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Module manager


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MM is a tool that lets modders dynamically edit ConfigNodes, which are KSPs way to store data and information in plain text. This lets us avoid conflict with several people modifying the same files, keeps us from directly permanently editing the game's files, and lets us put some conditional edits on some of the game or other mods files. You only need it if a mod bundles it with it's other files.

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Hi @googbo,

The short answer to your question is:  no, you don't need to worry about it.  ModuleManager is a mod that lots and lots of other mods depend on, but they usually just bundle ModuleManager with their own stuff.  So usually, if you install a mod that needs ModuleManager, then the mod you install will bring MM along for the ride, and you're fine.

Occasionally there will be a mod that needs ModuleManager and doesn't bundle it, but in such cases they ought to mention what to do in their installation instructions.  This tends to be more the exception than the rule, though-- mostly they just bundle it.

Aside from being needed by lots of other mods, ModuleManager can let you do some cool modding yourself with just a few lines of config files-- no coding needed!  It just requires learning ModuleManager syntax, which is documented from its forum thread.

But that's just if you want to get fancy.  You don't actually need to do that unless you want to.  :)

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