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The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread

Phenom Anon X

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On ‎27‎/‎09‎/‎2015 at 10:29 PM, Dman979 said:

When the first humans on Mars were inspired to become astronauts by KSP.

People have been to Mars!!! I must have been playing too much KSP to notice.

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Might have already been posted but, when watching Star Trek and they say "Go into orbit helm." You think Turn Retrograde burn at Perigee.:cool:


Oh just thought of this one. When in the car on a long drive you hit the timewarp keys. Happened to me a few times.

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When you spend two hours planning a KSP mission on paper, math and all...because you're waiting for your 30 ton spaceship equipped with 1 nuke to complete it's hohmann transfer burn so that it'll intercept with Jool in 8 years.  Also, when you keep a timetable of all your missions so that you can run 5-6 at once.

Edited by Atlanticrash
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... when you find your "QWEASD" key by memory on the pc keyboard, just because their letters are totally worn out and disappeared long ago...


(and you laugh at your brother going mad, because "how you can type so fast in a keyboard without letters on it???")

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1 hour ago, cubinator said:

I'm considering getting up at 4 AM on Wednesday to see the double eclipse of Tylo and Ganymede on Jool, but it's almost certainly not happening as I have a long day on Tuesday and I'll be pretty tired.

When you see this post and take a second to remember that Tylo isn't real...

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7 minutes ago, RRFroste said:

When you see this post and take a second to remember that Tylo isn't real...

Or Jool...


When KerbalStuff is shutdown and you Spam the forums in sadness... :confused:

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6 hours ago, Andem said:
7 hours ago, cubinator said:

I'm considering getting up at 4 AM on Wednesday to see the double eclipse of Tylo and Ganymede on Jool, but it's almost certainly not happening as I have a long day on Tuesday and I'll be pretty tired.


6 hours ago, RRFroste said:

When you see this post and take a second to remember that Tylo isn't real...


6 hours ago, Andem said:

Or Jool...

Wait what? Jool and Tylo are real, it's Ganymede that doesn't belong... :confused:


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