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The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread

Phenom Anon X

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When you stop looking at this thread because reading takes away valuable KSP time.

That is amazing.

When you wake up and play ksp for a few minu--- is that the moon?


When you play KSP for a few minutes before be---- Is that the sun?

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So... where are those bodies from?

I grabbed maps from Sido's Urania system as well as the Alternis mod (and I've imported some from Space Engine), but the red and green planets were just me dicking around with the Boulder Co atmosphere config files - adding clouds and changing colors (some new cloud textures were imported from Space Engine as well). I'll be revisiting this at a later date, but for now I just grabbed some really cool pics. I've been having problems with that modded install, with all the experimenting that I did so I need to work on getting it stable before I can think about sharing it out.


Edited by Jolly_Roger
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You know you play too much KSP when you come up with this.


OOOOO pretty! What game/program did you make it in?

ooh! I have one!

When your friends say "Wow! You look great! are you on a diet?"

And you reply "No, i... i guess i've been playing so much ksp that i, uh, forget to eat."

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I was watching the movie san andreas and at the scene with the huge tidal wave (those who have seen the movie will know this) when the protagonist's boat was overtaking all the other boats i was "This is stupid, how can one boat with two passengers overtake other boats that have four engines and one person. It doesn't have the proper TWR and i am not sure if it has the correct amount of dV. Then it hit me, "Of course it's the protagonist's boat, physics don't apply"

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I was watching the movie san andreas and at the scene with the huge tidal wave (those who have seen the movie will know this) when the protagonist's boat was overtaking all the other boats i was "This is stupid, how can one boat with two passengers overtake other boats that have four engines and one person. It doesn't have the proper TWR and i am not sure if it has the correct amount of dV. Then it hit me, "Of course it's the protagonist's boat, physics don't apply"

Hahahahaha totally did that too!

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I was talking with a friend about the pressure inside a plane, which is about the pressure at 2'000 meters or so. Of course the first that came into my mind was "Well, 0.5 atmospheres is at about 3'000 meters, so 2'000 might be at ... oh wait .... wrong planet."

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