with pixel-based aesthetics that execute it brilliantly. It's a testament to how attention to detail can elevate the entire gaming experience. It's disappointing when a game doesn't live up to that standard.
  3. I wasn't referring to the overall design of the UI – the colorful, retro LCD look is fine. However, the way it's rendered leaves much to be desired. It's as if the icons are the wrong size. For instance, in "APP.BAR", the two 'P's look different from each other. The circles for RCS and SAS have sections that are 1px wide and some that are 2px wide. The action icons for Solar and Wheels are misaligned, and the same goes for the Lamp icon. It's just sloppy work.
  4. Hi, I decided to give KSP2 another shot with the recent 0.1.5 patch, but it let me down once again. I just can't wrap my head around why the developers would approve such a user interface. I'm playing at 1440p and all I see are issues. For instance, the edges of boxes are inconsistent, the fonts switch between 1px and 2px in width without any pattern, the action buttons are misaligned, and the icons for orbit (sun), sea level, and delta V are all off. The dithering areas are uneven, and the list goes on. It's frustrating. I think 0.2.x should adress this.
  5. Hello, i unfortunately have not found a quick answer. Maybe someone can help. I use ckan to install and update mods, but when I start the game there are a few mods that do not have the latest version (from GIT). Do I have to update these mods manually or can I add the github repository?
  6. Cant dock a Construction Port to a Docking Port... is this intentionally or a bug?
  7. Hi, i think 1.4 is broken, the game cant find snackscontainer anymore ;(
  8. Only information to check my biome list, in the title: [body] [biome], the text body is empty.
  9. I own 2 copys of KSP, one from the website and one on steam. Thats about 50$ i pay for the game... one of the best games i played for a long time. With 1000+ hours of playtime is KSP one of the cheapest games in my library. But that makes me stomach pains. And i thought about the future of the game. So I have a topic to discuss: What if the market is saturated earlier, than the game is feature complete. Squad could run out of money. How can Squad monetize the game. DLC or KSP2?
  10. experimentals Exp Testing branch 1047288 about a minute ago they are working
  11. Wait and watch : https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=steamdb-announce ... *hype*
  12. You forgott to calculate the price per ton of cargo.
  13. "I am a doughnut." or "Ich bin ein Berliner" does not work in Berlin, because im Berlin we say to a "Berliner" -> "Pfannkuchen" And for more confusion, the "Pfannkuchen" is in the rest of germany a pancake and in Berlin we call it "Eierkuchen"
  14. Kerbal Engineer Redux TweakScale KW Rocketry + Fixes KIS+KAS ScanSat Kerbal Alarm Clock MechJeb Kerbal Joint Reinforcement KW Rocketry Docking Port Alignment Indicator
  15. My Kerbals fly for Kerbin Space Agency, little bit inspired by ESA
  16. At the moment i planning to buy a PC too, not exclusive for KSP 1.1 Intel Core i5-6600K OC @ 4.4GHz with Corsair H100i GTX Watercooling ASUS Z170 Pro Gaming NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 4GB maybe i wait for the next generation GTX 1070 16GB Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4-2666 250GB Samsung 850 EVO
  17. I want share an other PRO-hint... Utilize Dropbox to create an automatic backup and revision system for save games, craft files and mods. The reason is, KSP overwrites the persistent.sfs file with each change in the KSP solar system and sometimes you forgot to make a quicksave. 1. go to your dropbox folder and create a new folder for KSP save files -> e.g. "KSPSAVE" 2. go to your KSP installation folder -> e.g. "C:\xxxxxxxxx\KSP" 3. rename the save folder -> "C:\xxxxxxxxx\KSP\saves" to "C:\xxxxxxxxx\KSP\saves_backup" 4. start the console in windows with admin permissions 5. go to the KSP folder -> "C:\xxxxxxxxx\KSP" 6. create a symbolic link -> type mklink /d "saves" C:\xxxxxxxxx\Dropbox\KSPSAVE Now you have a saves folder in your KSP directory, which is linked to the dropbox folder. Copy the backup save into the save folder. If you now play the game, dropbox will make a revision step for each change in the persistent.sfs or quicksave.sfs file. If you messed up you game, quit the game, right click the persistent.sfs select earlier versions and you will directed to your dropbox revision page. Select the version you like and click restore. Maybe this helps someone
  18. I reached the Point in my current career progress, where i can build nice space stations. So I build one First images shows the Station with a ORE-Extractor attached. (244 parts, 77.5t, awful low FPS ) Second image shows my attempt catching that fuel-less ORE-Extractor and maneuver it to a docking port. EDIT: Adding 2 new Images, station shows ORE-Refinery, two living modules, a LAB also docked: - two crew transfer modules (Orion style) - a cargo transfer module - an ORE-Extractor - two Space TUG to transfer the ORE-Extractor to Mun and Minmus or rearrange the station - a Space HOOK (324 parts, 107.2t) Rearange the Modules
  19. this was easy to spot ^^, the older images has parts of "Spherical and Toroidal Tank Pack" and the greenhouse from a lifesupport mod.
  20. Das ist eine berechtigte Frage... ich habs wohl einfach nie probiert Hauptsächlich Kerbin-System rumgespielt, Raumstationen, Karriere usw...
  21. Nach der "Bigger is Better" Phase, versuch ich möglichst realistisch und schlank zu bauen, hier mein Rover für Eve, das erste mal nach Eve überhaupt (und das nach 2 Jahren KSP). Der Aufbau ist dem vom realen Mars Science Laboratory so ähnlich wie möglich in KSP nachempfunden. Verwendete Mods: KW-Rocketry, TweakSkale, Protractor, Procedural Fairings + Visuals Kommentare/Anmerkungen sind Willkommen.
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