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The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread

Phenom Anon X

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You know you play KSP too much when:

Your half-asleep 5 year old son walks into the kitchen for a glass of water before bed, and asks if it's ok to take the cat outside tomorrow "on an EVA with the leash."

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When your wife know the real name of the game you are playing.

Skyrim is "Bashing dragon thing", Fallout is "Destroyed world with huge freaking things", Civ 5 is the "Boring game" :P etc

Mine calls CIV V "The game I must not play for it takes over my life and then I do not sleep or go to work"

Fallout is "That game it would be good to make into a film"

Skyrim is not on her radar.

KSP is "Your game" as in "Are you going to play your game?"

I used to play games, now I play a game...

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When your wife know the real name of the game you are playing.

Skyrim is "Bashing dragon thing", Fallout is "Destroyed world with huge freaking things", Civ 5 is the "Boring game" :P etc

This is my mom....

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I had a few to add but forgot them. I think one had something to do with randomly humming the different background music in the game, like the "muzak" in the VAB. :) Though it does seem to be lacking background music for launch. I'm thinking maybe Steppen Wolf...something having to do with magic carpets (I'm sure someone gets the reference :) ).

THinking about it...I THINK I did once hear some really quite background music while I had a rocket sitting on the launcher. Hmmm....

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You slept 9 hours, and dreamed about spaceplane crashes the entire time.

Last night I continually dreamt about landing/docking an extension to my Minmus base, after spending about 3-4 hours before sleeping trying to and failing (due to the docking port being the wrong height).

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When you plan your Duna colony by first building a Mun colony to test the modules, refine them then build a Minmus colony to test again, then plan a Gilly/Ike colony as a further test.

When you land within 1km of your target with a rover and feel disappointed about how imprecise it was.

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When you are at the petrol station refueling the car and thinking about which bits of the car you could remove to get more deltaV

I thought about that today as I was pulling in to refuel. "The golf clubs in my trunk are lowering my car's deltaV, I should take them out after work."

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When Kerbal vocabulary inexplicably enters everyday conversation.

"I think you need to burn retrograde a bit. An apoapsis that high can't be good for you."

"Whadaya mean you can't get here faster? Asparagus your way, then!"

And so on and so forth.

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I was playing soccer in P.E. and there were 10 seconds left so I said something like this:

T-minus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, main engine ignition, aannd LIFTOFF! We have liftoff of the something something carrying something something to explore something!


I need help.

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