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PS4 Release????(July 12)


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Just now, LameLefty said:

Hasn't stopped Bethesda from supporting Fallout 4 mods on console. Their system works fantastically on the 'Bone. Guess PS4 folks wouldn't know that yet through ...

I have heard from folks who have spoken to the devs and they say it wont happen. I would be very surprised indeed if they do.

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The devs have shifted course many times over the life of KSP, even with things they've announced publically. 

But the fact remains that Bethesda has shown that community developed mods CAN be implemented well on a console version of a very complicated and demanding modern physics-based game. So "memory concerns and performance issues" is just a long-winded way of saying "don't want to do it."

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Just now, LameLefty said:

The devs have shifted course many times over the life of KSP, even with things they've announced publically. 

But the fact remains that Bethesda has shown that community developed mods CAN be implemented well on a console version of a very complicated and demanding modern physics-based game. So "memory concerns and performance issues" is just a long-winded way of saying "don't want to do it."

I think it is due to the way KSP handles system RAM. We all know what a hog it is.

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Memory and performance concerns are not really relevant. It only has to be clearly communicated that mods can have a negative impact on performance, and that users basically loose support unless they uninstall all mods again.

Especially memory usage is a non-issue, given that until recently the majority of players was stuck with a 32bit version of KSP.

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I really don't understand the hate towards console editions. Development will continue as long as Squad makes money. Succesful console releases aid in that. Why so many people seem to hope for console failure is beyond my ability to understand.

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Just now, Kerbart said:

I really don't understand the hate towards console editions. Development will continue as long as Squad makes money. Succesful console releases aid in that. Why so many people seem to hope for console failure is beyond my ability to understand.

Who has said they want it to fail?

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1 hour ago, Majorjim said:

Who has said they want it to fail?

Yeah, I hadn't heard any want for it to fail either, I think we're just concerned that it WILL fail, that at some point someone will try to build something bigger than a Mun mission and complain when FPS goes to nothing

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9 hours ago, LameLefty said:

But the fact remains that Bethesda has shown that community developed mods CAN be implemented well on a console version of a very complicated and demanding modern physics-based game.

In the form of scripts and data, not in the form of compiled code.

So KSP mods that doesn't need compiled code could be usable on consoles.

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13 hours ago, Curveball Anders said:

In the form of scripts and data, not in the form of compiled code.

So KSP mods that doesn't need compiled code could be usable on consoles.

You clearly don't know what you're talking about. There are mods on Bethesda.net and playable on the XBox One that add a lore more than "scripts and data" to the game.

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1 hour ago, polimerjones said:

Hey guys. Just wanted to let those know who are waiting for console release of KSP that it will be tomorrow for PS4!. The other lame consoles ;-) will come a few days later. Woot Woot!

What is your source on that?  I saw the announcement saying it was coming this month, and that was for XBox too.

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12 minutes ago, MrDave said:

There was a tweet earlier today that the Xbox One version releases this Friday. 


Ah, yes.  I forgot Twitter is Squad's official news source :rolleyes:  Well despite the other "lame" consoles being later, all eyes are on Nintendo at the moment and it won't matter if people can't pull themselves away from Pokemon Go long enough to pick up a PS4 gamepad ROFL.

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On July 9, 2016 at 10:36 AM, Kerbart said:

I really don't understand the hate towards console editions. Development will continue as long as Squad makes money. Succesful console releases aid in that. Why so many people seem to hope for console failure is beyond my ability to understand.

I think it is the idea of stereotypical console owners invading the forum, i.e.  PC master racism.

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Yeah. People are a bit worried about the "stereotypical" console players, as well as the fact that many "stereotypical" console payers would find some bugs that they would consider "unacceptable" and that they would wreck the game's reputation. Perople are also worried about the controllability of the game, the lack of mods, and the steep learning wall that KSP has.

However, even if the console release does fail, worst case scenario is that Squad will not have enough money to continue developing KSP and then about 50,000 people (1/3 of the forum) will buy another copy of KSP to finance future development. That adds up to 2 million dollars, which should be enough to continue development. If the worst case scenario is worse, and Squad has to shut down and nobody finances them, then they will probably release the source code then.

That being said, the best case scenario is that the majority of console players will experience few-to-none bugs and will spread the world and KSP becomes a world wide phenomenon netting hundreds of millions of dollars.

What I think will happen is that the console release will come out, and it will do allright. Squad will at least break even, and the KSP playerbase will grow by a bit. Half of the players will like the game and learn rocket science, and the other half will be "stereotypical" console players and run into bugs and not like the game anyway. So, nothing changes. Half say the game is good, half say bad, it cancels out. Life continues.

The above is strictly my opinion. Somehow, it will work out. Even if the console release fails, it has too big of a serious playerbase for the PC version to fail.

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40 minutes ago, Robotengineer said:

I think it is the idea of stereotypical console owners invading the forum, i.e.  PC master racism.

Nah, no worries.

Everyone in the PC master race know that console users can't use a keyboard, so they can't invade a text based media :wink:


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@Ultimate Steve I have no doubt they will break even, largely because I don't think the porting costs that much relatively speaking.  It's already in Unity and that is already cross compatible, so there was probably only a little polish for the controls and such in the first place (keep in mind I am not trying to downplay Flying Tiger here, I'm sure they have their hands full). Their required sales to break even will probably be fulfilled pretty quickly, if anything by those willing to give it a try on the first day.  That doesn't mean we still don't want it to do better, even those who will never buy a console version should be concerned with its success on consoles as the increased funding can serve to both increase funding for the development of this game as well as future projects from Squad.  Since it's a common code set between the platforms, nearly anything they add to consoles comes to PC and that is very good for us if it has a huge succeeds on the console.

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This is great, a new subset of the gaming community who will now be able to complain about why the physics in Gravity is sketchy. This enriches society as a whole.   :wink:

Seriously though, the generalizing about how console gamers are going to behave is a little annoying. Its not like the PC gaming community as it is are saints. 

For instance, console gamers won't put up with bugs argument.... I mean really? Have you read the forums now? We already have the Horsemen of the Bugopolyse in residence. Just look up any of the "I've had enough, I'm leaving posts."

Or what about, console players will just like it for the 'splosions... um, we already have them too.

So, chill out people. Console players are not all impatient manchildren. Most of them are just like you.  


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@Tourist  I live in both worlds, I'm not saying PC users are saints, but they do put up with more in the hopes of patches in my experience in various PC and console communities.  I said this earlier, but only the latest few generations of consoles had the ability to digitally offer patches (PC games have been doing that since the NES was the top console).  Even the ones that can patch haven't done it effectively until this generation (maybe the last gen too).  For this reason they are less accustomed to getting them and they expect it to be perfect out of the gate and it if isn't they kinda figure it won't ever be.  That is a generalization but we are talking about statistics, the masses are generally what affects the bottom line, not the few.  That's not to say PC users don't get upset at bugs, but it gets fixed and things settle down over it and before you know people forget and go on playing the game.  It's less likely that console players (in general, not all of them) will return to a game once they have deemed it a failure.  It's not impossible, this is a prediction based on experience, I can't see the future and it's just a curious discussion topic.  I don't think anyone is freaking out over it.

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@Alshain here's the thing. And maybe I don't hang around in the right/wrong places online. But I haven't seen much difference in the behavior of console gamers vs PC gamers that suggests the latter a endowed with greater patience or tolerance than their console brethren. Was the reaction to truly "broken" games like Assassins Creed Unity that different between the communities? Not that I can remember, although I'm happy to be proven wrong. Ultimately those that like a broken game or see its potential will persevere and wait, those which are ambivalent and don't see the potential, will not. I'm sure this is true of KSP. The forum reflects those who have stuck in there, but I have no doubt the game has lost a lot of people along the way, and a lot of people who have not even tried it because of the negative reactions of peope who have bounced off it.

My other thought is that I don't think there are as many PC or console players who are exclusive as people think. Again, no stats, merely my own experience. I'd be surprised if a significant portion of the KSP community (by this I don't mean the community on the forum per see, but the entire regular KSP playing community) play both. So making assumptions that console players will behave differently is a bit ridiculous because they are us. 

Edited by Tourist
horrible grammer, slightly improved.
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