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The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread

Phenom Anon X

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One night, during the point where I was still learning about how to work with orbital mechanics, I stayed up late playing KSP.

The next morning I was woken up because family members wanted my chauffeur services. For a few moments I was just babbling about how there wasn't any point in burning at that point. "we gotta wait until we reach periapsis, otherwise we will just be wasting fuel!". I assume I must have had a pretty intense dream about the interstices of orbital maneuvering.

I then realized that a car is not a rocket, roads are not space, and driving on them does not have anything to do with orbital mechanics.

Edited by maccollo
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It's probably been mentioned a few times, but the kerbal-themed dreams of orbital mechanics and interplanetary travel are pretty fun.

I'm also really noticing the lack of orbital mechanics in the fiction I enjoy. It's slightly immersion breaking, but I still love those other games and films/shows.

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